What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I had my first PT session this morning. My therapist is a super nice lady, she lubed up my knee and kneaded and massaged it while we conversed for about 25 minutes. It is the most action I've had in a couple of months, I'm surprised I didn't catch wood. She assessed my range of motion, and stated I was healing nicely. She gave me a list of exercises to do at home, and we scheduled a bunch of future appointments. I've got gigs in Indiana and Michigan this weekend, I'm seriously thinking of getting a motel in Indy and just staying the night to travel to nearby Michigan the next day. We'll see. I really prefer being at home if I can help it. It has been in the high 90s and really humid all week, at that trend is supposed to continue into the weekend. Saturday's gig is supposed to be outdoors, I hope it rains so we can be indoors. I get pretty cranky in this nasty weather...


Well-Known Member
I had my first PT session this morning. My therapist is a super nice lady, she lubed up my knee and kneaded and massaged it while we conversed for about 25 minutes. It is the most action I've had in a couple of months, I'm surprised I didn't catch wood. She assessed my range of motion, and stated I was healing nicely. She gave me a list of exercises to do at home, and we scheduled a bunch of future appointments. I've got gigs in Indiana and Michigan this weekend, I'm seriously thinking of getting a motel in Indy and just staying the night to travel to nearby Michigan the next day. We'll see. I really prefer being at home if I can help it. It has been in the high 90s and really humid all week, at that trend is supposed to continue into the weekend. Saturday's gig is supposed to be outdoors, I hope it rains so we can be indoors. I get pretty cranky in this nasty weather...
Do what they say; PT saved my bacon after the shoulder rebuild