Need some Help with hydroponics

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Well-Known Member
No but i have dried small tiny popcorn tester's in less than 24 hours on top of my lights on paperplates haha make sure u cover um and flip um a couple times haha.. Top of my ghetto wood net.


Well-Known Member
i have done it with both my plants and wat i did was i have a small space heater in my room, i cut a nug off and layed it on the heater for bout 5 min, then i aso put it in the micro wave for another 4 mins, then i let it sit on the heater some more, at the end of this it sll crispy and you can break the stem real easy shit got me stoned, do it! might not taste all to good but gets u high


New Member
NOOOOO! haha I really can't wait! Patience.... It's a virtue I don't have. I know I know, you'll shoot your eye out. BUT STILL! I must!


Well-Known Member
i kno it wasint even too close to being ready the hairs were not red yet, but shit got me lifted, so i hope no one starts talkin shit cuz i dont care, i do wat i want!


New Member
I'm back with the smoke report! It was still moist but hitting it hard seemed to work great! It came on slow but was HIGH afterwards! There were no drowsy eyes or any kind of down properties! Pure cranium high and didnt taste bad at all going out. Going in was smooth but since I was hitting it hard just to light up, I really wasn't able to tell. I'll get back to you on that one. But overall if this lil bit of still moist sticky bud got me high, I can;t wait for the end result!!!
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