The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

christopher jordan

Well-Known Member
BtW I never ever watched 1 episode of The apprentice. I just judge by what he has accomplished for the American people. He is anti watseful government and has been his whole life. he is a dumb talker sometimes but what American isn't? you have to look at what he is doing on the libertarian level. it will only benefit you all when the corrupt politicians take over again. wow forget the man and respect the positive things he is doing. you have 2 year terms for a reason.
Waste is a 2 trillion dollar tax cut for the rich. But you believe in a bankrupt philosophy because your a dishonest right wing tool! Who cant even spell waste!

Dats my bike punk

Well-Known Member
Love to watch libs with no valid point call people racist. I guess when you get loud and curse and call everyone a racist it makes you think your right in some way lol. I could give a rats ass how many times you say the word. It shows you have no valid point so that's the last resort to win your argument


Well-Known Member
Oh shit...more he said she said. You libs have a hard time separating fact from fiction. Lots of story time stories here in this thread. The biggest story is trump getting impeached. Was funny to see you'll fired up in the beginning and now its seem to have fizzed out.
Except the “she said” is a bunch of 15 year old girls saying trump walked in on them and the “he said” is trump bragging he did it

You dumbfuck racist


Dats my bike punk

Well-Known Member
So much winning in this thread lol. Just the fact you losers argue your moot points that will accomplish absolutely nothing. Trump is still president. All actions from Democrats has only made him more liked and stronger to win. But of course you'll will say the election was rigged and it was the Russians fault haha.
Pumpkin spice lattes and comfort stuffed animals will be given to all of you on election night. I promise no snowflake will be left behind