Dick's Stopped Being Dicks..


Well-Known Member
Your graph definitely looks skewed when we look at more than 4 countries. When put in descending order, the U.S. ranks 94. That seems odd, doesn't it?


The US is not similar Somalia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan or the Marshall Islands except in terms of homicide rates. In any case, the statistic you posted was homicides, my post referred to homicides by gun.

Let's say the US is similar to other advanced nations.

What are you fishing for? How about you put up a hypothesis and we'll test it together?


Well-Known Member

The US is not similar Somalia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan or the Marshall Islands except in terms of homicide rates. In any case, the statistic you posted was homicides, my post referred to homicides by gun.

Let's say the US is similar to other advanced nations.

What are you fishing for? How about you put up a hypothesis and we'll test it together?

See this is the problem with the facts. All homocides should be considered regardless of guns to get an accurate picture of the real problem. It’s an unhappy violent world with or without guns.


Well-Known Member
I asked Mr. Dog to define similar nations. He said nothing about excluding "poor countries". What do you have against poor people?
The US isn't a poor country. Nothing against them but poor countries aren't similar to the US.

It's unusual to see anybody, especially a gun advocate even look at objective data so I applaud that you looked at homicide rates on wikipedia. I only wish you had understood the meaning of the word similar.


Well-Known Member

The US is not similar Somalia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan or the Marshall Islands except in terms of homicide rates. In any case, the statistic you posted was homicides, my post referred to homicides by gun.

Let's say the US is similar to other advanced nations.

What are you fishing for? How about you put up a hypothesis and we'll test it together?
The gun control debate intensifies when a mass shooting occurs. I want to know what specific laws can be enacted, in your opinion, to prevent these tragedies. Let's be honest here. 30 homicides per 1,000,000 aren't bad at all. We have much bigger problems when you put everything into perspective.


Well-Known Member
Snipped form this site which I know nothing about: https://crimeresearch.org/2014/03/comparing-murder-rates-across-countries/

Lies, damn lies, and statistics. But kind of interesting seeing what an outlier we are on gun ownership relative to homicide rates.
Where do you see lies in this? The graph is based upon objective data compiled by the UNODC. It's not a lie to say that the US is an outlier compared to other nations with advanced economies. Are you claiming that the US doesn't have an advanced economy?