Anybody ever overdose on weed?

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Well-Known Member
ate too many brownies and couldnt move my body. id say thats as close as you can get to overdosing on marijuana.
This dude got a picture of Clint Eastwood as his avatar and he's also got a medal. Fuck if I'm sticking around to figure out how he got that medal:shock:


Active Member
so im noticing you have nothing to say about what i said that you posted nudity and i didnt..when a minute ago that was your reason for complaining


i didnt see any guys complaining about it and lets remember it wasnt covered with a weed leave like she was
are you trying to tell me you havent gotten laid in awhile and this is why your complaining? by the way you say im only 19 makes me think that your older shouldn't someone older be a more mature and not so petty about a picture that has virtually nothing to do with them! very dissapointed in you..tisk tisk
i didnt post it to get mens attention...i liked the pic because she had weed leaves ..again it wasnt just some naked chick showing her goodies thatttt would be a ploy for attention because there would be no point to post it but as for the girl i posted she was covered with WEED on a WEED site..get it now?


New Member
my husband doesn't like me to date. Nope I changed it for your benifit to prove that just because I don't want to look at nearly naked women does not mean I'm fat or ugly, even though that is what you though.

If you want your avatar to portray you as a naked bimbo on her back with her legs spread, then go ahead. Just don't be upset when they disregard your opinion right away.


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't think she needs to worry about people who are judging her by her avatar. Also, you went from arguing with the guys to arguing with a girl.

I haven't seen a comment here supporting you, and quite honestly it doesn't mean you're in the wrong, but it does mean that you're being stubborn. And quite honestly it's counter productive to what you're trying to accomplish, which I'm sure (hope) it's not pissing off everybody that disagrees with you.


New Member
Why am I miserable? Because I didn't agree with the pic that makes me misreable? Well I'm sorry for you that you need to be so slutty that you can't have a permanet relationship. Have a good time being the beck and call girl instead of the one the guy really loves.

Maybe you need to be trampy because you are so alone?


Well-Known Member
Where do you get off chucking insults at any woman who shows a bit of skin or even supports women that do? And you say you have no hang-ups? Do you have a shrink?


Junior Creatologist
i saw a vid on youtube yesterday that said something like- Scientists have tried to do a study on the lethality of marijuana, so that if it should ever be deemed legal, strength could be regulated by the FDA. But the Scientists weren't able to complete their testing. Basically what they do is they take 52 labrats or other small animals, feed them a certain dose of a drug, and see how many of them die from that strength of the drug, so they can determine how lethal it is. The scientists were unable to complete the test, because none of the labrats died.

They concluded that in order for a being to overdose or die from marijuana ingestion, someone would have to ingest the equivalent to 1,500 times the amount of a regular marijuana ciggarrette in the period of 15 minutes (assuming that a joint weighed 1g i think it was). So basically what they are tryin to say is, in order for someone to overdose and die from pot ingestion, it would take 1,500 grams being smoked in a period of 15 minutes. Now THATS fuckin dedication , lol.

I would assume that someone would be more likely to smoke themselves sober before they would ever start to feel effects of some type of overdose from cannabis ingestion.

hope that helped a lil bit :D


Active Member
Why am I miserable? Because I didn't agree with the pic that makes me misreable? Well I'm sorry for you that you need to be so slutty that you can't have a permanet relationship. Have a good time being the beck and call girl instead of the one the guy really loves.

Maybe you need to be trampy because you are so alone?
yes it does make you miserable and lets not forget very jealous. in this whole argument the only thing you keep falling back on is calling that girl slutty but now im the slutty one? you look old! you should know better than that by now
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