January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.


Well-Known Member
Not if you want an honest opinion.
Ask anyone in this country their opinion and you stand a 1-in-2 chance of getting a dupe of the liar press. That is perhaps the dumbest thing you’ve said so far, in competition with your refusal to put down the both sides idiocy.


Well-Known Member
Ask anyone in this country their opinion and you stand a 1-in-2 chance of getting a dupe of the liar press.
And posting a link mitigates that how? I can post a link to a publication that hates Americans - I can also post a link to one that loves it. How is that not subjective?


Well-Known Member
Review my posts to you. I’ve laid it out in sequence. Hell, I even did you the courtesy of a link to real journalism. Do your own work, as I have so recently been chided.
Chided - good word.

I'll skip re-reading, if thats ok with you. I don't have the time.


Well-Known Member
We're proud of our meth - you dream about our quality!

I have time, but choose how to spend it. Same as you, it would appear.


Well-Known Member
We're proud of our meth - you dream about our quality!

I have time, but choose how to spend it. Same as you, it seems.
You’re right, I do have lots of time on my hands and I’m thankful to be in a position where I don’t have to work anymore.

I hang out here because I like the people here. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here complaining about them and would probably do something else.

I know you don’t value my advice so I won’t tell you how much better off you would be doing something else.