
New Member
Regardless of who he's voting for people like that need to be locked up for a very very long time (like the rest of their natural lives)

Seems reasonable ;-)....but first let's get these worthless thieves off of welfare so that they can actually use the ATM machine and not use the people using the ATM machine.


Well-Known Member
Or just killed. We need an express lane to execution if you ask me.
I like that idea better, unfortunately the number of appeals that it is possible to file makes cases with the death penalty stretch out forever.

Seems illogical to me, the fact that criminals are granted so many rights, esp. if they admit to the crime.


New Member
Just because he didn't kill her doesn't mean he has never killed or won't kill in the future. He assaulted her over a bumper sticker. That's pretty lame in my book. I am NOT a McCain supporter either but I wouldn't assault someone just for being one.

for the rest of their natural lives?? idk about that maybe 30 years max, after all he didnt kill her im assuming


Well-Known Member
she dosent look that bad...my idea of carving a b in someones face is alot worse that a black eye and some scratches


Well-Known Member
If you don't vote for McCain, you endorse these types. Remember that if McCain loses and you did nothing to prevent Obama from winning.
And a vote for the right doesn't scare you ??... they outed their own CIA agent (Valerie Plame) all for political reasons.... even with fucking bin laden its a religious thing.. not a political stunt.. the biggest terrorist and criminal is in the white house now with the full support of Mr. depends..
Today even the republicans were laughing at McCains statement that he was already tested during the cuban missle crisis .... tested ???? he was sitting in a plane on the deck of the enterprise..making NO decisions or nothing.. No command..nothing basically cannon fodder..all those bush supporting votes were his test......... and he/bush failed.. What is it with repub. pilots..get their pilots license in a cracker jacks box... Bush Sr.....crashed... McCain shot down.. real quality commander and chief material... you wouldn't even be in Iraq if it wasn't for little georgey trying to make amends for his old mans failure...remember all those helicoptors crashing because of sand... go figure..theres sand in Iraq...


Well-Known Member
What do the Obama SA apologists have to say about this?

Robbery turned into a brutal, politically motivated attack when the predator saw the McCain bumper sticker.

All hail the Chosen One!
That really doesn't look like it would need medical attention, imo, but still she might want a tetanus shot.


Well-Known Member
And a vote for the right doesn't scare you ??... they outed their own CIA agent (Valerie Plame) all for political reasons.... even with fucking bin laden its a religious thing.. not a political stunt.. the biggest terrorist and criminal is in the white house now with the full support of Mr. depends..
Today even the republicans were laughing at McCains statement that he was already tested during the cuban missle crisis .... tested ???? he was sitting in a plane on the deck of the enterprise..making NO decisions or nothing.. No command..nothing basically cannon fodder..all those bush supporting votes were his test......... and he/bush failed.. What is it with repub. pilots..get their pilots license in a cracker jacks box... Bush Sr.....crashed... McCain shot down.. real quality commander and chief material... you wouldn't even be in Iraq if it wasn't for little georgey trying to make amends for his old mans failure...remember all those helicoptors crashing because of sand... go figure..theres sand in Iraq...
You do understand that Plame was just some mid level bureaucrat and not the top secret undercover agent the media was pretending she was, right?


New Member
I would coat that in neosporin, that stuff is a miracle healer. She's probably covered for tetanus, those shots last 10 years and you have to have one when you enter high school.


New Member
The assailant was obviously a leftist and a supporter of Barak Hussein Obama ... I mean, not only did he feel that he was entitled to her hard earned money, and took it by force, he also tried to take a pound of flesh along with it.

Perhaps he had a medical bill to pay and didn't have insurance. bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
she refused treatment??I call bullshit on this one.
They gave this story about 15 seconds on CNN..so that says it all ... they beat that shit to death..just like they didn,t run with the KKK on the black obama supporters lawn, where her obamas sign was......