Dear Black Voter..


Well-Known Member
I only brought up Paul because he is the only person I know that supposts cannabis
rand "civil rights are bad and you shouldn't be forced to serve black customers" paul just voted to confirm jefferson beauregard "mandatory minimums in private prisons for non-violent drug offenders" sessions III as attorney general, you retard.


Well-Known Member
rand "civil rights are bad and you shouldn't be forced to serve black customers" paul just voted to confirm jefferson beauregard "mandatory minimums in private prisons for non-violent drug offenders" sessions III as attorney general, you retard.
sorry your paragraph isnt coherent


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Rand Paul isn't half as pro Cannabis as you think he is.
actually he is
as a matter of fact he has been working on a bill to legalize it federally with Kamala Harris and others

seems odd people dont know where politicians actually stand

he just stated that he was mislead by Sessions as he was assured that Sessions wouldnt make these things a Sessions himself
but again you cant trust politicians no
matter what
and yes Sessions is a POS


Well-Known Member
Rand Paul is a dimwitted dickhead but at least he's right about pot. I wonder if he thinks there should be a federal law against posing as a board-certified ophthalmologist. Probably not.
he has also been trying to fix the legal system
get drug users out of prison
allow felons to vote....they are citizens no?
he just believes that each state has the right to pose their laws within their state without federal harassment
there only should be a few federal laws

everything else should be left to the states
like 50 small countries bound together by one union....the constitution and the states shouldnt be able to creates laws that go against the constitution
and the feds shouldnt be able to create laws that go against the will of the state


Well-Known Member
he didn't even want to get rid of prison time for cannabis growers. just wanted judges to be able to lock them up for 5 years instead of 8.
where do you get your information from RT?
why are you so insistant on spreading false information?
yes he voted for Sessions
after he was assured by Sessions himself that he wasnt going to do the very thing he did

maybe you should read some of the bills he has brought forth