Almost Ak-47 Harvest Time!!!W/Pics


Well-Known Member
mad pollen everywhere. chopped 2 of them down. much cleaner looking in there now. Also that post seems to say that there may be some truth behind adding vitamin b12 to the res. not sure though but people have been talking about it. might try it. doesnt seem like it could hurt? lol
I put pollen all over the females. Watch me get no seeds. I ve never done this before.


Well-Known Member
Cant be that complicated to self pollinate, Im sure you did fine man!!! B12 I heard good things about too, not sure where but its definately pushing alot of buttons in my brain right now, like you said it couldnt hurt. I smoked the juice bud, it was a bit harsh but thick, no noticable change to taste, but the juice is only like 5 percent juice, dont know if that makes a differance!!!


Well-Known Member
no idea either. i'll try something with no sugar and strong. we'll see. plus i dont know how long it takes. my plant took a week to dye blue last time. the last leaf has actually been sittig on my dresser for 7 year now. i guess ill take a pic today of it.


Well-Known Member
damn amc. just looked at my leaf. its pretty crazy. if it didnt effect taste it would sell the buds for you. dont remember if it was harsh as it was our first grow and the weed sucked. but that works for sure to change the colour. wouldnt do it again though


New Member
final phase from advanced nutrients flushes the plant and also draws unwanted nutrients out from the plant apart from that i don't really know of anything


Well-Known Member
hell yah fruit extract is strong as hell. going to try it also. and also going to try that advanced nutrients product. the brand alone says alot. couldnt hurt. If you chopped a plant and took a ph reading of the liquid inside i wonder if you could just put your res ph way up to neutralize the low ph in the plant. the nutes in the plant might be drawn into the res. does the advanced nutrients stuff say that it raises ph or anything?


Well-Known Member
amc just thought of something. whether the juice you used or not will work i dont know. but since the plant is chopped and placed directly into whatever you use it has no choice to selectively uptake certain parts. if you get juice strong enough it has to work. it cant not work


Well-Known Member
Smoke that shit man!!! Thats old as dirt, was the harvest pretty big from that??? I have like almost 3 ounces wet of trimmings from the plants themselves as well as the trim from the buds.


Well-Known Member
amc you are always funny. that blue piece is old as dirt. the bud was just a small branch of a grow we did. we got about 14 ounces shared between me and a friend. under a 1000. we only died a little piece. i only have that leaf. the buds are very long gone. you def would not smoke that leaf if you could see it. it nearly crumbled apart in my hand.


Well-Known Member
Nice job man!!! And your right you probably shouldnt smoke that, lol. 14 ounces is awesome for a first harvest, almost a pound!!!


Well-Known Member
LOL, yeah definately a few. But the big one is just so loveable!!! The other heavy center cola was like 30 grams wet ( and it was premature). This means the large dense one I have now should weigh between 40 and 50 grams wet, at least!!! Wish me lots of luck.


Well-Known Member
im glad i looked at this thread i juast ordered some ak lowryders they should be here in a week i wanted to c what they looked like from a grower not the seed company


Well-Known Member
Yeah for sure man, the pic that lowryder posted for this strain doesnt look anything like what it really looks like. I beleive the pic they have is of the ak-47 used to cross for the ak-47 autoflower dwarf!!!