What soil for seelings in U.K.


Well-Known Member
Ive been trying to plant my blueberry seeds in rockwool but they keep dying & many people have told me to begin with soil, so I ask you which soil would you recommend for seedlings & what the N.P.K should be?

Whats the brand name, where can I purchase it from please feel free to add any additional info.

Id prefer for the U.K. growers to comment because it may not be possible to find the soil you have in U.K. if your from another country.


New Member
j.arthur bowers top soil get it from b&q or homebase and mix with perlite 60% soil 40% perlite.
the ph of this soil is 7.0.
works great.
(its nute free scotts soil)



Well-Known Member
j.arthur bowers top soil get it from b&q or homebase and mix with perlite 60% soil 40% perlite.
the ph of this soil is 7.0.
works great.
(its nute free scotts soil)
Thats just what I needed to hear thanks luda & one last thing, what is the advantage/job of perlite why not only soil?



Well-Known Member
i'm using some organic miracle grow, working great so far!

available at most decent garden supply shops i imagine.


don't use any other type of miracle grow, too strong.


Well-Known Member
i used the first one
Miracle-Gro Organic Choice Plant Food

i guess it's design more specifically for the needs of a plant compared to the fruit and vegetable one.

if you look the N-P-K is different in both, and from what i know (very little) the first choice is much better suited for marijuana needs.
if y


Well-Known Member
i used the first one
Miracle-Gro Organic Choice Plant Food

i guess it's design more specifically for the needs of a plant compared to the fruit and vegetable one.

if you look the N-P-K is different in both, and from what i know (very little) the first choice is much better suited for marijuana needs.
if y
Nice one B lingo, Ive been told not to use the slow nute releasing soils is this one of those soils?


Well-Known Member
no problem, glad to share my experience.

keep us posted on what you choose to do.

good luck!
Will do but now from another thread someone has stated:
"pick a brand and specific line from that brand that is noob friendly like the foxfarm 3 pack or advanced nutrients sensi line and by all means avoid miracle grow you gotta be a miracle worker to have success with them".

Im confused please give me your opinion on the soil (bear in mind Ill be using vermiculite also)

Sorry to hassle you.


Well-Known Member
no hassle at all, i'll give you my experience.

i also had heard to stay well clear of miracle grow, i had read in a thread though (can't remember which sorry) where someone had posted that organic miracle grow can be used.

i wasn't going to use it, i was just doing research at the time.

however someone had bought some of this miracle grow soil, i had a look at the packaging reading about it and thought i'd give it a go.

i had just germinated some seeds so decided to use some of the soil.

that was about 6 weeks ago. all the plants are still alive and very much healthy. even the boys i tossed outside!

check out the pics in my signature, my plants are looking good to me. it's my first grow so it's not amazing but so far so good.

i will probably use it again. :D


Well-Known Member
hi. about soils

B&Q Sowing and Cutting Compost 8240G 12L

would be the better choice, it looks like it has very low fert content and basic minerals.

seedlings dont require any fertilizer for a good two/three weeks after coming outta the soil. they store thier own food for this time too give them a new start. growers often mess up and start feeding plants asap and this is wrong.

all a seed requires for its first few weeks of growing is good water, tapwater that has been left too stand for a good 12/24hrs is fine. water your pot and take note of its wieght when watered, in a couple of days pick up pot if it is noticeably lighter the plant needs watering. larger plants you can stick finger into soil an inch or so if soil is dry it needs watering.

MG stuff is fine. i started my plant off with MG pour and feed from b&q. used the correct amounts and in time had no problems what so ever with my plant. i then ran outta liquid fert, i panic i ran too local hardware store gave the dude £3 and came away with a 175ml bottle of BabyBio.

now my plant is flourishing on a mix of babybio and bonemeal . she showed sex at around 3 weeks old and is now in flower, she is 1 month 2 days old. been in flower for a good week now.


Well-Known Member
no hassle at all, i'll give you my experience.

i also had heard to stay well clear of miracle grow, i had read in a thread though (can't remember which sorry) where someone had posted that organic miracle grow can be used.

i wasn't going to use it, i was just doing research at the time.

however someone had bought some of this miracle grow soil, i had a look at the packaging reading about it and thought i'd give it a go.

i had just germinated some seeds so decided to use some of the soil.

that was about 6 weeks ago. all the plants are still alive and very much healthy. even the boys i tossed outside!

check out the pics in my signature, my plants are looking good to me. it's my first grow so it's not amazing but so far so good.

i will probably use it again. :D

Ok Im totally sold Im going to give it a try this weekend.

When it comes to germinating my success rate is high however when ever I place the seeds (after the taproot is visible) in rockwool for a week or so to sprout they seem to die (mould starts to grow around the seed). Can you share your method of growing with the miracle soil to increase the success rate for sprouts (e.g. temps,humidity,how much water to feed in the beginning, how much water there after,when do you switch on the lights for the 1st time etc)

By the way thats a great setup you have & a delicious bunch of plants slurp slurp :weed:

uk WeeD

Well-Known Member
just pot the seeds up, few drops of water on the soil to moisten it, cover with clingy , leave somewhere dark and warm for 24-48 hours soon as it sprouts give it some light


Well-Known Member
hi. about soils

B&Q Sowing and Cutting Compost 8240G 12L

would be the better choice, it looks like it has very low fert content and basic minerals.

seedlings dont require any fertilizer for a good two/three weeks after coming outta the soil. they store thier own food for this time too give them a new start. growers often mess up and start feeding plants asap and this is wrong.

all a seed requires for its first few weeks of growing is good water, tapwater that has been left too stand for a good 12/24hrs is fine. water your pot and take note of its wieght when watered, in a couple of days pick up pot if it is noticeably lighter the plant needs watering. larger plants you can stick finger into soil an inch or so if soil is dry it needs watering.

MG stuff is fine. i started my plant off with MG pour and feed from b&q. used the correct amounts and in time had no problems what so ever with my plant. i then ran outta liquid fert, i panic i ran too local hardware store gave the dude £3 and came away with a 175ml bottle of BabyBio.

now my plant is flourishing on a mix of babybio and bonemeal . she showed sex at around 3 weeks old and is now in flower, she is 1 month 2 days old. been in flower for a good week now.

Sounds promising thanks so much congrats on your grow I hope I can pull it off.


Well-Known Member
in google put "@@@ hydroponics" but instead of @@@ put your hometown. goto this place and buy some good soil, my local place had some plagron soil which is absotely perfect. dont use the b&q 'all purpose compost' its cheap but really acidic, nearly killed my seedlings with it.


Well-Known Member
B&Q Sowing and Cutting Compost is very good mixed with a little with pert imo, i use a small base of hydroleca clay balls also,