Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
I went to the local grocery store yesterday to get what I needed for the week ahead, and as I entered the store I noticed a sign stating that only one individual per family is allowed in & no more Mom's & kids were allowed.

Think about that, in the sense that if the grocery store becomes a contamination zone & has too be shut down, what the fuck do you do then?

Fucking frightening, right?
way too late to recommend everybody wearing masks. of any kind would be better than nothing. masks + social distancing would have been much better IMO


Well-Known Member
Don't you understand ?
He was distracted by the "Great Democratic Hoax" & the Impeachment proceedings, otherwise he would have been right on top of the ball, and none of this would have ever happened.
It's all Obama's/Clinton's/Dem's/China's fault, he has nothing too do with it
Poor Donald, he can't walk and chew gum at the same time...


Well-Known Member
I figure the grocery store employees should be first in line after the medical needs are taken care of,
Absolutely, they are on the front lines in both transmission & receiving the virus.
My kid just applied for a job at the store that I go to & I told him that if he gets the job, demand PPE's or he's not working there.


Well-Known Member
Have a look at this priceless moment, with this guy all decked out in vitally needed hospital PPE for a little PR stunt that made him look like a murdering idiot, which he is. Joe takes him to task for this bullshit along with the republicans in Wisconsin a good rant!
Joe: Wisconsin Primary Was Reckless, Irresponsible To Public Health | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Wisconsin voters on Tuesday braved long lines and waits while defying the state's stay-at-home order to vote after two courts ruled that the primary election couldn't be postponed. State Democrats sought to delay the contest but failed. Aired on 4/8/2020.
We will remember this. With the images of people in masks standing in the rain to exercise their right to vote despite the risk of contracting coronavirus, this all might end up to boost the expansion of vote by mail.

The people weren't fooled into thinking yesterday's vote was necessary. In Wisconsin, 65% of Republicans answered yes and a lot more Democrats answered the same to an opinion poll asking if the election should be delayed. This is just a Republican leadership issue.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely, they are on the front lines in both transmission & receiving the virus.
My kid just applied for a job at the store that I go to & I told him that if he gets the job, demand PPE's or he's not working there.
If ya got a garage, set it up as a dorm for him this summer, maintain social distancing if you can, even with PPE he'll need to change out of work clothes and use different shoes at work. You've got health issues and he wouldn't want to bring anything home, so take precautions, treat him like a medical worker, many are self isolating from their families.

Good luck with his job, if he gets this he'll probably be fine and might not even notice, you not so much, take care jimmy.


Well-Known Member
Good luck with his job, if he gets this he'll probably be fine and might not even notice, you not so much, take care jimmy.
The kid has been looking for a job since he left HS last June (decided to take a year off) & now he has an opportunity to work at a nice place 1000 meters from his home, but it's in the Age of COVID-19 & his risk to exposure is high.
What the fuck do you do?
Dr. Fauci said yesterday that the earliest life in this country can achieve a state of normalcy will be the Fall.
So Emmet (his name) go sit in your room & stay safe, sorry about all the lost opportunities (fuckutrump)
Talk about Generation X, or Baby Boomers or Millennials, what the fuck are we going to call this Generation, the one's that have essentially lost a year of they're lives due to the Corona Virus.
The Survivor Generation?


Well-Known Member
The kid has been looking for a job since he left HS last June (decided to take a year off) & now he has an opportunity to work at a nice place 1000 meters from his home, but it's in the Age of COVID-19 & his risk to exposure is high.
What the fuck do you do?
Dr. Fauci said yesterday that the earliest life in this country can achieve a state of normalcy will be the Fall.
So Emmet (his name) go sit in your room & stay safe, sorry about all the lost opportunities (fuckutrump)
Talk about Generation X, or Baby Boomers or Millennials, what the fuck are we going to call this Generation, the one's that have essentially lost a year of they're lives due to the Corona Virus.
The Survivor Generation?
I wouldn't want to be a kid growing up in this world jimmy, we just had to worry about getting nuked, life was sweet. Ya gotta take measures to protect yourself though. There is a very good possibility he might become infected over the next month and not even know about. Make the best arrangements you can buddy and try and stay as safe as possible. I'd having him living in the garage for the summer myself and would make a nice little pad for him, but I'd feed him through a hole in the wall!


Well-Known Member
Another night, another one of Donald's dog and pony shows, they seem to be getting better at it from the snippets I've seen. Whenever Donald speaks it's a disaster though, I think he scares the shit out of a majority of Americans when he speaks.


Well-Known Member
The trump administration appears to be changing policy in a dangerous direction concerning exposed workers, they have loosed the rules. I'm not sure how some states are gonna react to that, some might have concerns.


Well-Known Member
The kid has been looking for a job since he left HS last June (decided to take a year off) & now he has an opportunity to work at a nice place 1000 meters from his home, but it's in the Age of COVID-19 & his risk to exposure is high.
What the fuck do you do?
Dr. Fauci said yesterday that the earliest life in this country can achieve a state of normalcy will be the Fall.
So Emmet (his name) go sit in your room & stay safe, sorry about all the lost opportunities (fuckutrump)
Talk about Generation X, or Baby Boomers or Millennials, what the fuck are we going to call this Generation, the one's that have essentially lost a year of they're lives due to the Corona Virus.
The Survivor Generation?
Wow, big choice there. It's up to the kid, isn't it? Still, though with your concerns over susceptibility factors, maybe you and him would have to find ways to isolate. Could you put him up in a separate apartment? Maybe he lives in a motor home or trailer in your driveway?

We are going to have to figure this out. Risks to elders and others with vulnerabilities isn't going to be over in May. Not going to be over until a vaccine is developed, which is a year and a half away if we are lucky.


Well-Known Member
RIP John, a bit of me died too

John Prine, One of America’s Greatest Songwriters, Dead at 73
Grammy-winning singer who combined literary genius with a common touch succumbs to coronavirus complications

John Prine, who for five decades wrote rich, plain-spoken songs that chronicled the struggles and stories of everyday working people and changed the face of modern American roots music, died Tuesday at Nashville’s Vanderbilt University Medical Center. He was 73. The cause was complications related to COVID-19, his family confirmed to Rolling Stone.
John Prine - Please Don't Bury Me (ORIGINAL ALBUM VERSION)


Well-Known Member
Acting secretary of the Navy has submitted his resignation after calling ousted aircraft carrier captain 'stupid' .... GTFOH

Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly has submitted his resignation a day after leaked audio revealed he called the ousted commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt "stupid" in an address to the ship's crew, according to a US official and a former senior military official.

The Navy and Department of Defense did not respond to a request for comment...... *shocking

On Monday, Modly told the crew of the Roosevelt that their former commander, Capt. Brett Crozier, was either "too naive or too stupid" to be in command or that he intentionally leaked a memo to the media, in which Crozier warned about coronavirus spreading aboard the aircraft carrier and urged action to save his sailors, according to remarks obtained by CNN.

Late Monday night, Modly apologized in a statement for calling Crozier "stupid" in his earlier remarks.

Gtfoh , you non ship serving unqualified pos.

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Moldy, he related to Botrytis?


Well-Known Member
Moldy, he related to Botrytis?
All the navy top brass was real pissed about this, if this guy stays in the navy he should be alright after Trump is gone. This sends an extremely dangerous message to other commanders, this virus can infect almost the entire crew of warship or sub very quickly.
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