"Operation Wetback" - Trumps latest anti-them strategy.


Well-Known Member
Doesn’t mean you take the thread over with your negative bullshit and full page rants ya pathetic loser. Now that you mentioned it yes you need to get a life because 27,000 is a lot of posts in 4 years. Don’t you work? I joined in 2010 and have like 2,500.
I really like your positive attitude about the economy, but I believe you are wrong, providing more low paying jobs is not the answer that's what they do in China.

Go ahead and check out where we were just 4 short years ago.


Well-Known Member
How can his response to people who are here illegally be illegal ? He is actually saving our( republic)we are a country of laws.The liberals are the real fascists and it is not large crowds your afraid of but truth also they are the ones violent to small crowds.throw people out of restaurants because you do not like the hat they are wearing just watch how you and other liberals treat others on this site who they disagree with.Thats why you and your cronies on this site will attack anyone with a opinion different than yours.try to silence the opposition at any cost.The real brutality over the immigration is all the human trafficking and rape and heartbreak,drug smuggling taking place because we have no boarder control.read what the people who actually work on the boarder have to say and the people who actually visit the boarder say.That is the best place to start not with people with an agenda to destroy our Nation.Thankfully folks are starting to hear the truth and by the next election the socialist-communist voice will become ignored not silenced like the liberals want to do.KEEP AMERICA GREAT.Look at the whole picture and how it is effecting our nation.Immigration is good for America.Illegal immigration is illegal and is not immigration but a crime.not to be rewarded with welfare benefits and free health care while real legal Americans have to work for their food.Sanctuary city's seem to be places where illegals are not held accountable to the laws of our land and you say Trump is destroying our democracy.Great economy,tax cuts,regulation roll backs,better trade deals,better health care for veterans,jobs coming home and so on and so on and so on.How long do you think you will find people to believe your claims ? Look at what is happening in Europe to the E.U. the socialist experiment, let everyone in experiment.It is tearing the heart out of these country's.I understand the heart strings being pulled on for these (illegal) immigrants.but where is your compassion for everyone else.look at al the people being hurt in the sanctuary city's the homelessness,crime the financial breaking point.where is the the compassion for these people who are being hurt and lives destroyed by (illegal) immigration.I understand the news you watch likely avoids reporting this but it is happening.This is destroying places people for generations have been legally building and fighting for.places where others can come and see dreams come true not for some to take and steal and change.If the place you came from is so bad why come here and try to change our country into theirs.Their first act in america is to break the law when they come here illegally.You have let your hatred for Trump cloud your judgement to facts or your compassion is only for those who break the law.do you think they are the real victims not the Kate Steinles of the world.Thank you President Trump for caring about America and Americans.
Sucks to be scared of people that don't look like you. I don't know how can talk about law when your fucking orange menace president has broken the law and the Constitution on a daily basis not even considering the obstruction and COLLUSION with Russia. He'll be in jail in a year or two and we'll never see another stupid post outta you.


Well-Known Member
It's simple: Socialism.

School systems in nearly every other nation on earth are government owned and operated with one goal in mind: Education.

Here, our educational systems are run by for profit entities. If they can't make money on it, they're not going to do it. Even school lunches are farmed out to for profit organizations. They serve the cheapest, shittiest food they can to make more money.

Not surprisingly, our health care system works the same way. If they can't make money on it, they're not going to do it. What's more, you can rest assured that every instrument, every bed, every drug used on you was made/supplied by the cheapest bidder and marked up 1000%.

That's part of why Americans are the dumbest, least healthy, most uneducated people on earth. We rank 36th in education because we're fucking greedy and we run a legalized slave system in order to keep the populace dumb and in debt forever.

The people that speak out against socialist programs obviously never call an ambulance, the fire department, the police, or anything else. They're taught to hate the government, keep government out, and all that other stupid shit by the very people that are robbing them blind and keeping them stupid.

Think about this: why do republicans use the words educated, elitist, liberal and socialism as insults?

Because they're fucking stupid, just like they were taught to be. And they'll stay that way. That's why we are in the shape we are in right now with a dumbassed president that can't put together a coherent sentence and on those rare occasions when he does it's a lie.

And that's why republicans love him: they're just like he is.

THAT is the problem.
So basically you agree with me, system is broke and it’s not a matter of throwing money at it. I lived in a socialist capitalist country most of my adult life, I know how it works and I know it’s better than what we have here. But again, I say they are producing the type of citizens they want to, it’s not a failure but a resounding accomplishment. Slaves happy to get fcked up the arse


Well-Known Member
Ok so your ego requires that you believe people on the net are failures. I don't get it. I just assume you have a beautiful wife and beautiful kids and a rich fulfilling job. But you are suggesting that we need to spend about 2.5 million per child to fix the system. That's just insane and incredible stupid. An intelligent person would look at other countries and ask how are they doing better with less money.10X more money, holy shit dude, come back to reality. Dude go google some figures, maybe you can convince somebody you are smarter than you are.
cyn·ic | \ ˈsi-nik \

Definition of cynic

1: a fault finding captious critic especially : one who believes that human conduct is motivated wholly by self-interest

You described yourself as a cynical loser. I just said the words. It being that you didn't attend public school, I'm also saying home schooling failed you or private school did. But you also failed to take advantage of the opportunity offered you. You wasted the investment your parents made outside of any public support that was also wasted.

And yes, my life is pretty good. I'm well educated make a great income, have made some contributions that affected the course of events in the world and have never lost my job although I've fired a few employers. Wife, kids, nice home too. I've moved around a bit and love living in Oregon where my very good income goes farther than it would in other places. So, I'm happy and well off while you suck. Attitude matters too.

After one's environment while growing up, education is the most important external defining factor in how well one does in later life. Its never too late to learn and improve ones self but the earlier the better. Because learning is hard work and can only be done by the student, there is no magic formula. That said, society can offer the opportunity for learning. Fixing school facilities, paying teachers better, shrinking class sizes (hiring more teachers), updating textbooks, are all great investment for this society to make. They are better choices than our choices lately, which have been to cut spending on education and give the money to people who are already rich.

Not everybody will benefit from college but nearly everybody benefits from a good basic education that provides them with skills to succeed in modern life. Assuming they work a it. Learning takes effort and only the student can learn. All a society can do is provide the opportunity. From there, it's up to the kid, their parents and family to provide support. If the kid lacks support, then society needs to find ways to help.

I figure a cynic like you can't understand what I just said but I'm giving you the opportunity to learn. What you do with that is up to you.


Well-Known Member
It's just amazing that they would call this Operation Wetback for a couple of reasons... First, many of the Mexicans were welcomed here due to the incredible manpower shortage caused by 11 million Americans in the armed services and played a vital part in the war effort, especially in the food industry. Second, the name itself was overwhelmingly derogatory and had been for decades.

I guess Ike treated the Mexicans the same way he did his English, wartime mistress all the while cultivating his squeaky clean image. What an asshole.


Well-Known Member
God is gonna deal with you harshly and all I can hope is that is sooner rather then later. Talking shit about disability. Issues.
I got asked a question so i answered it truthfully and you troll me for it? Do you know how many injured people grow and smoke weed? You must not get along with smokers. All I did was rupture my Achilles at work moron. I have a hard demanding job and you probably don’t know anything about that by the way you sound or you’re really that ignorant and stupid.
You are right. I should have shortened my description of you to "just another dumbshit".

It being that you are a dumbshit, I won't try to reason with you or explain myself.


Well-Known Member
God is gonna deal with you harshly and all I can hope is that is sooner rather then later. Talking shit about disability. Issues.
I got asked a question so i answered it truthfully and you troll me for it? Do you know how many injured people grow and smoke weed? You must not get along with smokers. All I did was rupture my Achilles at work moron. I have a hard demanding job and you probably don’t know anything about that by the way you sound or you’re really that ignorant and stupid.
Your problem, and the reason for his comments, is that your story doesn't make sense.

Ruptured Achilles tendon is usually suffered by athlete's running, jumping or pivoting.

It's not an injury that occurs in any regular job.

That you never clarified what job you were performing makes it even more fishy.

What's more, in a typical job a ruptured achilles doesn't qualify for workers comp because you don't miss much work because of one.

Typically, after surgery, you return to work in a week.

Hell, I only missed 4 weeks after having 4 disc in my neck replaced and having it fused.

Professional sprinters might be out of professional competition for 4 months or so, but they're back rehabbing and training in a few weeks.

So again, your story just doesn't make any sense at all. That's why you're catching shit over it.


Well-Known Member
I’m a UPS driver you dumb arrogant piece of shit. I played 13 years of football and 10 years of baseball and basketball. I’m 6’4 230 so rupture Achilles are pretty common for big guys, ups drivers, and athletes. But anyways Troll on
Awwww...poor baby get bent out of shape because I explained why he was giving you shit?

I simply explained why you were getting shit. I in no way called you a liar or suggested you were faking, only why it did sound odd.

Also odd how it took you so long to come up with that story when you've been getting shit about it for days.

Oh, by the way, that's still not workers comp territory. I'm not sure you even know what workers comp is. Workers comp is really nothing more than a payment made to you so that you don't sue the company. UPS isn't in the habit of paying workers comp at all. They'd rather you sue them.

So, yeah. You're story is even more full of shit now than it was before.

So rage on, round boy.


Well-Known Member
Again Cali, this is not a diss, but you were dissing a person suggesting that since they didn’t watch world news they were somehow less intelligent than you, so again, why does watching world news matter to a ups driver? Can you admit it’s just a hobby?


Well-Known Member
Your life must suck
Hmmm...let's review:

You must not work. Figures. On RIU running your mouth though
Says the guy sucking up workers comp, not working, raging on a pot forum.

Don’t get emotional.
Says the guy crying rivers, getting bent out of shape, hurling insults hand over fist.

No you’re definitely speaking from emotions.
Yep. Again.

Do you have a job??
Says the guy on workers comp. Pretty shit talking for a guy sucking up the government cheese, aren't you?

You sound like you have issues. All emotional and shit.
I have three words for you: Pot, kettle and black.

It's funny how you accuse everybody of the things you in fact are doing. If we go by that standard, you are an out of work, bitter, upset, butthurt failure at life.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...let's review:

Says the guy sucking up workers comp, not working, raging on a pot forum.

Says the guy crying rivers, getting bent out of shape, hurling insults hand over fist.

Yep. Again.

Says the guy on workers comp. Pretty shit talking for a guy sucking up the government cheese, aren't you?

I have three words for you: Pot, kettle and black.

It's funny how you accuse everybody of the things you in fact are doing. If we go by that standard, you are an out of work, bitter, upset, butthurt failure at life.
I swear you really have life