DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil Extractor A.K.A. BHO


New Member
I got an idea.

Start your own thread on how HoneyBee Extractors are great.
Tell people about how bad copper is. Tell them that PVC is bad too. Tell them that anything that isnt your HoneyBee Extractor sucks and that you will
knock up your piece of shit in a minit with my fuckin eyes closed
if they think otherwise.

Go ahead. then maybe I can come on your thread and post dumb shit like you have done to mine.


Well-Known Member
In fact, why dont you post your address on here????

Ive just looked at your location and i have family in canada, maybe they could come round and pay you a visit on my behalf lol hmmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
Extraction Tube

The extraction tube should be no wider than 1.5?, I find ¾? to be the best. The tube should be made of Stainless steel or Thick glass Only, You can use a copper tube if you cannot find stainless or glass, but only if you clean the tube well before each extraction. Copper tarnishes and the tarnish can potentially be extracted by the butane.

Avoid ALL Plastics, brass, steel and galvanized steel pipe, these all can contaminate your oil and make you sick.


And heres the link to that info, wanna argue with these guys too??????? lmfao!!

Marijuana Ro Medical Club & Community - How to Make Butane Honey Oil


New Member
Yeah, read that closely you tool.

"You can use a copper tube if you cannot find stainless or glass, but only if you clean the tube well before each extraction."



Gone awfully quiet in here all of a sudden, wonder why? lol
I don't post for 10 minutes and you think you have won?

Sorry pal, I ain't sitting here waiting for your macabre posts.


Well-Known Member
Yes duhhhh i didnt say you cant use copper or pvc tho did i?? or it wouldnt work, i said i wouldnt advise it personally.

What i did say was using copper can leave a copper tainted taste to the oil, and i knew this personally before i even did any research because iv fuckin done it, AND THE OIL TASTED LIKE SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And also what i did say is that using pvc can leave contaminants in the oil, that can be potentially harmfull to your health, and people have become ill from dodgy oil mate, and everything iv said is backed up right there, what do you have? an industrial chemical handling chart ROFLMAO

Look, at the end of the day, iv done my research into BHO, and iv read threads from some of the finest oil makers in the uk, i was just trying to make you and other people aware of the dangers of doing it your way, i can dig out loads more info just like that mate.

If or when people do decide to make BHO after reading this i really do hope they dont endanger themselves by believing you and your boyfriend sjerp.


New Member
Yes duhhhh i didnt say you cant use copper or pvc tho did i?? or it wouldnt work, i said i wouldnt advise it personally.

What i did say was using copper can leave a copper tainted taste to the oil, and i knew this personally before i even did any research because iv fuckin done it, AND THE OIL TASTED LIKE SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And also what i did say is that using pvc can leave contaminants in the oil, that can be potentially harmfull to your health, and people have become ill from dodgy oil mate, and everything iv said is backed up right there, what do you have? an industrial chemical handling chart ROFLMAO

Look, at the end of the day, iv done my research into BHO, and iv read threads from some of the finest oil makers in the uk, i was just trying to make you and other people aware of the dangers of doing it your way, i can dig out loads more info just like that mate.

If or when people do decide to make BHO after reading this i really do hope they dont endanger themselves by believing you.
You posted "facts" that i was right.

Give it up, you look like a fool.:evil:


Well-Known Member
i'm just happy for all the different ways of making HO :D

I've made Cannabis Oil before (not the same) with Isopropyl using the sit and soak method... You could literally put that stuff into your car's engine. It does get you good and high, but has tons of soluble crap in it that does nothing for you... and looks just like motor oil. I can't wait to try the butane way. Back then i could only dream of Honey Oil... either this wasn't around yet or it wasn't well heard of.


Well-Known Member
Not sticking up or trying to cause more conflict but:

londoner clearly stated on several different occasions that he advises not to use copper pipe as it can be harmfull.

not once did he say that your method was wrong either with the copper or pvc. he just wanted to express that its not healthy?

if you dont care about your health an easier answer would have been cheers but i dont care, no need to rip him and start callin sissy names. like sucker and douchebag and punk bitch? sounds like something my 8 year old sister would say? grow up mate or is that the problem your a little young to come up with something more adultlike?

chill have a spliff and stop being an ass. if this was reported reading from start to finish. you would get banned.

loving the name chuckbane :shock:


Well-Known Member
And to answer your question about what the honey bee extractor is made from.

Made from Space Age Chemically Resistant plastics ' the Honey Bee is far superior and much safer than any homemade attempt.

heres the link have a read and maybe next time someone offers advice you wont bite there head off for trying to help.

Honey Bee Extractor : Shiva Head Shop

or you could argue with the people that invented the extractor. cause im sure you think your right :confused:

how you like them apples ;)


Well-Known Member
maybe its because hes a londoner...that i love london town...loooooooooooooooooool...stick it 2 em Londoner me old muka !!!!!


Well-Known Member
ok ive been doing research on the honey bee extractor.from what i found some people said it doesent seal well,or seals break after the 4th time.also how safe is butane extracted honey oil to smoke?


New Member
And to answer your question about what the honey bee extractor is made from.

Made from Space Age Chemically Resistant plastics ' the Honey Bee is far superior and much safer than any homemade attempt.

heres the link have a read and maybe next time someone offers advice you wont bite there head off for trying to help.

Honey Bee Extractor : Shiva Head Shop

or you could argue with the people that invented the extractor. cause im sure you think your right :confused:

how you like them apples ;)
Just because a company states that their product is safer than any other doesnt mean it's true.

I mean come on. Space Age Technology? WTF is that?
Obviously they are going to try to sell their product in any way they can. Its called marketing.

I'm not saying their is anything wrong with the Honeybee.
But this is a DIY thread, not an advertisement for the Honey Bee extractor.

There is nothing wrong with using copper as long as you keep it clean. But just like any smoking utensil or device it should always be cleaned and sterilized.

I'm sorry i forgot to mention that in my safety precaution, I guess I just thought we all knew to only use clean tools.


Well-Known Member
Honey bee is made from space age plastics. Space age means that it was developed for space exploration. Like portable medic equipment on ambulances is space age because it was spawned from space technologies. You can use other things and materials but some just work and taste better than others.
Smoke Somethin and chill people damn
-Mister Nice GUY


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Honey bee is made from space age plastics. Space age means that it was developed for space exploration. Like portable medic equipment on ambulances is space age because it was spawned from space technologies. You can use other things and materials but some just work and taste better than others.
Smoke Somethin and chill people damn
-Mister Nice GUY
Space age plastics my asshole dude. It's just a bullshit marketing technique that people are fooled by. It's probably the plastic that they use to hold the food in on an aircraft, or maybe even what they use for the materials for the spoons or forks, as if it's used in space it's "SPACE AGE!!! OMGF!!" Know what I mean? It's probably some type of industrial PVC or a plastic of that nature.


Well-Known Member
ya.. i'm not real convinced by this either. I may splurge on a Honey Extractor like the one FDD has (not the green and brown one pictured on an above thread)... or i may just DIY a pvc or copper one. Call me cheap. Or too impatient to wait for the mail to arrive. Either way, i'm guessing that glass and stainless steel aren't the only ways to get the job done aside from some otherwise unspecified 'space age' plastic.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Who da fuckin fuck do you think you are? For 1 i could knock up your piece of shit in a minit with my fuckin eyes closed you pair of faggots, i work in the building trade and use those materials DAILY, ffs what is wrong with you??

That chart dont mean shit, its a chemical handling chart, not a chart of what is left behind in your oil that you smoke is it now? its a chart to show what materials can be used to transport and store various chemicals and gases, copper oxidises right? it Starts to oxidise in seconds, that oxidisation is what is stripped away by the butane and leaves the coppery taste to the oil, fuck me man ive done it with copper tube and tasted the fucking copper in the oil, and butane DOES strip microscopic particles from the pvc regardless of what your chart says so :finger: right back at ya.
First and foremost, in reference to your first paragraph of immature pure utter stupidity; I could beat your ass on a whim without having to breathe in and out more than twice.

Secondly, as this actually partains to this forum and not your gossip two-year old bullshit. You want to talk about "oxidising", this is where you lost my trust. You talk about such a simple theory of oxidation but you fail to spell the word correctly, Oxidizing. Also, would you like to talk about oxidation? Have you ever heard the word plumbing? Or Plumber? They come from the word plumbum, meaning lead in latin. What are the pipes in your house made out of that you get your tap water from? Oh yeah, that's right, lead. Now if you'd understand that the oxidation of many metals is what gives them a protective coating from releasing toxing into what you'd normally be consuming, then you might get that copper isn't too dangerous when it releases "microscopic particles". Now, if you would please, fuck off.


Well-Known Member
You can call it what you want but a lot has spawned from exploration of space. More higher standards are pushed for equipment, including plastics, to be made smaller and more durable and resistant to chemicals. I myself use a PVC One I built, but have respect for some of these things. Look it up, I have spoken with some of the workers that make the extractors in Canada and they use injection molds of a temp and chemical resistant plastics mix they purchase from AIAC. Canadian Aerospace


Oracle of Hallucinogens
You can call it what you want but a lot has spawned from exploration of space. More higher standards are pushed for equipment, including plastics, to be made smaller and more durable and resistant to chemicals. I myself use a PVC One I built, but have respect for some of these things. Look it up, I have spoken with some of the workers that make the extractors in Canada and they use injection molds of a temp and chemical resistant plastics mix they purchase from AIAC. Canadian Aerospace
I hear ya man, but I mean, they use labels for stuff so often for marketing, but yeah I'm sure the shit is probably better than a $2 piece of PVC, but at that point it's just do you want to put in that extra money.. but to each his own.