So what do you guys think of Michelle Carter?


Well-Known Member
Heard of this case?

She was found guilty of manslaughter for provoking her boyfriend into suicide
Since there was provocation she should have gotten Murder 2, minimally.

Mansluaghter is typically accidental in nature.

There was nothing accidental about this.

It actually alarms me. There was an experiment about perceived pain and how willing subject matters were to 'follow orders' v. moral compass in administering pain to others behind a wall they couldn't see, but could hear scream in pain, when they pressed a button 'following orders'. Now the subject matters we're not aware that they really weren't administering pain to another when directed by authority just the facade and which age groups were compliant. As it turned out the millenials were the ones to follow orders by authority..other test subject age groups rejected, walked out of experiment. In watching the 20-something girl, chilling is all I can think 'The Purge' is just a movie- wrong.

I was 20 once and even though my reasoning was not fully developed, I too, would've walked out of that experiment as well.

What's wrong with our kids? Very quiet and very willing to be compliant when directed- no questions asked. I even noticed this about my own children.
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Well-Known Member
I just don't see it. Yea maybe she said something or what ever and the dude did it. The guy was just weak minded.

On the other hand I take suicide very seriously. Had a few friends commit suicide. When one reaches out for help it would be easy to push them over the edge.
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Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I read some of Michelle's texts to her boyfriend and she seemed really supportive and understanding and helpful. The boyfriend seemed very grateful for her understanding his deep depression and I don't think she did anything wrong and should not go to jail. Sad situation.