What did you accomplish today?

Could be gas. They took one of my little cousins that's about 8 or 9 to the hospital because he was complaining about his chest. They didn't find anything. Next day he starts cutting farts like you wouldn't believe.

I've had gas make me feel like I as having a heart attack before.

Thoughts and prayers with your little one, your wife and you.

Crazy you said that, I've been speaking with our resident doctor mom here on Riu pretty much all day...I was thinking the same exact thing... he complained about his stomach and chest at the same time after he ate.....So that's a definate to look into/watch ...the doc already had me up his fiber a few months back ....weirdly I think the school lunches were what started the issue ....just crazy you'd say that .....nothing like a good fart to relieve some chest pressure LOL

Thanks for your thoughts/prays WB

Love ya Annie TY for everything as well.
Crazy you said that, I've been speaking with our resident doctor mom here on Riu pretty much all day...I was thinking the same exact thing... he complained about his stomach and chest at the same time after he ate.....So that's a definate to look into/watch ...the doc already had me up his fiber a few months back ....weirdly I think the school lunches were what started the issue ....just crazy you'd say that .....nothing like a good fart to relieve some chest pressure LOL

Thanks for your thoughts/prays WB

Love ya Annie TY for everything as well.
Hmmm. Could be reflux or other stomach, esophagus problem.
The specific carbohydrate diet,, it cures IBS and chrones,, and leaky guy ,, those with digestive issues,, or chronic dihreia,, or auto immune problems that nobody can seem to figure out,, and most of all its curing my wife who has been in misery with illness for 2.5 years and nobody could figure out why,, and now she is getting well fast using this,, its a miracle before my eyes i tell you

The specific carbohydrate diet,, it cures IBS and chrones,, and leaky guy ,, those with digestive issues,, or chronic dihreia,, or auto immune problems that nobody can seem to figure out,, and most of all its curing my wife who has been in misery with illness for 2.5 years and nobody could figure out why,, and now she is getting well fast using this,, its a miracle before my eyes i tell you


I was just about to suggest a spcialized diet. School lunches wreaked havoc with my digestion as a child. It isnt real food.
Bite me bitch - hit 60ish & see how it works.

This is why I'm doing it now, so when i hit that age I'm still moving like a ninja, a senior citizeninja, an elderninja if you will.

I guess if i doubled my age and reduced that output by half, I'd still be proud of it.

I'm not an old man yet, doing everything i can to slow dwn that process. But when i do reach that age i wanna be the one rustlin the feathers of the young whippersnappers and showing the kids that they are just young bucks in these woods!

How'd i do? Was that convincing?
Today is my boys birthday ....I'm off to purchase him his very first BB gun of his own ....Momma is a bit crossed about it LOL...He's shot with Dad since he could pull a trigger ....Mom tried her hardest to change his mind LOL....offered him some shit I'm even surprised he said no to ...In the end momma said---Ok well its your responsibility and if he shoots his eye out ,il be upset....I replied--I don't plan on setting him loose to go kill black Bart in the back yard babe...and il be sure and tell him shooting his face off would thoroughly upset the both of us......of course I said that in a smart ass kinda way....She doesn't really care, typical Christmas Story mom.

But little Inda happen to be close while mom was talking about him shooting his eye out ......He stopped her and said....why would I aim for my eye mom, that's dumb......LMAO

You'll shoot your eye out.

K off to Wally World to get the least powerful BB rifle I can find. I'm sure il take a hit at some point from it.
Today is my boys birthday ....I'm off to purchase him his very first BB gun of his own ....Momma is a bit crossed about it LOL...He's shot with Dad since he could pull a trigger ....Mom tried her hardest to change his mind LOL....offered him some shit I'm even surprised he said no to ...In the end momma said---Ok well its your responsibility and if he shoots his eye out ,il be upset....I replied--I don't plan on setting him loose to go kill black Bart in the back yard babe...and il be sure and tell him shooting his face off would thoroughly upset the both of us......of course I said that in a smart ass kinda way....She doesn't really care, typical Christmas Story mom.

But little Inda happen to be close while mom was talking about him shooting his eye out ......He stopped her and said....why would I aim for my eye mom, that's dumb......LMAO

You'll shoot your eye out.

K off to Wally World to get the least powerful BB rifle I can find. I'm sure il take a hit at some point from it.

Crosman! Get it? I kill me lol
Today is my boys birthday ....I'm off to purchase him his very first BB gun of his own ....Momma is a bit crossed about it LOL...He's shot with Dad since he could pull a trigger ....Mom tried her hardest to change his mind LOL....offered him some shit I'm even surprised he said no to ...In the end momma said---Ok well its your responsibility and if he shoots his eye out ,il be upset....I replied--I don't plan on setting him loose to go kill black Bart in the back yard babe...and il be sure and tell him shooting his face off would thoroughly upset the both of us......of course I said that in a smart ass kinda way....She doesn't really care, typical Christmas Story mom.

But little Inda happen to be close while mom was talking about him shooting his eye out ......He stopped her and said....why would I aim for my eye mom, that's dumb......LMAO

You'll shoot your eye out.

K off to Wally World to get the least powerful BB rifle I can find. I'm sure il take a hit at some point from it.
Have him aim for your bad eye, or bad testicle :D
PS I thought in this day a kid's first gun was a paint ball gun.
Have him aim for your bad eye, or bad testicle :D
PS I thought in this day a kid's first gun was a paint ball gun.
LMAO,lol..... I'm sure il be blind and sterile before the 1500 pack of BB's I just purchased are gone.

He's had a single shot paint ball gun for a while ...I even have a cricket 22 that Ive let him shoot and obviously take that 110% serious .....about the only time Dad is dead serious ...but he's smart and knows when to listen for real....I'm not saying he's not guna further damage my eye,testicle,windows,or anything shiny with his new BB gun...But at least he'll know he wasn't suppose to do it...LOL

So I go to Wally World and they have a fuckin Red Ryder with the cowboy on the stock and everything....of course I could have got the plain jane BB gun .....But you all know I paid the extra $12 to have it say Red Rider on it .....Not for my boy,,,,no no no ......That's soley for me to tease momma when he opens it .....I've been quoting the Christmas Story movie since her anti BB gun campaign started .....I'm going to harbor freight to find a compass I can somehow attatch to the stock LOL...