The Greatest Show On Earth Presents The 16oz Party Cup Grow Off


Well-Known Member
My nitrogen deficiency stopped for now.
The yellow leaf with a pinch of green in it has held up pretty good since last week.
Enjoyed checking on that leaf each day to see if it would hang on.

Gave her what will probably be her last top dressing.

1 1/2 tbl EWC
1 1/2 tsp kelp meal
1/2 tsp FF HF Bat Guano 0-5-0
pinch of gypsum

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Well-Known Member
I agree it's difficult to tell just how big that plant is. Looking at the size of that trunk scares me! It will be interesting to see what she yields. My poor li'l Caitlyn has her work cut out for her.
Yep. My stalk might be the same size if not a little bigger than randoms and look how big his is. Im telling you guys that 4 inch root rule is legit. You guys are seeing the evidence first hand.


Well-Known Member
Week 10 cupdate!
All variables are still in check. Nutes are slightly reduced to ~800ppms cause she has developed a few dry leaf tips but nothing special. Temps are still too low here but on the other hand it makes it easier to keep the humidity in a healthy range.
No1 looks still good so no reason to complain..

Lets start with the obligatory side, top and bottom few..

No1.jpg top view.jpgNo watermarks on the bottom of the cup cuz it never touched the waterline. Only the pedestal and drain collecting bowl got algae growth and has developed a greenish layer.

and from below.jpg

And a few more pics ..
With word of the week. @Thegermling Stem base has ~12mm Ø currently...

Outcoming roots gets removed immedialtey but each hand watering takes longer and longer.

With a few early morning sun rays..
It still smells like in a pine forest where someone has spilled a gasoline barrel. Woody and fuel like...
No1 getting a few early morning sun rays.jpg

Top cola close up view.. A classic afghan kush IMONo1 top cola.jpg

And all three together with lights dimmed down..
No1, 2 and 3.jpg

And the other two gals.
No2! Maybe I should have taken her. Clearly more Amnesia genetic and she's always hungry. Seems I need stronger nute soup for her to see her full potnetial.
No2 looks hungry.jpg

And finally No3..
Not too bad but its already the 3rd pheno. So 3 different phenos out of 3 seeds of the same strain..? F...! Needs a lot back crossing to get something stable so the strain is okay for pheno/keeper hunting but not for a SOG from seed.
Unless one loves to get some more variance..

That's it for now.
Lots of lovely plants, ladies and gents, but is that already enough to beat my lovely kush girl?


Well-Known Member
Whole tent has been stressed/neglected for two days as I was extremely busy and unable to tend to it. With warming temperatures outside, the tent jumped almost 10 degrees and humidity dropping 10%. Everything was drooping and in need of water.

Took pictures before watering/light feeding. She also has about only 2-3 weeks left.


Well-Known Member
Hah, I bet it dropped off and you only do not want to admit it, lol!
I'm drained being in two comps.
I look forward to talking further about the topic some time in the future.
I think it's the lighting.
Conditions have to be primo to accomplish it.
Keeping them green is something that can only be done under HID IMHO. :fire:
That's my guess. ;)
Here is the plant I showed you with the mash picture last week.
she has maybe 6 weeks to go IDK.
I measured from the leaf to the center glass of each light, both measured about 65" from the center of the lowest leaf shown.
How many of these leaves will she lose by harvest?
100_0602.JPG 100_0606.JPG


Well-Known Member
Stem base has ~12mm Ø currently...
Ill measure mine soon.
this is what you call style points bro - my lady has hit the stage twirling around showing off her sexy figure for the whole world to see. Not at home hiding under some net :P
my girl is thick. More cushion for the pushin.
@The Dawg @CoB_nUt updated on thursday. Does that count? I dont want him to be kicked out for updating too early. Throwing it out there.