Neighbor called the cops on me.

Are you in Cali? If so, your neighbor is a major jerkwad.
In California.

I’m in Veg, and have 7 plants from seed. Guess I have to get rid of one.

So what happens if the cops see 7 plants, not 6? I cannot believe that I have spoken to a detective about needing to see the inside of my home.

This neighbor and I have been going around for a year now. Last time, she says ‘I can see your colored lights, I’m not stupid, I know what you’re doing”. I guess my neighbor does not like my Phillips Hue lighting system for my home.
One of the nice things about gardening is learning how to train plants into any shape you want.
In California.

I’m in Veg, and have 7 plants from seed. Guess I have to get rid of one.

So what happens if the cops see 7 plants, not 6? I cannot believe that I have spoken to a detective about needing to see the inside of my home.

This neighbor and I have been going around for a year now. Last time, she says ‘I can see your colored lights, I’m not stupid, I know what you’re doing”. I guess my neighbor does not like my Phillips Hue lighting system for my home.

WTF? I can sort of understand someone getting upset about the smell, maybe, or if you have a lot of visitors and traffic, but lights? How does that affect anyone? Sounds like you've got a "Permit Patty" or "Barbecue Becky" living next door.

And yeah, you better hide or dispose of one plant until this stupid shitstorm blows over. Maybe you know someone who can hold it for you for a little while?
Just got off the phone with the cops. They asked me if I was running a grow operation out of my home.

I told the cop that he is free to come by, and take a look at the 6 plants I’m growing.

I have a feeling, and it’s very strong, that life will get difficult for my neighbor.

So the cops called you to ask if you were breaking the law? How do you know it was the cops and not someone messing with you. The cops usually don't call you before they stop by. They show up at your door unannounced.
So the cops called you to ask if you were breaking the law? How do you know it was the cops and not someone messing with you. The cops usually don't call you before they stop by. They show up at your door unannounced.
The cop called me last week, and said ‘he needs to talk, and that he was outside my home’. I was at work when he called. That was it. I pretty much told him to go fuck himself, that if he was legit, he would have left a business card. One of the numbers he gave me at that time dialed through to a cops desk.

I guess today he left a business card.

I have nothing to be concerned about, and would like his to go away. I’m happy to show them what I’m doing. Then I want to press charges for harassment and filing false police reports.
Damn.. what has happened to society these days.

My grand father use to tell me about the good old days. One story he told me was he asked if he could store a 5.6 foot sack with lashing of duck tape around it in the neighbours garage for a few hours ''sure'' said the neighbour. He had to drive to the city to get life insurance for my gran before the trip. Sadly she had an accident and didn't return ;[. He does ok though.
I would get a burner phone and call the cops about 2 AM telling them you heard screams and gunshots coming from the residence. See how she likes getting her door kicked in at 2AM.
and this is how people get killed by cops... you literally just suggested SWATting the neighbor...

the plan stops being OK when you bring in the 'shots fired' claim.... claim a yelling/confused (drunk?) looking naked man was trying to climb in his window, yelling about aliens...
Why are you even worrying dude, hide the other plant or toss it,or tell them its your GF's or wifes,Where im at in CA as long as your plants are not noticeable police dont care,
I am shocked that this is what a detective is concerning himself with.

I’ll toss the other plant.
When the cop called today, he let me know that he had been walking by my place, and had not smelled anything.

I’m looking forward to showing this cop 6 plants that are about 8” tall, and still in Veg.

That’s when I’m going to ask the cop how anyone complained about odor when the plants aren’t capable of producing anything at this time.
When the cop called today, he let me know that he had been walking by my place, and had not smelled anything.

I’m looking forward to showing this cop 6 plants that are about 8” tall, and still in Veg.

That’s when I’m going to ask the cop how anyone complained about odor when the plants aren’t capable of producing anything at this time.

Why are you looking forward to letting him see your 8" plants? Why would you invite them in? I find it hard to believe that a cop is going to leave his donuts and coffee in the patrol car to walk by your house sniffing for weed. Especially since it's legal.
Why are you looking forward to letting him see your 8" plants? Why would you invite them in? I find it hard to believe that a cop is going to leave his donuts and coffee in the patrol car to walk by your house sniffing for weed. Especially since it's legal.
Because I’m 100% legit and have done nothing wrong, and I want them to feel shame for investigating. I’m fully within my current rights. I want to put this behind me with the cops, and then deal with the neighbor.