Shamelessly stolen from the comments section of an article about labor unions in
"JusticiaFebruary 17, 2017 at 2:40 pm
Agreed: identity politics w/out economic populism isn’t politics — it’s narcissism. Class warfare is the primary means by which all of us who didn’t get the secret handshake are ripped off.
But, there are encouraging new models of economic populism that unite us:
Anyone thinking about strategies of political resistance might take a long look at North Carolina’s Forward Together movement, which on Saturday held its eleventh annual Moral March outside the Raleigh statehouse. Organizers claimed that more than eighty thousand marchers had attended, surpassing the crowd at the 2014 march, which was then the largest civil-rights gathering in the South since the era of Selma and Birmingham.
As Barber put it on Saturday, the movement exists “so preachers can fight for fifteen and workers can say ‘black lives matter,’ and a white woman can stand with her black sister for voting rights, and a black man can stand for a woman’s right to health care, and L.G.B.T.Q. folk can stand for religious liberty, and straight people can stand up for . . . queer people, and a Muslim imam can stand with an undocumented worker.” This litany of identities might horrify those who argue that Democrats have fallen away from common appeals, but the premise of the movement is that a universalist program—for health care, voting rights, reproductive choice, and higher wages—begins in building coalitions among people whom politics have driven apart. "
This is the only future for the Democratic Party that leads back from the wilderness it now funds itself in. If it continues to willfully ignore those who are suffering in favor of the corporate fatcats who shower the establishment party with money, then it's finished as a party.
That's why I think we need a left wing, to remind the Democratic apparatchiks who they're supposed to be working for.