How Many Christians On This Site?


Global Moderator
Staff member
Token - Thats kinda chicken $h. I you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything. Personally if I don't feel that I can add to a thread then I just won't post. But then again I rarely feel the need to debase others because of their beliefs.


Well-Known Member
Just curious how many... no debate, no squabble, just let me know you are here.


Genesis 2:15: "The Lord God took the man, put him in the Garden of Eden to work it, take care of it." :)

Genesis 1:31: “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good” :)

that's how I see it :)


Global Moderator
Staff member
x15 - Nice reference. I tend to not reply to threads like this as there always seems to be someone willing to pitch the "hate" fast ball at you as soon as you hold up your hand. "Be nicer than you have to be, everyone is fighting their own Dragon". I'm not sure who said this or even if its a verified quote - but it is something I always try to live by.
Peace -


Well-Known Member
x15 - Nice reference. I tend to not reply to threads like this as there always seems to be someone willing to pitch the "hate" fast ball at you as soon as you hold up your hand. "Be nicer than you have to be, everyone is fighting their own Dragon". I'm not sure who said this or even if its a verified quote - but it is something I always try to live by.
Peace -

yeah, same here. it is obvious everyone in here is passionate about growing n thought I could learn a thing or two, but, saw this thread in the "New Post" list n couldn't resist :)

>"Be nicer than you have to be, everyone is fighting their own Dragon"

yup. agreed
(btw, I don't have a dragon, I have a den of them) ;)


Active Member
Ya Bro another here....Good to see so many fellow brother's and maybe sister's here, growin and smokin the tree of life<--- (refered too in ancient hebrew text)


Well-Known Member
I will stand up here, my faith has been waning, but i still know he's there for me

and homegrown, if you believe we are blind hypocrites, "contributing" to this thread serves no purpose for the atheist agenda we are not persecuting, do not persecute us or you are what many atheists seem to hate