Roseman's Odor Bucket


Well-Known Member
Lol i think everyone knows he didnt invent it they are just giving him credit for posting how to build it, at least that's why i reffered to it as roseman's bucket. Btw I wish I could afford a carbon filter it's just not in my budget right now, being a college student and all.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
the reason i posted video's bit from the grow FAQ's ,in the OP you said you would let the pictures tell what you were doing i felt between your picks and his instructions it would be a great combo
yes it is heated to a high temp to activate it ......... i did not know that fish tank carbon and air carbon was the same ...... i just figured the humidity or water could have clogged it up. maybe i was wrong on the water part but those "pores" do not stay activated for ever (of course meaning the carbon will have less "pockets" or pores) because it does "absorb" most of the bullshit outta the air . im just sayin either the guy used it wrong or it was clogged/used when he got it.
Thats exactly how its made, heated to a high temp. You can reuse your carbon though if you flush it with clean water. For even better results heat it up in the oven for an hour or so after you flush the carbon.


Well-Known Member
Thats exactly how its made, heated to a high temp. You can reuse your carbon though if you flush it with clean water. For even better results heat it up in the oven for an hour or so after you flush the carbon.
I've heard that before, but what the fuck? How do you do that? My Can 66 filter isn't what I would call a HUGE carbon filter, but I have no idea how I would run water through it, then put it an oven.

Any ideas anyone? At nearly $200 a pop, I'd rather reuse, but if takes more than say 4 hours of work it's not really worth it anymore. I just can't even imagine the terrible mess it would make.


Well-Known Member
Thats exactly how its made, heated to a high temp. You can reuse your carbon though if you flush it with clean water. For even better results heat it up in the oven for an hour or so after you flush the carbon.
u might be able to reuse the carbon and clean it out a little bit , but the only way to get it back to the way it was is to heat it to temps the stove cannot get to.
I have never tried your way so i am not saying it wont work , i am just saying you really cant re-activate it from your home (well its NOT easy)
u might be able to reuse the carbon and clean it out a little bit , but the only way to get it back to the way it was is to heat it to temps the stove cannot get to.
I have never tried your way so i am not saying it wont work , i am just saying you really cant re-activate it from your home (well its NOT easy)
It’s not re-activating it, its just cleaning it out. The carbon will always be activated; this process just cleans out all the shit that it was filtering. Now granted it will never be as good as new but you could reuse the same carbon for a few years, easily.

Laserbrn It can only be done on the filters that are refillable; you pour out the carbon from the filter and flush the carbon, not the filter itself.


Elite Rolling Society
Here is where I got the idea:

Click Here to Enlarge Image Click Here to Enlarge Image
Ona Breeze [ONB-1] Price: $139.99 * Quantity: * = Required Field
ONA (Odor Neutralizing Agent) products are designed using scientific principles of molecular bonding.

Two odors can offset one another when they combine to form a bond.

ONA's active ingredients come from a blend of 32 essential oils and plant-derived compounds that bond with and neutralize a wide array of odors.

Fights odors in rooms up to 1500 square feet with the ONA Breeze treatment system.

ONA Gel not included.

My $5 bucket, $10 fan, $10 ONA = $25 far beats the $139~


Well-Known Member
Here is where I got the idea:

Click Here to Enlarge Image Click Here to Enlarge Image
Ona Breeze [ONB-1] Price: $139.99 * Quantity: * = Required Field
ONA (Odor Neutralizing Agent) products are designed using scientific principles of molecular bonding.

Two odors can offset one another when they combine to form a bond.

ONA's active ingredients come from a blend of 32 essential oils and plant-derived compounds that bond with and neutralize a wide array of odors.

Fights odors in rooms up to 1500 square feet with the ONA Breeze treatment system.

ONA Gel not included.

My $5 bucket, $10 fan, $10 ONA = $25 far beats the $139~
So you ARE trying to claim this is an original idea? Please clarify as it's about as old and as common as anything else. It's also BEEN published in the Grow FAQ here with the exact same recommendations for assembly.


Elite Rolling Society
I never in any way said I invented this or anything. It was you or your buddy that said that. Not me.

I was just wanting to bump the thread .
I've been on RIU three years, I subscirbe to two hydro supply sales magazines, and one grow magazine, I visit other sites and read a lot abut growing and I am 60 years old and I have seen hundreds of Odor different buckets with fans and febreeze and Pine Sol, and Turpentine, and Bath Room deodorrizers, etc.

If I show you a pic of my fan, or my tank, or my bucket, or whatever, doesn't mean I claim to have invented the idea. I do have Roseman's Grow Bucket, but I don;t suggest I am the first or inventor of the grow bucket. I just didn't feel like argueing with you or see any need to defend myself.
No one else was foolish to think I was claiming to invent it.
It was MINE, I built it, so I called it Roseman's. I did not put my fan in a lid, or use a computer fan, or I did not use all round holes or all slits, it was just what I built after seeing a hundred different designs. .

Why the antagonistic attitude and personal attack anyway? What did I ever do to you? I've never attacked you or said anything to you or about you. Matter a fact, I think I gave you REP somewhere. I'm not a hater or basher or attacker or anything other than an old peaceful grower trying to be helpful and nice and polite and kind here.
(well, except for fatman, LOL he really rubs me raw)

I bid you PEACE and JOY. Try it, you might like it.
So you ARE trying to claim this is an original idea? Please clarify as it's about as old and as common as anything else. It's also BEEN published in the Grow FAQ here with the exact same recommendations for assembly.

Roseman 'trying to claim' ????? Where in the world did you get that idea??

You are way off base. He recommended a far cheaper way of doing something and you insinuate 'something dark' about Roseman??

Read his posts again. He did not mis-lead anyone about anything.

Rep+ for roseman and this tutorial!! Thank you soooooo much for your time and dedication to all us 'BubbleHeads!!



Well-Known Member
I actually took your silence on the matter to mean that you weren't trying to take credit for it. I thought silence was actually a very good response considering I attacked pretty hard at that one. You didn't defend your creation of the odor bucket so I dropped it and figured we could all go one. I was genuinely confused when I saw this today and thought "maybe he does think he invented this thing?" So I was asking genuinely if you believed that. It's just that when you capitalize things such as Roseman's Odor Bucket it sorta implies you invented the idea. I should have worded my original challenge to the credit of this idea in a less confrontational matter, I just had a lot of respect for videoman and he helped me out a lot when I was a newb. I left this forum for some time and when I returned, he was gone and I haven't seen a post in a long time, makes me wonder.


Well-Known Member
Reread the whole thread, it's called "Roseman's Odor Bucket", in this world that is like taking credit for it.

Such as say, a Hempy Bucket, created by Hempy. Would you go on a forum and type "Justine's Bucket" and go on to describe word for word and picture for picture a Hempy Bucket or would you call it a Hempy Bucket?

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
I don't know why so many of you think that Roseman is trying to take credit for the idea...all he's saying is that this is HIS bucket. He owns it doesn't he? He even showed us the original product that gave him the idea. Roseman is nothing but helpful and peaceful to EVERYONE so stop attacking him. This bucket is meant for people who are looking for a cheaper, DIY alternative to carbon filters. I use ONA and it works great. It might not be as good as a carbon filter but it is cheaper and still works. So just cool it everyone, Roseman was just trying to help.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree, why attack Roseman?? Shiny Sides put it well, he owns it, right? I didn't feel he was taking credit for the idea. Just spreading his knowledge.
Roese babe.... you need to take a little longer in your construction of your next bucket.... Your finished product looks, well, like something one might have picked up in the Katrina after math!

It must be a guy thing.

Don't care how it looks as long as it works!

(Must be why guys like vaginas so much too !!)


Plus oder control! All in one thread!

(LOL! I hope you guys got a kick out of that... and I'm a gal !!)


Elite Rolling Society
it might look like a bucket from the Katrina storm, but it will take the stink off a ferret and my grow at the same time! I may of been stoned when I built that one. I built one a few years ago and sold it, or actually I swapped it for a couple of buds.
(gotta be careful what ya say around here, easy to be mis-understood.)


Elite Rolling Society
I PMed Laserbrn, and he PMed me back, and now I can call him FRIEND and he can call me FRIEND.

That is why they call it a MISUNDERSTANDING and that is how mature civil adult men handle it.

Laserbrn, I do indeed wish that Peace and Joy will follow you all of your days, and that your days are long and full of Peace and Happiness.
Roseman said: Justine,
it might look like a bucket from the Katrina storm, but it will take the stink off a ferret and my grow at the same time! I may of been stoned when I built that one. I built one a few years ago and sold it, or actually I swapped it for a couple of buds.
(gotta be careful what ya say around here, easy to be mis-understood.)

All so very true! But... is that part of your wife still 'liberal'?


(an inside joke for those of you who may not know what we're talikng about. But, boy was it funny!!!!

I've never forgot it!

Rock on Roseman... !