The Late Night (venting) Thread, Get it off ur chest here.


Well-Known Member
This is the late night venting thread.

had a shitty day?? or even a good one?

let us have it! anything u feel like getting off without judgment, do it here. PLEEZ NO being a dick. i want somewhere that everyone can come for comfort and stress releif. i know we smoke, but that only does so much of the job.

SO pleeez feel free to post, ill try to bring it up on a nightly basis, too.


Well-Known Member
well here at my house alone again. girlfriends working. and i keep getting more suspicious about little things here and there, of course it doesnt help that her job is LITERALLY all lying on the phone to people, its gotta come easy at SOME point. but i hope im wrong.


Well-Known Member
yea shes a phone Op. at an escort service, so she acts like a striiper and sends the girls there, it worries me a lil. 2 years into the relationship, and the ONLY serious one ive had, ill drop this bitch like a fukin hot-potato tho.:fire:(in a relationship manner, NOT phisicaly,lol) i give her ALOT of slack, i let her drive my car, we live in my house, we smoke my weed, lol.


Active Member
if my babies mom leaves me for another guy ill move to a mountain top and become "el rey de la mota" ill grow a long bierd and never shower... i think for sanitery issues ill clean my ass and balls lol ... ill be the crazy old stoner up there budfucking every single cola he sees. aww yes that will be the day.. lol

trichlone fiend

New Member
...awe damn. Get away bro. The whole idea of a chic work'n for a "sex for sale" service, is not a relationship to be taken seriously. Ohhhh, but they can be fun now can't they? LOL


Well-Known Member
if my babies mom leaves me for another guy ill move to a mountain top and become "el rey de la mota" ill grow a long bierd and never shower... i think for sanitery issues ill clean my ass and balls lol ... ill be the crazy old stoner up there budfucking every single cola he sees. aww yes that will be the day.. lol

QUIT the imagination u got goin there man! apply that shit to ur growing! lol.

im suspicious of her, but i got a shady thought process. 6 years of sum good shit (aka meth,lol) and alot of other shit, (now clean and healthy with no troubles xcept this were talkin about) i tend to think shady.:sad:


Active Member
a girl in that industry you have every single right to be concerned that she may be a little "sketchy" at best. dont feel bad we all have those thoughts... the thing is if you love her and you wanna be with her then you have to figure it out now before you move on to the next chapter . other wise you will never know what is real and be the sucker who gets played by his wife and all that i dont need to say. if she is true to you i think you will see it in the long run ... and you wont have to ask yourself what? im a little high so i aint trying to be dr phil im just going from what i know... many failed and lost loved... i fear im a hopeless romantic haha... oh well i still got my babies mama... i aint too worried about it anyways ill never lose mary jane
I went to H.E.B around 10:30 to go get some snacks for my pothead boyfriend because he and his friend were to fucked up to go. On my way out of the store I noticed the car parked next to mine. There was a man sitting in the driver side he made me really uneasy. As I was putting my items in the car he just sat there and watched. I was almost done when he got out of the car he just kinda walked up behind me and lingered. About that time I looked around the parking lot and realized there was nobody else there but me and that guy. I got this really sick fucked up feeling in my stomach. Then I heard people walking out of the store he heard them too and started to walk towards the store. But he kept looking back at me. I jumped in my car and as I drove away it felt like I was driving away from something evil. His look was a look of pure hate and he scared the fuck out of me. The worse part was getting home and trying to talk to my boyfriend about it and him acting like a jerk.


Well-Known Member
...awe damn. Get away bro. The whole idea of a chic work'n for a "sex for sale" service, is not a relationship to be taken seriously. Ohhhh, but they can be fun now can't they? LOL

we got together b4 it. like i said dood 2 years, ive NEVER been with a girl this long, im not a 'clingy' person. i adapt easily. but i DO love her.


Well-Known Member
a girl in that industry you have every single right to be concerned that she may be a little "sketchy" at best. dont feel bad we all have those thoughts... the thing is if you love her and you wanna be with her then you have to figure it out now before you move on to the next chapter . other wise you will never know what is real and be the sucker who gets played by his wife and all that i dont need to say. if she is true to you i think you will see it in the long run ... and you wont have to ask yourself what? im a little high so i aint trying to be dr phil im just going from what i know... many failed and lost loved... i fear im a hopeless romantic haha... oh well i still got my babies mama... i aint too worried about it anyways ill never lose mary jane

True shit.

At least she knows how to talk dirty
LMFAO!!!! But Very true.


Well-Known Member
I went to H.E.B around 10:30 to go get some snacks for my pothead boyfriend because he and his friend were to fucked up to go. On my way out of the store I noticed the car parked next to mine. There was a man sitting in the driver side he made me really uneasy. As I was putting my items in the car he just sat there and watched. I was almost done when he got out of the car he just kinda walked up behind me and lingered. About that time I looked around the parking lot and realized there was nobody else there but me and that guy. I got this really sick fucked up feeling in my stomach. Then I heard people walking out of the store he heard them too and started to walk towards the store. But he kept looking back at me. I jumped in my car and as I drove away it felt like I was driving away from something evil. His look was a look of pure hate and he scared the fuck out of me. The worse part was getting home and trying to talk to my boyfriend about it and him acting like a jerk.
DAMN girl. u need sum MACE or even better, A MACE!!lol.


Well-Known Member
thanx yall fer the help tho, its wat i put the thread here for and i werked great! hope it helps others too.:hug::hug::hug::hug:


Active Member
whats mase gonna do against pure evil... you need a fucken gun and shoot that asshole right in his dome... need be of course. I am pretty sure you need to be more careful. You might of came across one of these schizophrenic potheads im so randomly hearing about these days! lolll oh nah mah bad thats only in the UK haha jk

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
I went to H.E.B around 10:30 to go get some snacks for my pothead boyfriend because he and his friend were to fucked up to go. On my way out of the store I noticed the car parked next to mine. There was a man sitting in the driver side he made me really uneasy. As I was putting my items in the car he just sat there and watched. I was almost done when he got out of the car he just kinda walked up behind me and lingered. About that time I looked around the parking lot and realized there was nobody else there but me and that guy. I got this really sick fucked up feeling in my stomach. Then I heard people walking out of the store he heard them too and started to walk towards the store. But he kept looking back at me. I jumped in my car and as I drove away it felt like I was driving away from something evil. His look was a look of pure hate and he scared the fuck out of me. The worse part was getting home and trying to talk to my boyfriend about it and him acting like a jerk.
You gotta realize when girls tell storys like that, guys think their over exagerated and think oh shes just a girl being scared of stupid things.
Especially when hes fucked up


Active Member
i dont let my girl out past dark by herself no way... lol shes too short some asshole would stuff her in a duffle bag and be on his way. There is some craazy crazies in this world too... just when you think you heard some fucked up shit.. some even more fucked up shit comes along and your like damn thats fuckeddd up lol

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
I went to H.E.B around 10:30 to go get some snacks for my pothead boyfriend because he and his friend were to fucked up to go. On my way out of the store I noticed the car parked next to mine. There was a man sitting in the driver side he made me really uneasy. As I was putting my items in the car he just sat there and watched. I was almost done when he got out of the car he just kinda walked up behind me and lingered. About that time I looked around the parking lot and realized there was nobody else there but me and that guy. I got this really sick fucked up feeling in my stomach. Then I heard people walking out of the store he heard them too and started to walk towards the store. But he kept looking back at me. I jumped in my car and as I drove away it felt like I was driving away from something evil. His look was a look of pure hate and he scared the fuck out of me. The worse part was getting home and trying to talk to my boyfriend about it and him acting like a jerk.
I'm pretty sure it was jus the situation... Still fukd up I know he felt bad.. I would...wouldn't happen again... But if it's late then stay at home...