It burns when I piss . . .

I don't wanna get too graphic, but every time I'm high and I take a piss it burns a little, but not when I'm sober.

Part of me thinks I'm infected with shit and part of me thinks I'm just realizing the hot piss on my cold dick in this New England weather.

I don't think I have the herpes either, I'm clean.


Active Member
listen to frank zappa's song called "why does it hurt when i pee", it'll tell you all you need to know,

i caught it from the toilet seat,,,, it jumped right up, and grabbed my meat..........why does it hurt when i pea........


Well-Known Member
odd, sometimes when im really high i have problems getting my urine flow started, but i dont think that really has anything to do with it. i wonder why it only bugs u when ur high and gotta piss and not all the time too.......otherwise i'd say you probally got a infection or the dreaded clap......but i dunno, it doesnt make sense it would only happen when your high though, it should hurt all the time......right?


Well-Known Member
odd, sometimes when im really high i have problems getting my urine flow started, but i dont think that really has anything to do with it. i wonder why it only bugs u when ur high and gotta piss and not all the time too.......otherwise i'd say you probally got a infection or the dreaded clap......but i dunno, it doesnt make sense it would only happen when your high though, it should hurt all the time......right?
this is true, maybe a urinary track infection?

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
"It burns when I piss..."

Well when I get on a mic I spit fire...

Maybe you could just put a whole bunch of that red pepper seasoning on your pizza [as in more of that shit than cheese] and the burn when you shit will counteract the burn of your piss.

Fight fire with fire.


Well-Known Member
could be a sign of diabetes or prostate problems, as well as UTI,s and kidney infections and stones. also a sign of mild-moderate dehydration, and several std's....


Well-Known Member
Probably a simple urinary tract infection or yeast infection, just go to the doctors, get some antibiotics and stop being a pussy.


Active Member
"Probably a simple urinary tract infection or yeast infection, just go to the doctors, get some antibiotics and stop being a pussy"...maybe if your lady legs werent open like a t.v. antenna my good man would be feeling fine...


Well-Known Member
"It burns when I piss..."

Well when I get on a mic I spit fire...

Maybe you could just put a whole bunch of that red pepper seasoning on your pizza [as in more of that shit than cheese] and the burn when you shit will counteract the burn of your piss.

Fight fire with fire.
I'm with this guy. Do what he says.


Well-Known Member
I think your just high and either pay more attention to the burning or piss faster thus making it burn. In my opinion, you got nothing to worry about. Next time to take a piss while high try and keep a steady and slow stream, if that makes any sense. If it still hurts, then go to your doc.


Well-Known Member
...maybe if your lady legs werent open like a t.v. antenna my good man would be feeling fine...

Pardon? I get the slight inkling that you're either referring to me, referring to the original poster, or referring to somebody entirely separate from the two. What I DO know for a fact though is you make absolutely no sense what so ever.

I figured you'd pick up some comprehension of the words that you speak between now and the last time I've had to suffer though your posts, let us say I'm not impressed to say the least.

You can get a yeast infection or urinary tract infection from simple digestive issues, from a large list of other causes. I suppose spreading your parts open like an antenna will suffice as an alternative, albeit a really shitty one, but one at that I'll give you a point for it.

I just wish you weren't such an idiot when you got things half right. It's bad enough suffering through it when you're not.