Who Cares About Ed Rosenthal?

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Well-Known Member
Can someone explain to me why so many growers think Ed Rosenthal is a genius? He doesn't know much more than a lot of us growers on this site (I'd say some know even more) and is even biased in quite a few ways. I just don't understand why Ed Rosenthal is considered a Marijuana Messiah for writing books, simply because most people don't understand how to flower a plant. I could list several growers on this site that deserve just as much repute.

Blue Moonshine1

Active Member
he is a great author, he makes it easy for the inexperienced, not every one has the balls to use this site or even a computer! His books are great, not hanging from his nuts, but you should respect the old school grower for who he is...... But any way Ed is all good by me!


Well-Known Member
I just don't grasp why so many growers think "OMFG ED ROSENTHAL!". Granted, he isn't a novice... but so many growers look to what he says for absolutism. I've looked into more than enough threads and facts (Wikipedia is my best friend) and done enough of my own mathematical calculations and verifications of facts to know what's true and what isn't. Yet, I've had novice growers inform me many times that I should read his books because he's "a genius". Yet, 98% of the things I've found from him were nothing new and the other 2% were inaccurate. He may practically be the writer of a "Marijuana Growing for Idiots" but that doesn't make him the author of a college-level textbook in marijuana cultivation.

desert fox

Well-Known Member
Eds a good author and and knows his shit. He breaks it down from complex to simple stuff very well and easy to read. He covers the gambit of topics and is very accurate about them.


Well-Known Member
He's still just the author, not the mastermind. He's not the source of the ideas, just the teacher... too many people don't realize that.


Well-Known Member
jorge, what can I say about jorge, his book is a waste of money. Most people complain that he does not reference his sources. My problem with his book is that he contradicts himself all through the damn book, like he wrote stone as hell. And the other problems I have with it is he gives many gueses to solve problems and not dirrect answers, and a lot times he doesn't explain in detail on certain subject matter that need it.

Don't buy the Jorge's "grow bible"


Well-Known Member
Ed not only is a good author and his books are a decent read. But i respect him aswell

- Hes done alot for the cause.


Well-Known Member
Ed is a master grower/author.

he was growing and writing before u even knew what marijuana was.

where is your book ??

some people.


Well-Known Member
I don't think I've read Cerventile's book. I've read Greg Green's "The Cannibus Grow Bible" but no bible by Cerventiles. To me he's nameless, so I can't really state an opinion on it.

Madazz, you can't have infallible logic based on how long someone has been doing something. People do their taxes for decades and still manage to fuck it up year after year. The point is, just because you've been doing something longer doesn't mean you're a genius at it. It just means you've had more hands-on experience. Besides, if anything, learning from other people's grows can be far more informative. It's pretty hard to compare grows over the years and no one wants to make a bigger mistake than the last time. It's only through other newer growers that we're so capable of figuring out what DOESN'T work or new ways to fix problems or do things easier and cheaper. If something works well and you've been doing it for years, you aren't suddenly going to change it for something that works worse. New growers however learn new tricks to compensate for their lack in experience and mistakes. By learning from other growers you can easily compare dozens of different grows at the same time. In general, other growers are just as (if not more) informative than yourself, simply because THEY are the ones trying new things without you having to waste your time, money, and energy. I respect those people that make small useful contributions to the art just as much as those that write multiple books.


Active Member
It took a lot of balls to be one of the public faces for the marijuana legalization movement during the reign of terror under the Reagan and Bush admins. For that reason alone, he is worthy of everyones respect


Well-Known Member
I respect Ghandi. I respect what Ghandi did for peace. I do not respect Ghandi as a political and social genius.

You can respect Ed Rosenthal for his balls, but that doesn't change his intellect when it comes to plants. I'm not discussing what he's done politically or how long he's been growing... I'm discussing all the people that view him as a sort of marijuana jesus that is incapable of error.


Well-Known Member
haha yeah i dont think much about either of thses guys we mite as well all make our own books because we all have our own ideas and grow techniquies. and im sure like me 50% of growers had half a brain and was like," i gotta seed, lets see if she sprouts" a good book would starts from thier. is it that hard 2 realize how marijuana grows? like all other plants u have 2 study them, and learn how it grows simply like a weed. do people congradulate u on your feild of sticker weed plants? what if they were al single stocked pot plants? in your feild what would be the difference? u put the plant in the ground A. water the fucker all the way around B. wait untill ur fucking plant starts getting thirsty and willty and then u gotta give her a drink. did u know bud flavor arouma and resin productions all about the strain, no matter how u grow it with what ever nutes u use it will always have the same thc content ande flovor excetra, most shit they sell at the hydro store is expensive and not even needed (chems and ferts), has any one seen a plant grown with just dirt n water? grows nice pure bud, a little fertilizer here and thier never hurts, piont in being is just a fucking plant put your mind 2 it and get the real marijuana books about how the plant originated and developed. maybe try a veggie garden in the summer if u want 2 learn how 2 grow plants,ha ha my first pot plants i grew was the best weed i ever smoked about a 1b per plant any one can do it u just need a water scedule, 2 much weater and ur dirt will stagnate preventing root growth.
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