Pics of the new girls

I want 2 see these pic i might start growing indoor soon i just wanna have a success with an outdoor grown plant 1st but could sure use some tips on what kind of set up 2 have for a closet

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
I told you. Bonsai! Go from the biggest to the smallest bud. Get a pen flashlight and go to work!
Hahaha Im actually looking forward to not having any plants to worry about for a while. I have got a small Afghan but im probably goin to give it to a friend.

Blaze I think you were right about the FIM even though the genetics are supposed to be not good for it. I'll get a pic or two. Looking good.
I hope so, best of luck.

I just have no words...

MB are you concerned AT ALL with bud rot?

Have you been inspecting?

Are you one to pull off dying fan leaves or do you leave them until they fall on their own?
Yeah I check for rot and mould but so far so good. I pull of some dying leaves but mainly im just lazy so I leave them.

I want 2 see these pic i might start growing indoor soon i just wanna have a success with an outdoor grown plant 1st but could sure use some tips on what kind of set up 2 have for a closet
Well this site will give you all the info you need about setting up a closet. Im probably not the best person to ask about it because im not a closet grower.



Well-Known Member
Yeah I check for rot and mould but so far so good.

I pull of some dying leaves but mainly im just lazy so I leave them.
Those are the ones that worry me...

Have you noticed how much fluid will com out of a fresh wound... LOTS...

I can only imagine how many cases of bud rot and mold were caused by leaves being pulled out... and "bleeding" all over the inside of the bud...

im not a closet grower.
You can say that again...:lol:

M Blaze

Well-Known Member

Those are the ones that worry me...

Have you noticed how much fluid will com out of a fresh wound... LOTS...

I can only imagine how many cases of bud rot and mold were caused by leaves being pulled out... and "bleeding" all over the inside of the bud...
Thats a good point and I never really thought about that but ive never really had a problem except on the last Jack Herer grow but there were other reasons mould had started in some buds but we got onto it very early.


Well-Known Member
those mutated leaves are a sign of the plant being FIM'd, so dont stress about those few weird looking leaves......if that was even an issue ^.^


Well-Known Member
i agree with leaving the yellow crispy leaves that are intact with the bud during growth..almost better 2 not deal with it till manicuring..they are loaded with trich at the base..and if u pull them out they struggle to come out and when they do , they bleed. Are they close Blaze any official dates?

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
I will be choppin them down some time over the next few days so I got a big job ahead of me but im lookin forward to having an empty room again with no plants to look after and worry about. I think I need a break from growing for a while and I think I deserve it so im really lookin forward to not having any plants to care for.

I had some time on my hands so I took a few lights on pics and thought id share them with you all. I didnt tie up as many colas as I usually do and it shows because every few days im finding another cola bent right over from the weight its trying to carry. I ran out of tie wire and I keep forgetting to get some more but after all this has been a lazy grow from start to finish so its all good.


M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Heres a close up of a small lower bud just to show you the trichs on them. Its still the same shitty camera but I think it shows up pretty good.


M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Best bud porn to date. Righteous m8. Well I took your fiming class hope I can get'm close to that big.
Thanks mate, its not all about the size coz thats just the way I like do it. FIMming works well for all plants regardless of how big you intend to grow them. If your setup to grow monsters then bring em on and link me up :hump: coz im always up for watching everyone elses grows and over the next few months I will be getting my growing fix from all of you since I wont have any plants of my own to care for.



Well-Known Member

Lookin magnificent there Blaze.

When you chop how fussy do you get with trimming babies like these mate?

Do you dry it all in the same room as well?

Hell of grow dude ;)


Well-Known Member
hey there Mblaze. righteous. great word. great description. simply gorgeous in my view. And I am totally starting to understand the nature of your other commentary. Starting to grow only again in the last few years, circumstances meant that my best option was a plug n' play box. Works wonderful - up to about 40". So I can't wait to have the opportunity to be growing outside again. Though very likely with the pre-vegeing period and put them outside with maybe 3 months of vegeing - we get 20 hrs of sunlight through may june july and then the frosts and reduced light comes into august and sept. I love the big indoor and outdoor grows, fascinating journals. thanks for your hard work and keep the updates coming!

Post post edit - Mammath - holy crap. nuf said! Walk On!~

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Lookin magnificent there Blaze.

When you chop how fussy do you get with trimming babies like these mate?

Do you dry it all in the same room as well?

Hell of grow dude ;)
I can sometimes be a bit fussy when it comes to trimming up buds but with buds like these there is not as much trim work as you would think. The main colas are so much easier to trim up than the lower buds are because they dont have as much to trim once the big leaves are gone.

Yeah the room gets transformed into the drying room after harvest as well.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
hey there Mblaze. righteous. great word. great description. simply gorgeous in my view. And I am totally starting to understand the nature of your other commentary. Starting to grow only again in the last few years, circumstances meant that my best option was a plug n' play box. Works wonderful - up to about 40". So I can't wait to have the opportunity to be growing outside again. Though very likely with the pre-vegeing period and put them outside with maybe 3 months of vegeing - we get 20 hrs of sunlight through may june july and then the frosts and reduced light comes into august and sept. I love the big indoor and outdoor grows, fascinating journals. thanks for your hard work and keep the updates coming!

Post post edit - Mammath - holy crap. nuf said! Walk On!~
Thanks mate and best of luck with your grows.


Well-Known Member u still sticking to ur yield expectations that were set when u started? do u think youll hit that mark, surpass it, be alittle under? where do u feel like your at? 2ndly..those are hands down the fasttest widest narliest buds ive seen indoors.. cracks me up how ur producing outdoor results indoors.. ive yet to see any1 elses nugz this big . and i notice alot of time people sacrice quality for size, the american way really, and youve achieved quality and size all in 1, should be damn proud.. my other question, with buds that large, and that u ever see a prob with mold.. do u run a sulfer burner? wuts ur rh in ur side of the hemisphere?


Well-Known Member
You must have masonary jars the size of dustbins to cure all that!
How are you going to do the curing?

M Blaze

Well-Known Member u still sticking to ur yield expectations that were set when u started? do u think youll hit that mark, surpass it, be alittle under? where do u feel like your at? 2ndly..those are hands down the fasttest widest narliest buds ive seen indoors.. cracks me up how ur producing outdoor results indoors.. ive yet to see any1 elses nugz this big . and i notice alot of time people sacrice quality for size, the american way really, and youve achieved quality and size all in 1, should be damn proud.. my other question, with buds that large, and that u ever see a prob with mold.. do u run a sulfer burner? wuts ur rh in ur side of the hemisphere?
Thanks bro and yeah im going to have to stick with my original estimate because anything less will be a step backwards lol but when it gets to this stage I never know what to think. The buds are very solid and dense so if I get below my estimate I will be surprised and probably a bit disappointed that I didnt take better care of them lol. Either way I will be happy because I know this strain is a great smoke so I cant complain.

Thanks for your comments bro they are much appreciated.