i may be a newbie and im gonna show how easy it is to grow

so far thoughts

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well im in my room and i thought hey why not grow some weed (out of curiosity) and ive set up a BASIC setup look at the pics. a 44 watt bulb, computer fan, coke cans that have been cut open SIMPLE stuff i mean im only growing 4 to start with but im expecting 2 to live

Gardener 09

Active Member
What typ of light are you useing, what is your mediam?, are you planning on giving it nuts later, how big are you going to make them? There is a lot to it.
What typ of light are you useing, what is your mediam?, are you planning on giving it nuts later, how big are you going to make them? There is a lot to it.
There is more to it but I think what he's trying to say is it's not that difficult if you wanna grown some cannabis :D It may not be considered coinnoisseur grade but it will grow well and you can smoke it. And it will get you high. For many people this is all they want.

But seriously man. Coke cans? :?

A plastic beer cup is a common container that people use. Cheaper too


Well-Known Member
So let me get this right, you are on a forum full of incredibly experienced growers, and you are gonna show us how easy our hobby is? Using coke cans and a 44w bulb. This i gotta see. I have been growing on and off for a while now and it still aint easy. Hope you will be keeping a journal of this. Best of luck, you really are gonna need it. And i hope you believe in god.cos without divine intervention it simply aint gonna work.


Active Member
My first grow was extremely basic like this, i think I spent about £20 on it, still managed to get a 1/4 per plant (3 plants).. but it took about 5 months. Which I didnt mind too much becuase it was just a hobby then ^^

I was growing in cheap 7L pots, had 2 20w energy saving bulbs (standard household spectrum),cheap soil from local shop and no nutes...

Good fun, and gave me time to learn what I needed to know =]

Probably wasted energy bill though... Not sure how much it cost me electric wise

Brick Top

New Member
Come on now … this isn’t real, right? A 44-watt bulb of some type or another and Coke cans … I mean someone here is just using a sock puppet and made up this bull story to fuck with the rest of us … right?


Active Member
Come on now … this isn’t real, right? A 44-watt bulb of some type or another and Coke cans … I mean someone here is just using a sock puppet and made up this bull story to fuck with the rest of us … right?
Nope... It works, just not to the standard you guys probably manage


Well-Known Member
My first grow was extremely basic like this, i think I spent about £20 on it, still managed to get a 1/4 per plant (3 plants).. but it took about 5 months. Which I didnt mind too much becuase it was just a hobby then ^^

I was growing in cheap 7L pots, had 2 20w energy saving bulbs (standard household spectrum),cheap soil from local shop and no nutes...

Good fun, and gave me time to learn what I needed to know =]

Probably wasted energy bill though... Not sure how much it cost me electric wise
but knowing what you know now would you do it again? Would you wait 5 month for 3 quarters? If people are willing to start growing weed without any of the basics, sorry but they are setting themselves up for a fall. Oh and welcome to Riu mate.


New Member
you would have trouble growing water cres with a 44w bulb, you would be better using a fecking candle, large church candle ofcourse.


Well-Known Member
I see both sides. Growing is a skill that one can only master with experience, trial and error, and ALOT of homework. But I think he's just making a point to the people that come on here with 2 post and say, What do I need? How do I grow? and all that shit. I mean, hey, he could crash and burn, but I would rather see someone fall in and try, as opposed to just pop up askin jackassy questions.


Well-Known Member
you would have trouble growing water cres with a 44w bulb, you would be better using a fecking candle, large church candle ofcourse.
sorry mate. My zippo puts out more lumens than your church candle! Seriously though, why do people think we growers spend what we do? For the fun of it? No, because we need it, to make our growing more productive.

Brick Top

New Member
but knowing what you know now would you do it again? Would you wait 5 month for 3 quarters? If people are willing to start growing weed without any of the basics, sorry but they are setting themselves up for a fall.

Something to add to that, that most people likely never consider.

If someone gets busted for their Rube Goldberg ghetto grow that will at best produce a small amount of light fluffy bud they are just as busted as the guy who has a real setup.
Yes some charges may be different because of quantity of bud found by the cozzers but is it really worth the risk for such a minimal low-grade return that will be had from shot glass and beer cup and Coke can or 1-gallon pot grows with weak lighting and no or little or totally rotten reflective material and no or crummy fertilizers etc?
Personally I do not believe it is.

If someone is going to take the risk they should do everything possible to make it worth the risk.

If they do not understand that ... well then they are an idiot savant minus the savant part.


Well-Known Member
Something to add to that, that most people likely never consider.

If someone gets busted for their Rube Goldberg ghetto grow that will at best produce a small amount of light fluffy bud they are just as busted as the guy who has a real setup.
Yes some charges may be different because of quantity of bud found by the cozzers but is it really worth the risk for such a minimal low-grade return that will be had from shot glass and beer cup and Coke can or 1-gallon pot grows with weak lighting and no or little or totally rotten reflective material and no or crummy fertilizers etc?
Personally I do not believe it is.

If someone is going to take the risk they should do everything possible to make it worth the risk.

If they do not understand that ... well then they are an idiot savant minus the savant part.
that is a very good point mate. What is it, 3 plants in the uk and its personal, anymore than that and its cultivation with intent.


Well-Known Member
i assume that all new members to this site are here for one reason, to learn to grow weed...

whether their setup is basic or not they want to learn to grow the best weed possible..

there are exceptions of people who obviously have no business growing (kids at home that are hiding their grows are one example)....

and then there are examples like these... just terrible ones...

first you say you spent 5 months growing 3 quarters of an ounce... that is a waste of time... after 5 months, with time and all costs figured, that grow actually put you in the hole.. and now you are trying to set up new growers to do the same when all they would have to do is read around for a sog/scrog grow and setup and get the basics there, and learn how to make the grow worth their time... actually come out on top..

everyone here knows how easy weed growing can be... if you REALLY wanted to illustrate that point you could have just grew outdoors and let it go... no nutes, little care.. just basically let it go as is... but instead you are trying to show new growers who could be impressionable and looking for an easy set up a terrible idea for a grow plan...

i think its great you are trying to show how easy it is to grow... trying to show new growers you dont need thousands of dollars of grow equipment to get bud is a great thing... but showing how to grow in pop cans with a 40w light that could end up taking another 5 months is not going to help anyone out... showing cost effective solutions such as using 2 liter bottle for instance or doing a small grow using a few smaller lights would be more helpful not only to the new growers who may actually read this thread, but to yourself because you wont be wasting your time.... but showing someone how to grow a 1/4 ounce of weed per plant in 5 months (not saying that it will take you that long.. but thats your track record thus far to compare too) is not a way to show how easy growing is or how basic it can be.. that will more than likely frustrate a new grower and turn them off to growing before it helps them step foot in the door to really start learning...


Well-Known Member
Why do people try to enter into an expensive passtime on the cheap. If you aint willing to spend money to provide the best conditions within your means, whats the point?


Well-Known Member
I could understand someone with a basic grasp of growing trying a grow like the one in question. But this guy doesnt seem to have a clue. How can a guy with no experience of growing have the audacity to say, what you guys do is easy and i am gonna show you how easy? Really annoying like!