Is My Set Up Okay?!

hey guys, i've been browsing the forums for the last week or so reading up on a lot of shit, and decided to join the forums because it seems like it's a great friendly community, that offers plenty of help and advice!

so, im going to be starting my first indoor grow here in the next couple weeks, and I think I have the items in mind that I need...

im going with 4 plants in my closet, planning on putting each plant in a 4 gallon pot?

i got some true canadian bubblegum seeds.

this is the light im planning on using.

is this the right choice for growing 4 plants? or should i go with cfl's?

also, can someone tell me an exact soil mix to buy and use? im new at this, so i dont really know which soil to go with.

i've read to stay away from miracle gro....and saw that a lot of people reccomend scotts soil?

so if i could get an idea of what soil i should buy that would be great!!!! for ventellation, im just going to crack my closet door or put a little fan in the closet...that should be sufficient right?

other than that i think im comfy with the basics, 200ml water every 2-3 days?

after 3-4 weeks start adding nuts...etc

thanks guys


Active Member
hey guys, i've been browsing the forums for the last week or so reading up on a lot of shit, and decided to join the forums because it seems like it's a great friendly community, that offers plenty of help and advice!

so, im going to be starting my first indoor grow here in the next couple weeks, and I think I have the items in mind that I need...

im going with 4 plants in my closet, planning on putting each plant in a 4 gallon pot?

i got some true canadian bubblegum seeds.

this is the light im planning on using.

is this the right choice for growing 4 plants? or should i go with cfl's?

also, can someone tell me an exact soil mix to buy and use? im new at this, so i dont really know which soil to go with.

i've read to stay away from miracle gro....and saw that a lot of people reccomend scotts soil?

so if i could get an idea of what soil i should buy that would be great!!!! for ventellation, im just going to crack my closet door or put a little fan in the closet...that should be sufficient right?

other than that i think im comfy with the basics, 200ml water every 2-3 days?

after 3-4 weeks start adding nuts...etc

thanks guys
Things I can comment on:

-Those are CFLS and will be fine for 4 plants vegging, I suspect.

-Don't underestimate the ventilation, Its gonna stink and get hot.

What I don't understand is if you plan on keeping the closet door propped open all the time, does that not take away from the stealth? Maybe just use a whole room.

-Watering you will figure it as you go. Some need more some need less. No exact numbers to it.
well im not too concerned about stealth...the door can be shut when it needs to be. . . . and if it does get hot and stinky ill move in a fan and what not....

so the light will be good for vegging, can i use it for flowering too? for flowering i just switch to 12 on 12 off right? or do i need a different light for the flowering stage?

any reccomendations for soil?


Active Member
Sorry I don't use soil myself, cant comment there.

Technicallyyou can flower them under CFL's. However you will not get dense bud that grows to its full potential.

Do some research on HID lighting. You would need at least a 600w to flower 4 plants nicely.
ok just talked to the lady on ebay about the light...

the fixture includes 2- 24watt lights and gives off 4,000 lumens.

i need to find a light for like 100 bucks...cant really pay much more than that....

damn i thought cfl's were good for growing just a few plants...shit

back to the drawing board


Well-Known Member
cfls can be used for flowering. Thay wont get the same results as hid but there good for a closet.
I veged 4 no prob with a 225w duel spectrum and for flowering I added a 125 red spectrum.
Its 3 weeks into flowering and there lookin very good.


Well-Known Member

The link you sent for the light is for a 500watt CFL with 6500k spectrum that is only good for veg stage mate, You need to find a CFL light that gives out 2700k red spectrum for flowering . may i surgest this light

it usages is 250 watt but puts out near on 800 watt of light power with 19000 lumens. i have just purchased one and am going to use on my next grow to see the results.


Active Member
hey guys, i've been browsing the forums for the last week or so reading up on a lot of shit, and decided to join the forums because it seems like it's a great friendly community, that offers plenty of help and advice!

so, im going to be starting my first indoor grow here in the next couple weeks, and I think I have the items in mind that I need...

im going with 4 plants in my closet, planning on putting each plant in a 4 gallon pot?

i got some true canadian bubblegum seeds.

this is the light im planning on using.

is this the right choice for growing 4 plants? or should i go with cfl's?

also, can someone tell me an exact soil mix to buy and use? im new at this, so i dont really know which soil to go with.

i've read to stay away from miracle gro....and saw that a lot of people reccomend scotts soil?

so if i could get an idea of what soil i should buy that would be great!!!! for ventellation, im just going to crack my closet door or put a little fan in the closet...that should be sufficient right?

other than that i think im comfy with the basics, 200ml water every 2-3 days?

after 3-4 weeks start adding nuts...etc

thanks guys

Ok, so I am on my first grow as just keep that in mind. Like you I have been reading up on this great community maybe for like a month or two now great info here!

From what I know if you are going with seeds the easiest way to go is with rockwol cubes (a lot better success rate than straight into soil). About the lights I don't know nearly as much so I'll leave that to someone who really knows about lights.

good luck with that grow! :blsmoke:
thanks for all the input ya'll i really appreciate it. OK, i think if found a suitable set up for my 4 little ones. here's the link

will that be enough power for 4 plants? or should i get a bigger set up? this one looks good cuz it includes the light needed for veg and for flowering....

they have more high powered kits, just dont know if it's necessary for 4 plants...



Well-Known Member
Hey dude im im my first grow also so i am not no pro about lights ect but buy the look of them lights i wouldnt say that they would be good enough for 4 plants. i think you should try and get the highest wattage light for your money. you can never have to much light i think. but like i said im not a pro but they just dont look like they gonna put out enough lite to get a big yeild from 4 plants. but i could be very very wrong
thanks for the input once again dudes. i went into the cfl thread and it pretty much lays out the wattage and shit you need for a sucessful grow during veg and flowering...

shit man are there any cfl growers out there that wanna tell me what set up i should use? lol

and soil?


Active Member
cfls are good for veg usually but people do use them for flowering but you have to keep the light close to the plants and you also dont get the density or compactness of the buds. i know a guy that got a 400watt hps from supply store for $110. it was ment indoor basket ball courts with the light socket attached to the ballast. he just rewired the thing to put the ballast outside the room.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the input once again dudes. i went into the cfl thread and it pretty much lays out the wattage and shit you need for a sucessful grow during veg and flowering...

shit man are there any cfl growers out there that wanna tell me what set up i should use? lol

and soil?
A 250watt duel spectrum bulb with a good reflector would do well. and maby add one or two small red spectrums around the sides for flowering.

That would give you good results in a closet. and as said above, keep the bulb close to the plant. you loose alot of lumens if its more than a few inches away. Just judge it with your hand, if its too warm for your hand its to warm for the plants.

As for soil, there are maney good ones there. just make sure it hase good drainge. I use miricle grow.
thanks for all the comments guys, i really appreciate it! ok, i think i know what im gonna go with now, let me know if this is gonna be ok?

going with one 200 watt CFL that puts out 12,500 lumens at 6400k. going with another 200 watt CFL that puts out 12,500 lumens at 2400 or 2700k can't remember? lol

should that be good for 4 plants, or should i add another 200 watt 2700k?

fuckin eh, thanks ya'll

oh shit i almost forgot, do i run the CFL thats for flowering the whole time along with the 6400k? or only add the flowering light when the plant is ready to flower?

sorry for all the questions but i want to get this right!


Well-Known Member
Its up to you realy, but id have it there the whole time to get the full spectrum of light.
or better yet if you could find a full spectrum bulb for veg and then add the 2700k for flower. thats what I did.

Ya 400w of cfls will get the job done well (assuming there real watt and not incandesent)
NABOO, thanks so much bro!

yeah the CFL's are 200 watt's...which is like 800 idascent equavalent i think? but their both 200 watts.

So for the best results, i should run the 6400k and the 2700k the whole time together for the whole process?

also, both the 6400k and the 2700k are both full spectrum, so since thats the case should i only add the 2700k when im ready to make em flower?

thanks for your help NABOO, i really appreciate it bro....

hey also, can you give me a rough estimate of how much and how often i should water them? from what i read it looks like 200ml for each plant every 3 days? seems kinda low dosent it?


Well-Known Member
No problem man, happy to help.

I think "full spectrum" was the wrong word i was thinking of.
If there the eco-lights there are 3 types. 6400k blue spectrum, 2700k red spectrum and 25000k blue/red spectrum (purple)

As for watering. just water untill it starts comeing out the bottom. then wait till the first few inches of the soil is dry
alright nab im taking your word for it. other people are saying i should use many smaller cfl's instead and that will work better. but i dont see the point of using a bunch of lights to get the same output as one light....a lot less hassle and wiring for me yeah?

thanks for your advice, im listening. 200 watt 6400k and a 200 watt 2700k for 4 plants. wish me luck homies!!!!