1 gallon milk jug grow


Active Member
As of now, a buddy of mine is growing in 1 gallon milk jug and juice containers. He is wanting to know if they're is a link to any previous grows utilizing 1 gallon buckets?

How much bud is this capable of yielding?

a picture of the setup will be posted momentarily


Well-Known Member
1 gallon bucket that might give you a quarter of dry bud if that, or... you could just go to Walmart and buy yourself a large sized pot for like $1.99.


Tell him to fill his bathtub full of soil and grow from there. Keep it in veg for 5 months. 10 weeks for bloom. Tell him he has to name it after me.


Active Member
I mean yea always use bigger pots..if ya can...but if ya can't ...or like me just can't afford bigger pots and more good soil...it can be done in a 1 gallon pot...check out my journal in my sig...got pics..I'm using 1.5 gallon pots only filled with a gallon and my plants already like 30" 15 day into flower....sometimes ya gotta deal what your dealt, ya know? It will def effect yield but I don't think I will devastated with the results....Keep it Green!!!!


New Member
I use one gallon pots just for the first few weeks of growth i wouldnt use gallon jugs why ? because there clear ! the roots will only grow to the edge of the gallon possable risking root rot or even worse death ! there is a reason why people use colors pots not clear ! same goes for your home made bubble cloners " do not use clear rubbermade boxes " if you do please make sure to cover the clear parts with black paint or ducktape like i did.
I use one gallon pots just for the first few weeks of growth i wouldnt use gallon jugs why ? because there clear ! the roots will only grow to the edge of the gallon possable risking root rot or even worse death ! there is a reason why people use colors pots not clear ! same goes for your home made bubble cloners " do not use clear rubbermade boxes " if you do please make sure to cover the clear parts with black paint or ducktape like i did.
lmao!!! Something i would have said 2 months ago, black dont reflects it eats light
or Mylar i use windshield reflectors

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
I have fond memories of my milk jug grows from 20 years ago. I used them for a few years too. 25 of them in a 7x7 room under 1000w mh. I cut a slit about an inch and a half high to hold some water (before I ever heard of Hempy buckets). I even used miracle gro for a lot of it. They would get 5 ft high and yield 20-30 grams each. I wish I had pics of that now. All my friends loved it and couldn't get enough of it. I'm glad somebody else tried it but it doesn't sound like it was successful. I didn't paint the jugs either and liked looking at the roots. I would still recommend painting them though. (or just buy some friggin' nursery pots)

Things are a lot different nowadays. If I get 60 grams per plant, I screwed up and I am pissed off.


New Member
I thought of doing the same thing under a 1000w hps, almost everyone I spoke to say bigger pots fewer plants works best. I use 3 gal. pickle buckets My buddy gets for me from his restaurant, they are nice and square and fit tightly together under light setup.


Well-Known Member
I use 2 litre pop bottles, only problem is they become very unstable once they get big, so I have to use a base filled with rocks to stabilize them.




Well-Known Member
1 gal Hempys...best yield from them was 2 oz, average about 3/4-1 oz...2 liters I average 10-18 grams, biggest yield from those was an OZ. my buddy had a Sky Lotus that was 42" tall in a 2-liter lmao

