tga subcool seeds

You are right my friend.

Sorry for snappin at ya earlier :confused: I just hate bashers on these sites trolling against dedicated and respectable breeders. I see you're not in this category, so my bad mang.

I do think Jack's Cleaner will be one of my next strains to try, after Ice Cream from Paradise Seeds. Both I've heard amazing things about. :joint:
i have my own views as too what constitutes breeding and who is doing it,some agree some disagree,but it has no baring on how i formulate my thoughts.i have studied cannabis inside out since being disabled and am well aware of what is going on.
Currently Own: JC2, Vortex, 3D, JTR, Querkle, Jillybean, Dannyboy, Agent Orange, Astroboy, California Orange, Conquistador, Cuddlefish Hash Plant, Jacks Cleaner BX, Killer Queen, Orange Velvet, Pandoras Box, Romulan, Scarlet Queen, Sputnik 1.0, 2.0, Super Skunk, Tiny Bomb,and The Void.

And the Taboo: Pandoras box X White Rhino, JC2 X Arjans Ultra Haze #2. These were created by Subcools strains popping male flowers and pollenating GHS gear in the same room. I can hear the man screaming about how taboo such crosses are...However
Subcools strains are known for this....

As you can tell. Even though the man can tell me "screen to screen" that JC2 will throw pollen at day 51 "naturally", His gear is good enough for me to buy every thing hes got available. I would completely agree with any statement along the lines of "if you have not tried it, you just don't know what you're missing".

... and I scrog everything...
Currently Own: JC2, Vortex, 3D, JTR, Querkle, Jillybean, Dannyboy, Agent Orange, Astroboy, California Orange, Conquistador, Cuddlefish Hash Plant, Jacks Cleaner BX, Killer Queen, Orange Velvet, Pandoras Box, Romulan, Scarlet Queen, Sputnik 1.0, 2.0, Super Skunk, Tiny Bomb,and The Void.

And the Taboo: Pandoras box X White Rhino, JC2 X Arjans Ultra Haze #2. These were created by Subcools strains popping male flowers and pollenating GHS gear in the same room. I can hear the man screaming about how taboo such crosses are...However
Subcools strains are known for this....

As you can tell. Even though the man can tell me "screen to screen" that JC2 will throw pollen at day 51 "naturally", His gear is good enough for me to buy every thing hes got available. I would completely agree with any statement along the lines of "if you have not tried it, you just don't know what you're missing".

... and I scrog everything...

What's the best strain in general ya think from TGA after trying all of those strains?
dont know but i am a few weeks into flower with jilly bean, vortex, jack the ripper, and qleaner. will review in a month or so...
what i consider when purchasing seeds is not stability or how much effort was involved in backcrossing or other methods of refining but what is simply the most potent for my needs available the rest i can work out myself if i choose to. there is a lot of confusion about genetics in general on cannabis forums there is not always a correlation between stability and potency there are so many great new strains available which have not been worked for many generations and are still the up and coming best. many of these are newer clone only which i work with exclusively. mostly on this subject i dont bother posting because people with no access to some of these clones go off on a rant about old school breeders etc etc... i of course have a number of the older established strains as well but some of the newer stuff is simply better something to consider for anyone concerned with aquiring the best stuff currently available.
bycicle racer quote: i dont bother posting because people with no access to some of these clones go off on a rant about old school breeders etc etc......i dont think any old time breeder or modern breeder has captured the psycadelic highs that were produced from africa(and not south africa)and south american sativas.those plants were like wild stallions they could never be tamed,its like when you cross your husky with a wolf,the pups ok untill you give it wild meat,then its dna goes wacko.but unless you smoked those old sativas you would never believe you can trip like cid.but the genetic soup we have available for closet growing is better today then 30 years ago,but now we just keep mixing and matching the same old stuff.and any one can find a keeper with his own pollen chuckin.any one can make good seeds,any one.its not like breeders got secret genetics outside of the germplasim every one has access too.but i dont believe the next batch of clone onlies are the new standard,thats been said every year for how ever long it became profitable and marketable to say so.
Woodsman whats with the comment about Subcools beans being known for spittin seeds, Its the first for me to hear!!
bycicle racer quote: i dont bother posting because people with no access to some of these clones go off on a rant about old school breeders etc etc......i dont think any old time breeder or modern breeder has captured the psycadelic highs that were produced from africa(and not south africa)and south american sativas.those plants were like wild stallions they could never be tamed,its like when you cross your husky with a wolf,the pups ok untill you give it wild meat,then its dna goes wacko.but unless you smoked those old sativas you would never believe you can trip like cid.but the genetic soup we have available for closet growing is better today then 30 years ago,but now we just keep mixing and matching the same old stuff.and any one can find a keeper with his own pollen chuckin.any one can make good seeds,any one.its not like breeders got secret genetics outside of the germplasim every one has access too.but i dont believe the next batch of clone onlies are the new standard,thats been said every year for how ever long it became profitable and marketable to say so.

Just wait genetic engineering is here now and the shit will hit the fan with new stuff in our lifetime.
I hope it won't be an end to quality breeders though but it's something to be aware of.
to be honest i do not enjoy sativas too much i find the high to be jittery and irritating but thats me. i prefer indicas and hybrids leaning towards the indica or sativa side depending on the situation. although some sativas give an up beat high with out the jitters and nervousness those i do like but they are rare. i recently aquired a number of seed batches going back to 1977 im going to pop them soon some are thai and the others are mixes of different things from around california in the late 70's and early 80's i assume there will be some sativas or sativa dominant strains in there from that time well see how they turn out soon. if any good i will reproduce them and also make hybrids as well with modern strains.
as for genetic engineering yes that would be bad and if its fully legalized companies like monsanata(misspelled) will screw everything up with patents and gene manipulation sterile seeds etc.. if this happens people will wish for the days when the only problems were pollen chucking fem seeds and thousands of unstable random crosses lol.
Just wait genetic engineering is here now and the shit will hit the fan with new stuff in our lifetime.
I hope it won't be an end to quality breeders though but it's something to be aware of.
ya apparently they have been able to create only thc or cbd,we will be blown away at whats coming i agree,but ya breeders will by so yesterday,but like you i hope not.
to be honest i do not enjoy sativas too much i find the high to be jittery and irritating but thats me. i prefer indicas and hybrids leaning towards the indica or sativa side depending on the situation. although some sativas give an up beat high with out the jitters and nervousness those i do like but they are rare. i recently aquired a number of seed batches going back to 1977 im going to pop them soon some are thai and the others are mixes of different things from around california in the late 70's and early 80's i assume there will be some sativas or sativa dominant strains in there from that time well see how they turn out soon. if any good i will reproduce them and also make hybrids as well with modern strains.
i started a post about old seeds,but having no followers lol i never got a reply,but i was given seeds by the local underground merchant who ran the first head shop in town starting in the 60,s.well he didnt give them to me he gave them to another who had no need for them,and to me they came.i wish i can germinate all 3000 of them and do an OP,and go from thier,it would be fun,but i gotta first get my health back and do one seed lol.
to be honest i do not enjoy sativas too much i find the high to be jittery and irritating but thats me. i prefer indicas and hybrids leaning towards the indica or sativa side depending on the situation. although some sativas give an up beat high with out the jitters and nervousness those i do like but they are rare. i recently aquired a number of seed batches going back to 1977 im going to pop them soon some are thai and the others are mixes of different things from around california in the late 70's and early 80's i assume there will be some sativas or sativa dominant strains in there from that time well see how they turn out soon. if any good i will reproduce them and also make hybrids as well with modern strains.
i had some really clean sativas from botwawanna just a soaring high,but they also had some stuff that made you see the devil,so they were breeding for effect a long time ago.
oh of course humans have selectively bred plants and animals for thousands of years. basically i like sativas if they give positive energy or insightful thinking without nervousness or anxiety after all the reason i smoke in the first place is to relax and contemplate or sometimes just to rest. those kinds of sativas are rare it seems.