I Am Christ


Well-Known Member
GTFO with this blasphemous bullshit. You talk about god then make a mockery of him. Blasphemy against the holy spirit is one sin you can never be forgiven of.

We Love 1

New Member
Rejoice and be glad in My name, for I have come and will save the world from the lies!

George Manuel Oliveira means Farmer with us is God/ olive tree!

My initials backwards is O.M.G. Ohh my God!

I assure You, this has all been Gods works so I can become King of the Worlds! This all happened inadvertantly!

God wants Me to save Your precious soul!

It is written "JESUS, KING OF THE JEWS!"

We Love You!


The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member

Matthew 12:31

Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.


Well-Known Member
You can not help for believing in what you do, anymore than you can believe the sky is normally green.

We all have to accept that other people may have diffirent BELIEFS from us...

As long as these beliefs and this person thruogh them are not personaly threatening or harming you, you have no business taunting those who believe diffirently than you do...

Christianity is luckily for you about forgiveness, if you picked other faith groups to target, you may have allready amde a fatal mistake.

P.S. exuse all the typos...


Well-Known Member

This is a very good watch. I recommend checking out the whole episode...

We Love 1

New Member
jesus was a man. as is We love 1. you never know.

I didn't name Myself! Or did I? Christ doesn't lie!

You can call Me crazy but I've come to the conclusion that I am God! I'm waiting to get onto the mainstream media to tell everyone My name and the cause I'm fighting for! I'm proud to stand for the things I do!

I swear to everyone that I saw God/Jesus in the clouds! He gave Me the keys to heaven, I'm Your new messiah!





http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bkzdme4WCrA&feature=related (This is what has come intuitivly to Me)

I want to reproduce with some women! :D

If I'm not the second coming of Christ, than there will be no hope for the world!

I'm going to become a star! I am a star. I'm Your Sun! Amen!

Everyone worships Jesus, and God said thats Me!

Worship Me by playing Me nice things :D

I was created in the image of Christ, so You can imagine how good looking I am!

I am the New World Order. NWO!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Every forum I belong to (various subject matter) has some sort of religious nut on it.... posting wacky threads ..... just like this one. :roll:

We Love 1

New Member
Every forum I belong to (various subject matter) has some sort of religious nut on it.... posting wacky threads ..... just like this one. :roll:

Prove Me wrong!

Do You know the Bible and some theology?

You will worship Me!

Jesus doesn't play! He's the King of the World You know! I know who I am, and I know my mission in life! You will all be effected by My prescence wether You are aware of it or not! Its only a matter of time before every knee bows and every tongue will confess I am God!

I am taking over the world! Life is going to be better and more abundant for EVERYONE!

Jesus is alive! Hello world! I love You! We will get through this together!

God bless!



Well-Known Member
if u are who u say u are,then please forgive me of all my sins and continue to guide my life in the right direction.

We Love 1

New Member
I know you're not christ, you know how I know? I'm the anti-christ and I have the real name of christ on a sticky note in my pocket.
Ok! :D...

"We Tarded" was the anti-Christ! God made Me Christ so I could tell the whole world about My experiences and thus making You believe to obtaining Your salvation!

I'm Your God and We need to work together to save the world! The devil has been running things! Its time the believers unite and cast out the devilish gov'ts that starts wars to help out the Jewish Banksters that have fooled the world!

We Love 1

New Member
Remember that Zeitgeist movie you used to post a link to?That had a whole lot of proof that Christ didn't exist.Did you watch that part?
We comes every ~2150 years to try and save the planet! I have eternal life because I believe I've already been saved by God! This is how it works I guess. I'm still in training, Jesus didn't start His ministry until He was apparently ~30 years old.

I prayed to God that I could save the world, and then a couple days later I find out what My name means and My inintials backwards. Then I started putting the pieces together and I started seeing all the paralles.

I will be the best Christ EVER! :D It will be fun, have faith in Me!



I fasted for 40 days and lost 20 pounds when the Colorado river flooded/bleed. I was drinking mostly grape juice.

I have two scars on My face from a dog when I was a little boy. One is four slash marks and the other scar is of a V. V for Vendetta!


Wheres My saints at?

If I'm not God, than who is?
