Ex-Swedish prime minister laments that Trump has created a ‘post-American world’


Well-Known Member
Righties always blame everything on the black guy, it's never their fault. Just like their orange god that takes no responsibility at all, for anything.


Well-Known Member
Yes of course, they like to take credit for good things that they had nothing to do with, stolen valor, plagiarized speeches, the list goes on and on but they never take responsibility for anything negative.


Well-Known Member
Your emotional support team will be here to click that thumbs up button here shortly.

Care to offer a break down of what's so dumb about it? or are you just basic agreement bots for/to one another to follow each other around each day, no elaborate thought just minions for one anothers shared conceit and repeated rhetoric, no real originality can be felt when you just pat each others backs and don't offer anything further to state your position or opinion to others that your against in a topic or discussion.

I was simply adding an article that I felt aligned somewhat to the original topic of discussion and title, and added my own input to some of what I read that I felt was worthy of making mention of.... you do realize you cant please everyone 100% of the time, you are simply of the group who was not pleased, and by simple mathematics this result is bound to happen on occasion, maybe unwind those panties youre wearing just a bit?

As far as engaging in a discussion with somebody like you who clearly has accepted somebody else's manufactured fantasy world of mistruths - no. It is a waste of time. Maybe I should have been more specific. It is dumb and you are dumb as well for believing it.


Well-Known Member
Buck they didn't keep costs lower...thats impossible. you literally have no fucking idea..as I say your very young and and your views will change as you venture out in the world and start making career level income..
You clearly know nothing about the costs of health insurance and the benefits that insurance plans offer before and after Obamacare.

You may not be young but you sure are dumb.


Well-Known Member
With more people covered.

that is not even possible... holy hell ... I cannot believe the amount of lies and bullshit you kids have been fed by the political left, no wonder you support them so blindly.. in the end this just shows me how powerful their propaganda actually is.. fucking unreal as far as I am concerned...respect to the forces of global political bullshit


Well-Known Member
You clearly know nothing about the costs of health insurance and the benefits that insurance plans offer before and after Obamacare.

You may not be young but you sure are dumb.

actually I do.. it's you who don't.. you have absolutely no clue whatsoever.. your completely brainwashed by the political left and have lost your ability to think for yourself... you don't even seem that stupid to me so it just shows me how powerful the left's propaganda actually is that it can for all intent and purposes erase history..


Well-Known Member
that is not even possible... holy hell ... I cannot believe the amount of lies and bullshit you kids have been fed by the political left, no wonder you support them so blindly.. in the end this just shows me how powerful their propaganda actually is.. fucking unreal as far as I am concerned...respect to the forces of global political bullshit
30 million more people got insurance under obamacare



Well-Known Member
that is not even possible... holy hell ... I cannot believe the amount of lies and bullshit you kids have been fed by the political left, no wonder you support them so blindly.. in the end this just shows me how powerful their propaganda actually is.. fucking unreal as far as I am concerned...respect to the forces of global political bullshit
You do realize that Obamacare covered us up to 91.5% in 2018 of the American population having health insurance, at least until Trump broke the economy with shock after shock and piss poor response to this pandemic.

And the 'cheaper' is that the actual rate of the increase was brought down by Obamacare, prior to that rates sky rocketed and people had all sorts of ways to get screwed by insurance companies.

Even with the Republicans continual attacks on it, Obamacare has done more to advance our countries health care than anything else in decades.


Well-Known Member
actually I do.. it's you who don't.. you have absolutely no clue whatsoever.. your completely brainwashed by the political left and have lost your ability to think for yourself... you don't even seem that stupid to me so it just shows me how powerful the left's propaganda actually is that it can for all intent and purposes erase history..
uh huh. Your "facts" don't carry any weight against reality. I suspect that this is not entirely new for you but the fact that you have such a large group of people who can now relate to you should give you some comfort. Enjoy it. History will laugh and laugh and laugh at you. You will be a cautionary tale that your great grandchildren will learn about in school someday.

Maybe history won't laugh at you. Maybe they will point at you as being responsible for the fall of a once great country. Maybe your grandchildren will learn to revile and renounce you. I guess it all depends on how the next few years go.


Well-Known Member
uh huh. Your "facts" don't carry any weight against reality. I suspect that this is not entirely new for you but the fact that you have such a large group of people who can now relate to you should give you some comfort. Enjoy it. History will laugh and laugh and laugh at you. You will be a cautionary tale that your great grandchildren will learn about in school someday.
what part of my story don't you get... you think I am lying about the financial damage Obamacare caused ? I am not sure what else I can tell you, for millions of people Health insurance did not go down, it went up exponentially


Well-Known Member
what part of my story don't you get... you think I am lying about the financial damage Obamacare caused ? I am not sure what else I can tell you, for millions of people Health insurance did not go down, it went up exponentially
Gee, that's so strange. I wonder why Obama even bothered doing it if health care costs were stable or decreasing. Oh yeah, I guess it was just his way of introducing Kenyan-Muslim Socialism into our country.

Which of your pre-existing conditions made you un-insurable? My bet is that it was the traumatic brain injury you must have suffered at some point.


Well-Known Member
i have a word for you chaps...read up on it... read up in its cases in history...

Are you talking about what Trump and his troll army uses to try to get him re-elected? Because regardless, if I was you I would start searching stories I think I know about on AP news and Reuters to get the information that never entered my bubble without some hate monger ranting about it on tv or the radio, or I guess whatever internet spam you watch.

what part of my story don't you get... you think I am lying about the financial damage Obamacare caused ? I am not sure what else I can tell you, for millions of people Health insurance did not go down, it went up exponentially
I forget I thought you were Canadian, how did it hurt you again?

And if you are an American, did you not have to pay for your own insurance for at least a few years leading up to it? Did you not notice the huge increases year over year during that period of time? Do you not remember all the people getting kicked off their insurance as soon as they needed to use it?


Well-Known Member
I’m pissed off you smoke pot. That means I have something in common with a piece of shit like you.

you like to swear and act tough behind a keyboard, I get it..the internet is frustrating sometimes... ...But if we met in person I would sit you down and have a good talk with you, educate you and likely change your life forever to the positive....if you were nice I would even teach you some pro tips on growing weed.