Smoking Sand


Well-Known Member
HI there. just a quickie..... Anyone had any of that contaminated weed with sand etc in it. there's loads of it here. its seriously annoying buying weed like this and its all i can get!! Jus't wish my plants were in flowering rather than being 14 days old from germination!!


Well-Known Member
HI there. just a quickie..... Anyone had any of that contaminated weed with sand etc in it. there's loads of it here. its seriously annoying buying weed like this and its all i can get!! Jus't wish my plants were in flowering rather than being 14 days old from germination!!
its not sand, its actually glass particles that are used for road markings, its quite lethal and numerous people have been into hospital with bleeding lungs.


Well-Known Member
coughing much?

if you need to buy make sure you wet your finger dab the bud and then taste, i've only had one joint of it so far and then i went and got my money back but that was ages ago.


Well-Known Member
i don't cough, i've smoked too much and for too long! unless i do a bong but i mostly smokes J's. I know that theres a massive batch of it so it's gonna be around for a while. plus the geezer is the only guy i know to get it off as my long time friend moved away. He always give me crap weed and don't often weigh up or its real damp!!! but im such a smoker i can't go without! so its nearly a £20 a day im payin! its shit!


Well-Known Member
i actually heard on his news that it was a gang in the netherlands started it all off in the first place so its been shipped here!


New Member
No, it's the vitnamese mainly. Other gangs have cottoned on too, although it's pretty much unheard of in my city now. Do not smoke it, it can cause irrepairable damage to your lungs.


New Member
Skunkushy you say don't smoke it. wat else am i meant to smoke???????? have you read the entire thread!
Go without, or buy some solids. Even with the 50% horse and cow shit mixed into it in morrocco, you're better off smoking that than the sand. This is not the original Dutch sand bud. This one is far deadlier. People have died from it in my city. There were warnings posted in doctors surgeries and hospitals all over the city.

Hey ernie, maybe it's a conspiracy.