Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
Everything has been going well. I decided against foliar feeding, just so I don't have to mess with it. I am very pleased that the sativas are putting on weight....whether that weight is coming from the Gravity or it's just that time, I'm not sure. I am looking at 2- 2 1/2 more weeks so hopefully they will keep beefing up in that time. I need to get more water, possibly later today, and once I do they will get another dose of ChaChing and Gravity.

I think that I have decided to go with a hempy bucket set up for the next round and hold off on the full hydro because I just don't think that I am going to be able to afford it this time. Hempy will be extremely cheap to set up. About half of my clones are rooted so far, they will be transplanted into larger cups today. With any luck I will have enough to put about 3 plants per hempy bucket, and have about 15 hempy buckets under my 1000w. I am just going to hope for the best and go from there. Talk to you guys later. Peace TC


Hey tc...been a while man.

Well Ive tripped on shrooms a few times now man, lol...crazy feeling.

We collect subs (psilocybe subaeriginosa sp?)

One time when we had 5 grams dried (i know, we had full visuals!!) we had this huge car accident out the front of our house, provisional license kids trying to show off and wrapped their car around a stobie pole...we heard the bang of the crash, then the car accelerator go, then the turbo vented, then the screaming started...poor kid hadnt even realised hed crashed so was still accelerating man.

everyone was fine though! not even a scratch on anyone, needless to say though, i wasnt too impressed with their choice of location :(. Freaked me out so bad ha.

Still, everything was made of pixels...It was quite weird lol. And i felt like i had butterflies in my stomach, only all over my body. Pretty intense. Ive tripped before this, so the bad one wasnt too bad!


ps :P my plants are all doing good. Weeded out a male double gum...hoping for one more male or i might be a bit crowded. Pics later today, man glad to see ur going good.


Well-Known Member
I also decided after looking at my calender, that tomorrow I'm going to flush the Kush, so it starts to finish up. Its at 8 weeks since it showed flowers, and the trichs are all cloudy, with some amber, so I figure with a flush, and another week, maybe 2, it should be pretty good at around 9-10 weeks. It looks dank as hell already. The rest of the girls are gonna have a week or so more after that, and I'm gonna call them done at around 13-14 weeks. I got about 30-35 clones that had rooted put into some cups of soil today, so thats done. Now the rest just gotta take root.


Well-Known Member
Thanks proteus1, I'll come check them out man. Sucks about the accident, but it sounds like you handled it ok. I've had some crazy ass trips in the last couple months. 5g is usually about what I eat, so its always a crazy ride!


Well-Known Member
There sure will be littlegrower. I'm gonna start flushing the girls later today, and I'll take some pics of them then. My Kush has some leaves that are starting to turn purple on it. So over the next week or 2 she'll prolly get real pretty. The rest of the plants all look great too. I'm still up in the air as to when I'm gonna chop these girls. I'm gonna see how the flush goes, and it will either be the 28th or the 4th still. I don't want to chop them early, but I also need to get everything taken down and cleaned up asap to get ready for the move. So I might just do it next weekend, that will be 10 weeks for the Kush, and 13 weeks for the sativas which should be a decent amount of time. They have definitly put on alot more weight in the last 2 weeks though. I don't know if its from the gravity, or if it was just time for them to do it, but its goin well. Any way enough rambling, I'll prolly post up some pics tonight for you guys. Peace TC


Well-Known Member
glad to hear that everything has taken off for you. i bet that kush is looking mighty tasty along with all the others hahah. cant wait to see the pics. as for the harvest, maybe start taking them down a couple a day, day by day. starting on the 28th and ending on the 4th.


Well-Known Member
Thats not a bad idea for the harvesting Littlegrower, I might do something like that. Maybe not over the whole week, but maybe over a day or two. I just need to get things cleaned up, and the closer I get to the move, the more stressed out I'm getting!


Well-Known Member
So I didn't take a ton of pics, I think the first is from the front of the garden. Then one of the big ass power skunk bud, with the purple power next to it. The Kush is next, a couple pics of that. You can see the leaves getting some purple on them now. Then a few of the WW clones. I watered them all with a gallon of water, with this stuff called final flush in it. I used it last grow, its supposed to remove any nutrient salts from the plant, and improve taste. I decided they will get about a week flush, then I'm chopping next weekend. Call me impatient, but I gotta get this stuff dried, and cleaned up asap like I said. I figure its only a week, so it shouldn't make to big a difference. The kush will be at like 11 weeks I think, and the WW clones will be at 9. The sativas will all have 13 weeks, so they should be decent. Well here's the pics hope you guys enjoy!

Peace guys, I'll check in later! TC


Well-Known Member
those are looking beautiful TC. for some reason i thought u had a lil more than five bags left but looks like you should be able to get them all down in a couple days of harvesting. that kush should be ready to go any day. as well the WW clones look DANK!!


Well-Known Member
So I didn't take a ton of pics, I think the first is from the front of the garden. Then one of the big ass power skunk bud, with the purple power next to it. The Kush is next, a couple pics of that. You can see the leaves getting some purple on them now. Then a few of the WW clones. I watered them all with a gallon of water, with this stuff called final flush in it. I used it last grow, its supposed to remove any nutrient salts from the plant, and improve taste. I decided they will get about a week flush, then I'm chopping next weekend. Call me impatient, but I gotta get this stuff dried, and cleaned up asap like I said. I figure its only a week, so it shouldn't make to big a difference. The kush will be at like 11 weeks I think, and the WW clones will be at 9. The sativas will all have 13 weeks, so they should be decent. Well here's the pics hope you guys enjoy!

Peace guys, I'll check in later! TC
Picture Bump!

THanks guys, they are making me pretty pleased!



Well-Known Member
Wish I could man! I'm very pleased with the size of the sativa buds. I do wish they were nice and dense like the WW, and Kush, but its a very differant type of plant, so I guess thats what I get. I've always heard sativas tend to grow more airy buds, now I know, lol. Either way, it should be a nice amount off bud of them all! I've got Six bags left and I'm hoping for 2-3oz off the 3 big sativas, and another 1-2oz each off the other 3 bags. If I get 8 oz total, plus the almost 4 I got off my WW, I'll be pretty happy with everything. We'll see only another week!!!! Peace guys TC


New Member
Yes, that's so true about sativas. I have always had a preference for indicas and my first "premium" purchased seeds were "reclining Buddha" which I picked up while vaca in Adam. It was a great plant but my toughest grow. I have high humidity summers with tons of rain and a few tropical storms thrown in to boot. I just could not keep the mold off of those wonderful plants. I learned to just grow sativas and my problems have all but disappeared. Matching the strain to your grow environment is essential.


Well-Known Member
I can agree with that. My WWs have been having a hard time with the moisture in the basement. I've had to pull a bit of rot of the clones now too, not just the mom. But since the WW is what I'm runnning next batch, that just means I have to get a dehumidifier for the next batch.


New Member
Absolutely you will need to cut that RH for any tightly packed bud strains. The darn thing is, at least with my Buddhas, the outside of the bud is the last thing to show it. I had buds that looked great until I pried them open, only to get very depressed. Mold starts on the inside, and if it starts late and the bud is big and fat, you have to start poking them, which I was averse to doing, and it cost me a lot of weight.


Well-Known Member
Very Nice TC looking like some lil monsters over there! I like to keep low RH helps with resin production too mine always around 25% maybe 35%


Well-Known Member
I wish that I could have kept it lower because it has meant cutting some buds early. I just couldn't afford the dehumidifier this time. Next time it is not going to be an option. I noticed more mold after I made that last post and made the decision to just go ahead and cut the WW and the Kush today. I am trimming it as we speak. I think that I caught it early enough that I will be able to save most of the bud. The Kush looks dank as hell, I'll post up some pics later. Peace TC