subs supersoil

I'm confrontational because you are attacking a guy who has done nothing to you, is upfront about his trial and error approach, and shares what he does because people want him to. If you've got your own thing going, cool. Promote that instead of attacking others.
Says the guy currently attacking others...I never knew my father man, I'm a real bastard.

You can come at me if that is your wish...but don't come at me saying I shouldn't come at others. That's just silly.
I just don't think asking the questions that were asked were "coming at" someone. Subcool opened the door to organics for a lot of people but should the method stop there? It appears Sub wishes to amend the recipe as he stated so it's clear he is still "perfecting" his craft so why is healthy conversation about the practicality of the method being so negatively received? We should always ask "Is this the best method" even when tried and true, learning never stops, progress should not halt.
If you guys think that your posts represent "healthy conversation,' well no friend of mine talks to me this way. What I see is bullying and folks acting like they are owed something. I can see I made a mistake coming back to rollitup. Still filled with self important people who do not know how to treat others with kindness. I'm guessing subcool won't stick around for very long either, which is a shame.
Gonna go smoke a fatty of Blackjack (Holy Grail Kush x Timewreck). Super potent and tastes like the gum of the same name. My cross. Learned how to do it from Subcool, who showed me that it is very easy to do. Thanks dude!
Rasta Roy is nothing but a kind, helpful, and positive member of this community. Talking about methods especially when people disagree is important, the more experience that is shared the better all our gardens can become. :weed:

If your method is challenged it is generally expected to have some defense given, beside "lot's of people do it" and I think that is fair for anyone to expect of someone. What I mean by "someone" is a person that is putting themselves out there as a knowledge source and continuing to put content out. While I agree they don't owe anyone anything it would be nice to hear research/time/consideration was put into the work rather than "I made it, a bunch of people use, and it it works" That's how quack doctor made money selling random chemicals on the street in the early 1900s. :lol:

I think a lot of it is text comes across as more condescending/rude/attitude filled than we intend and when a "hot topic" is discussed it can cause tension to raise :neutral:
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I'm confrontational because you are attacking a guy who has done nothing to you, is upfront about his trial and error approach, and shares what he does because people want him to. If you've got your own thing going, cool. Promote that instead of attacking others. Subcool has helped thousands of growers, especially noobs. His posts and videos were of great help to me personally, years ago. Your topic looks interesting and I will check it out, but taking down others who are trying to help in order to promote yourself is plain ugly. You have a choice; don't be that guy.
I believe we all get better by challenging each other and I apologize that I am a bit brash. But where I was raised a little good natured shit talking amongst peers is standard for challenging conversation. It's not like I'm out here saying "fuck you subcool don't grow". I'm saying if your method is so great, why does it work? I do my best to explain myself. I just encourage my peers to do the same. I want y'all to be farmers and professional medicinal crop cultivators and how can you do that if you don't understand why you're doing what you're doing?

Should I assume subcool's recipe is just stolen from others and he hasn't actually taken the time to research the why behind what he's doing? Because that's a popular opinion, if I were him I would want to clear that up.

Don't feel discouraged from coming around because of a little information related shit talking friend! We're all still here to help each other and learn. That's why we come so hard at someone who just says their method works because it works.
I believe we all get better by challenging each other and I apologize that I am a bit brash. But where I was raised a little good natured shit talking amongst peers is standard for challenging conversation. It's not like I'm out here saying "fuck you subcool don't grow". I'm saying if your method is so great, why does it work? I do my best to explain myself. I just encourage my peers to do the same. I want y'all to be farmers and professional medicinal crop cultivators and how can you do that if you don't understand why you're doing what you're doing?

Should I assume subcool's recipe is just stolen from others and he hasn't actually taken the time to research the why behind what he's doing? Because that's a popular opinion, if I were him I would want to clear that up.

Don't feel discouraged from coming around because of a little information related shit talking friend! We're all still here to help each other and learn. That's why we come so hard at someone who just says their method works because it works.
He wasn't busy when he first tried to defend his methods with generalities. I ask for specifics to someone who is citing specifics and it's cricket cricket. Come one sub, it isn't hard, especially for someone with so much knowledge. If you have explained it before, simply post a link. He's all over instagram everyday...don't fucking tell me he is too busy cuz you are one of his fanboys.

It's a simple question, that I believe a lot of us growers deserve answered considering people buy his fucking pre bagged supersoil and eat up his "knowledge" because they don't know any better. Let's stop confusing people and sending them down a road they may not want to go. I know I didn't when I found out that it isn't working as advertised.

Give people the knowledge to understand what you are doing. You give out info all day on instagram but I have yet to see any response the jeremy or to anyone that asks these questions....anywhere....


First Off I do not and have never sold Super Soil its simply a recipe based on a more basic recipe from Vic High who also taught me about the krebs cycle..I have never made a dime from soil.
I have no idea what your question is thousands of people around the planet use my recipe in one form or other and get great results.
if a grower finds something that he likes better by all means use it.

My super soil recipe is on google and you tube and a dozen other platforms where people make it and show the method.

Not gunna go away. Do you do this everywhere cuz I see you all over instagram, almost every hour or 2 so I know you arnt that busy.... just want an answer to a simple question. Even if it's a link to you already answering it.

You havnt, from what I have searched on the web. I find that....odd.

@Rasta Roy
I pop on Rollitup from time to time I dont have time for forums and I do IG at stop lights it takes up no time and this does dealing with a bunch of kids that just want drama.
Use the recipe or dont it really dosn't matter to me, Jill and I have 12 Cans made for winter.

I believe we all get better by challenging each other and I apologize that I am a bit brash. But where I was raised a little good natured shit talking amongst peers is standard for challenging conversation. It's not like I'm out here saying "fuck you subcool don't grow". I'm saying if your method is so great, why does it work? I do my best to explain myself. I just encourage my peers to do the same. I want y'all to be farmers and professional medicinal crop cultivators and how can you do that if you don't understand why you're doing what you're doing?

Should I assume subcool's recipe is just stolen from others and he hasn't actually taken the time to research the why behind what he's doing? Because that's a popular opinion, if I were him I would want to clear that up.

Don't feel discouraged from coming around because of a little information related shit talking friend! We're all still here to help each other and learn. That's why we come so hard at someone who just says their method works because it works.

Again I dont care about your opinion its a recipe I use, why does it work now clue I assume its a buffet of nutrients and Cannabis is a super energy plant and can take high levels of nutrients its a prehistoric plant.

I have 4 Kids that argue all the time I dont need to adopt more.

Good Growing

You didn't answer his question fam! He was talking about this blog...

And wondering why you layer your soil even though it goes against science.

And wondering why you have people buying prebagged amended soil when they're already adding amendments. Having them buy peat moss and aeration would be cheaper and provide more consistent results as bagged soils even of the same brand,can vary batch to batch.
Again I do not sell soil never have.

Again I dont care about your opinion its a recipe I use, why does it work now clue I assume its a buffet of nutrients and Cannabis is a super energy plant and can take high levels of nutrients its a prehistoric plant.

I have 4 Kids that argue all the time I dont need to adopt more.

Good Growing

No wonder your kids argue all the time never answer questions. With no answers all we have is arguments, lol.

Keith Sanders on June 10 2014 at 03:11PM

You are the best. The best. Where can I find a recipe you stand behind? Love your writing. Keep it up. Why can’t you have a published book????

It's less about a recipe once you understand what you're doing and the amendments you're using. Having that knowledge can also help in building up your soil over time as opposed to creating an ammonia gas pile that has to lose half the nitrogen you put in it before it's acceptable to plant your plants in.
If you really do want to know, read Teaming With Nutrients and Teaming With Microbes. Both are quick reads, scientifically rigorous, and have lots of info you can apply to your own garden.
Those are great ones!

There's also tons of great easy to read books on container gardening and raised bed gardening that use pictures and simple charts. How To Grow More Veggies With Less Space was a great resource for me.

Just remember cannabis is an annual with deep roots. treat it like tomatoes or peppers but with a heavier nitrogen regimen early on. So while those garden books might not come out and say, this is how you grow cannabis...When they talk about growing annuals...They're talking about cannabis.

Indoor growers running cycles back to back with no break to do standard outside bed preparation can simply rely on the readdition of readily available nutrient sources like compost, castings, and kelp meal. Reapplied or mixed into the soil every crop rotation along with more aeration and More long term, slow releasing meals, like crab shell meal and fish bone meal, that are added to provide nutrients for later. They are broken down with the fresh microbiology from the castings (or fresh worms themselves as well), along with fungal microbes in the soil. This ensures that no nitrogen or other nutrients are released from the soil in ammonia gas form as a result of thermal composting (aka cooking). Mixing in neem cake can further aid in stopping this nitrification from occuring.
I used Subs mix in the past, and it was/is a great way to get started in organics. Can it be improved? Sure. How old is the recipe? I always thought that this would improve Subs recipe...... As we learn more we adjust fire, just as in life. IMG_20161110_233342 (1).jpg
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