What about bringing some plants inside?


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who has 6-8 ultra haze that won't be able to flower due to the cold climate I live in, would it be safe to accept those plants and take them in for flowering if my growing room is empty right now?

If your answer is yes than what should I do to be sure that it all goes smoothly?

Thanks a lot!


Well-Known Member
I took a lot of my plants in and flowered them without problems, well sort of, when I brought them in they had aphids...no big deal. They adjusted fine, I put them right into flower under 400 HPS 12/12. No problems.


Well-Known Member
Just brought two in. Took them down into the cellar and set off a pyrethrum bomb for mites. Gotta follow up in 2 weeks for eggs. Gonna use neems oil, myself. I needed to be absolutely certain, as I have other indoor grow going upstairs, where these will flower.
Shouldn't have a problem, unless it's insect related. I'd at least spray well before I moved it in. Any pyrethrum based should be fine. I've done this yearly for a while. A sunny window w/artificial light for the remainder of your 12/12 has shown me real good sized buds.
I also dust the soil w/diatomacious earth (food grade) just in case.
PCO fogger


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice... I'm a total noob and I'm offered fully grown ladies to flower... its like fastfowarding 2-3 months...

I'll probably keep a log about those.