Brainstorm & NL #5 x Haze Grow!


Well-Known Member
nice grow so far, Im battling heat myself but keeping it around 82-84 with a 400w hps and 3 48 T5's. how would you rate the NL #5 x Haze as far as ease to grow, and how tall are they at this point (4 weeks of 12/12?) Im thinking of growing that along with White Russian for my next grow so looks like we have similar tastes! keep up the good work

thanks jh! heat issues are disturbing. the nl #5 x haze seems pretty easy to grow with soil. mine stretched too much due to the light being too far away. i should have done more training earlier on to control the height as my tent isn't tall. I did some training (tried to do it like riu genfranco's super cropping) with the brainstorm and it worked well.

have some updates now. the nl plants are budding up nicely despite the intense heat which gets in the 90s F at times.



Well-Known Member
:sleep:well, how is everyone? quiet these days... i guess this isn't the most interesting grow, but i don't think its too bad. i checked the trichs on brainstorm yesterday and they're cloudy on the thickest buds. i quick dried a top and it worked well. i tend toward a cerebral high, so i'll harvest soon, gradually. nl pants are bulking up nicely. will update when i get a chance to take during lights on. right now they are sleeping.


Well-Known Member
Hello all out there checking in on my grow! I will be posting some more pictures soon. The runt nl is getting the thickest buds, surpassing all others.

I chopped a couple of the brainstorm buds and have then drying now.

Okay, don't everyone comment at once lol.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Since I see that people are checking in still, and for my own reference, as well, here is the update of the grown. These are the photos I took yesterday. I'm probably going to harvest in another week. The runt nl turned out very nice I think. Buds are getting real thick. Now I'm trying to learn more about harvesting which I don't have a lot of experience with. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd drop a line... i just tried some of the brainstorm and i have to say it appears that drying and curing are important considerations. I have to get some mason jars, looks like people use them the most. The nl plants are really puffing up nicely, another week and they'll be good to go. I'll be sending some great updated pics your way soon, so stay tuned and keep growing on.


Well-Known Member
Very nice grow. You must be around 7 or 8 weeks now? nl5xhaze takes around 10 or 11 weeks to finish.


Well-Known Member
Very nice grow. You must be around 7 or 8 weeks now? nl5xhaze takes around 10 or 11 weeks to finish.
hi daveydoom and thanx for checking out the grow. the nlxhaze plants were started on 5/28, I vegged until 6/25. they've been on 12/12 for nine weeks yesterday. i don't think they need much longer, maybe another week maximum. i think its going to be some great smoke, if i figure out how to cure it well.

Anyway, i'll update this weekend when i have some time. they sure are plumpin pretty good. :weed:


Well-Known Member
those posts are very helpful - i've got a plan for a drying space. i'm going to get my loupe out later and check the amber and trichs to estimate how much longer they need. this is an exciting stage...


Well-Known Member
They look nice but they just don't have that orange glow that comes with ripeness nor do they look full. I think you are counting your weeks from when you started 12/12 and it should be counted starting when you saw flowers, usually 1 to 2 weeks later. That nl5xhaze will blow your mind if finished properly.


Well-Known Member
okay, thanks Davey, i'll let them keep going for the time being, i think you're right, they were very delayed in flowering after the 12/12 started. i want my socks knocked off lol.


Well-Known Member
i always thought brainstorm is nl#5 x haze?

i saw that the brainstorm is from the same genetics, i'm not totally sure if that means it is the same plant, maybe someone else has more knowledge about this. 1982Grower recommended the brainstorm and he's no longer around or I'd ask him about that.


Well-Known Member
okay, thanks Davey, i'll let them keep going for the time being, i think you're right, they were very delayed in flowering after the 12/12 started. i want my socks knocked off lol.
trust me, it will knock your socks off, wash em, dry em, fold em and put them away. Just keep posting updates. :weed:


Well-Known Member
well, you asked for it, so here we go. I really need some feedback here. is this almost ready to cut down? They are a little crispy, but I guess thats normal and with the previous heat issues, they are doing okay. thickening up, they're gonna be GRRRRREEEAAT! CANT WAIT!:bigjoint:

