My Super CFL Lowryder 2 AeroGrow


Well-Known Member
hi bud soz 2 join so l8 but only jus seen ya journal:) i have grown lr2 a couple of times and the genetics vary greatly so dont worry about the one being smaller, they bth look v healthy and have to say am impressed wit the amount of growth under the cfls. my friend jus cropped 2 lr from under twin 125w cfls and they yielded 1/2 oz each and were no where near as bushy as yours are now, so thats a gd sign 4 ya. the plants start to flower at 3 weeks roughly, so the 1 might have started before the other. id say keep going as u r m8 great job, only thing i wud suggest which my m8s doing this time is going all blue for first 3 weeks then on first signs of bud switch to all reds, as they can get quite leafy round the buds otherwise. keep it up m8 nice 1


Well-Known Member
could always top the plant on the left? even out the canopy and go for a mini SCROG would definitely help with yield given the uneven growth between the two plants.


Well-Known Member
[I guess theres not much else I can do but ride it out though, eh? Also, at the rate the one plant is growing, I am going to have to raise the hood lights again very soon, which will put the light even further away from the shorter plant. And that sucks.[/quote]

That wont be a big deal at all.... they look good. The small one might even catch up soon.. after you move the lightrs


Well-Known Member
could always top the plant on the left? even out the canopy and go for a mini SCROG would definitely help with yield given the uneven growth between the two plants.
Yeah that had crossed my mind, but the shorter one doesnt seem to be growing at all. I dont really wanna lop off a huge portion of my good plant just to even it out with a plant that might be a goner anyway, you know?

That wont be a big deal at all.... they look good. The small one might even catch up soon.. after you move the lightrs
I'm hoping thats what happens. I think theres enough supplemental light coming from the CFLs behind the plant to keep it growing even if the hood lights are far away.

hey krakennkenji , how did you keep the two plants' roots from over-mingling with each other?

They look friggin amazing, by the way!
Thanks homie. Truth be told, the roots just kind of grew away from eachother by themselves. Lurk had mentioned somewhere that its a good idea to periodically sift through your roots to keep 'em seperated and hopefully avoid root-rot risks associated with large, wet tangles of roots, so I did kind of push them away from eachother a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Pulled the plants out of the cabinet today and noticed that the yellowing of the leaves on the sick plant has drastically increased. These pics show the side that is not facing the cabinet door, which is the side I don't usually see unless I'm changing out the rez or fucking with the plants in some other way. Looks like its dying from the bottom up...



Well-Known Member
It's definitely showing more signs of nute burn there, but mainly I just think the leaves are dying off cause they are not receiving any light. It's the nature of plants.


Well-Known Member
The problem could lie within the plants nutrient intake system...

You might have salt buildup because of stem moisture issues which is causing the plant to be deprived of nutrient.

Or, your stem could be completely rotted through and the top of your plant is only alive because its pretty much a clone with no rootmass or any means to root, its a dead end at the bottom of the stem.

That would explain why its not growing.

If it gets any droopier thats most likely the culprit, and since these are autos thats really unfortunate you can't do anything about it. If it was a regular strain you could chop the upper part of the good stem and try to root it, but you can't do that with autos.


Well-Known Member
It's definitely showing more signs of nute burn there, but mainly I just think the leaves are dying off cause they are not receiving any light. It's the nature of plants.
Theres actually a CFL bulb that shines directly over the whole part of the plant that is yellowing, so its definitely not lack of light. You can see the bulbs mounted behind the plants in some of the other pics I posted.

The problem could lie within the plants nutrient intake system...

You might have salt buildup because of stem moisture issues which is causing the plant to be deprived of nutrient.

Or, your stem could be completely rotted through and the top of your plant is only alive because its pretty much a clone with no rootmass or any means to root, its a dead end at the bottom of the stem.

That would explain why its not growing.

If it gets any droopier thats most likely the culprit, and since these are autos thats really unfortunate you can't do anything about it. If it was a regular strain you could chop the upper part of the good stem and try to root it, but you can't do that with autos.
Ah yes, yet another wonderful benifit of autos. I've got two more LR2 seeds that I'll grow and then I think that'll be the end of my relationship with autoflowers.

And I'm pretty much positive that the stem rot is the cause for the plants poor health. I treated it 3 times, and each time the moldy looking part cleared up a little, but it keeps coming back just as strong as ever.

I'll do my best to keep her alive, but I may well end up with only one plant at the end of this. Aaaahhhhh, fuck...


Well-Known Member
Same shit happened to me man, ended up with one plant in the end, and it was male, hahah!!!
Well we live and learn I guess. Losing this plant (and the original 3rd plant as well, although I hardly count that one as it never really even got going) was making me acutely aware of my newb-ness. I guess it makes me feel a little better that I'm not the only one whos run into these problems. My good plant is sprouting little white hairs and I can see lots of bud sites developing, so I'm keeping optimistic about her.

I'll update as things progress, good news or bad. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Well, the sick girl finally kicked the bucket :( . Update tomorrow, pics and all that. Too tired now... its been a hell of a last couple days. :peace:


Well-Known Member

Ok so the sick plant is no longer with us, the healthy one is still going strong. The sick plant was the one with the stem rot and had been turning yellow from the bottom up for a week or so. I checked it last night and it was suddenly completely wilted and falling over, as you can see in the pics. When I went to remove it from the AG I tugged ever-so-slightly on the base of the stem to help pull the AG net-pot thing out of the grow surface and the whole plant just come off at the stem, no resistance at all. The root rot had gone completely around the whole stem and there was only a small core of healthy stem in the very center.

Obviously this sucks, but there is a good side to this. The other plant now has much more room to grow in what was already a very constricted grow-space. Very, very carefully, I was able to pull apart the roots of the healthy plant and get them through the net-pot hole and then place it in the very middle hole of the AG. Now it is centered in the cabinet instead of being all pushed up against one side. When I put it in its new spot I rotated it as well, so the side that was facing the front door of the cabinet is now facing the supplemental CFLs in the back and vice versa. Hopefully this will allow the plant to bush out more evenly, as it was growing a little lopsided because of the dimesnions of the cabinet.

The nutes are the same this week as they were last, 100% flowering, although I'm not seeing a lot of flowering going on for this old of a lowryder. Oh well, shes very healthy and I've got plenty of time if she turns out to be a late bloomer.

Enjoy the pics, and sorry if any of this post was unclear, I'm in a hurry to get this posted and then I'm off to work. :peace:

Bro those are very nice for 37 days. I am still working on my first harvest my first 2 huge plants were male I finally have a female budding. I am glad you posted this because I have wondered about growing in those aerogardens. Looks awesome.


Well-Known Member
sorry about the plant!! the survivor looks damn fine!! by the way, arent those "lowryder" look pretty tall. what are you using for your cabinet, looks cool.


Well-Known Member
yea man she was a mess, but your last lady is lookin real nice, treat her well, and she will repay you with wonderful buds :weed:

haha but on some real shit, gonna be a good harvest man, keep us posted, you got this shit down homie, you should look into some rubber maid bins and make a system for the next grow, keep the AG for clones, and your set bruh 8)