Plants sleep so which is best


New Member
i got 2 silver haze which sleep 5-6 hrs aday mid day to tea time, they go limp do not respond to light, ive read that they shut down same as when overwaterd and go limp and do nowt, but which cycle wud be best... 5hrs it sleeps 7hrs light in 1st 12hrs then awake in 12 dark to produce chemicals for flower next day. or time it so this sleep coincides with dark but then only have 7hrs to produce the chemicals but have 12hrs full benefit of 12hrs light, how long does it need to produce chemicals, does it produce them in its sleep,:confused:


New Member
For vegitative 18-24 hrs of light. For budding 12 hours of light.
that just basic. my plant wouldn't flower on 12/12 for 2weeks it only few days into 13 dark 11 light it started, which got me thinking abt the plants sleep pattern and does it produce these chemicals in sleep rather than just in the dark when awake & am i wasting money when the plant does not seem to be using the light, this my 1st grow and know this is a question for a botanist or an old pro, yes i do know the cycles i have a specimen in my stealth grow on youtube (mrbigbud75) check it out i can grow, it not hard, just trying to up my yield and need few things clarifie.


Well-Known Member
i got 2 silver haze which sleep 5-6 hrs aday mid day to tea time, they go limp do not respond to light, ive read that they shut down same as when overwaterd and go limp and do nowt, but which cycle wud be best... 5hrs it sleeps 7hrs light in 1st 12hrs then awake in 12 dark to produce chemicals for flower next day. or time it so this sleep coincides with dark but then only have 7hrs to produce the chemicals but have 12hrs full benefit of 12hrs light, how long does it need to produce chemicals, does it produce them in its sleep,:confused:
Your question makes no sense, are you asking if you can....what are you asking about? Try again.....


New Member
which wud be the best cycle providing the plant sleeps 5hrs ?... 7hours of light then it sleeps 5hrs then 12 hours of dark to produce the chemicals needed.. or what im doing now is lights on at 7am but it sleeps 1pm til 5-6pm and lights go off at 7pm so my plant is only benefiting from only 7 hours light or again would it be better to give it the full 12hr light let it sleep the 1st 5hrs of dark and then 7hrs to produce its chemicals but is the 7hrs enuf time. so there is 3 different ways to do it which is best or which will give me a bigger yield, ps 3 times i have wrote this out now, please read carefully


Well-Known Member
That makes no sense, stop messing up your plants cycle like that, you are not helping anything at all, they are both equally bad options, do neither.....12/12 is used for a reason....BECAUSE ITS THE BEST WAY. lol


New Member
what u goin on about i am doin 12\12. every plant sleeps, some in day or night, when mine sleeps i turn lights off coz it not using light. does it produce these chemicals in its sleep. whats wrong with 12 hrs light turn lights off for 5hrs while it sleeps then keeping lights off for a further 7hrs makes the 12\12 but is the 7 hrs dark enuf time to make enuf chemicals for the next day, thats all i want to know


New Member
um if u want 5hrs of sleep do 19 hrs on 5 off wtf is so hard about that.....?
WTF i dont want sleep you idiot, wtf is 19\5, thats cruel, whats so hard to understand about my plant sleeping and me wanting this sleep to coincide with the dark half, the only question im asking really is 7hrs enuf time to produce the chemicals needed for bud production as the other 5 hrs its a fucking sleep.


Well-Known Member
Umm chemicals? are you asking how to induce a plant into growing by activating hormones? like what conditions will make the hormones? i know auxin is plant hormone that promotes growth but its triggered by a low stress training or super cropping you plant. Plants dont need sleep when they are growing, although they fixate co2's to sugars in the dark cycle (pre photosynthesis) dark conditions are NOT needed for vegetative growth. I can quote my cell bio text book for you if you want to be sure.


Well-Known Member
Your asking a dumb question that doesnt make sense, so you got no right going off on anybody. Your lucky I'm so forgiving, otherwise I'd tell you to do some basic research and actually understand it, since youve obviously got no idea what your talking about you dont understand. NO, you need 12 hrs of constant uninterrepted dark, thats one of the first things you should of learned if you actually did know what your talking about like you say you do......give attitude and it gets given back.....


New Member
and i cant help if u cant understand my question 3 times. i know it needs 12 dark im doing that but whats so hard to understand that im wondering instead of my plant sleeping nearly half way thru the light 12hrs which is 7am til 7pm. can i move the time it sleeps to the dark 12 so it gets a full 12 hours light to use. do you even realise plants sleep and it may not be in the dark 12 hours


Well-Known Member
and i cant help if u cant understand my question 3 times. i know it needs 12 dark im doing that but whats so hard to understand that im wondering instead of my plant sleeping nearly half way thru the light 12hrs which is 7am til 7pm. can i move the time it sleeps to the dark 12 so it gets a full 12 hours light to use. do you even realise plants sleep and it may not be in the dark 12 hours
I just fucking told you, it needs 12 hr of constant dark! What is so hard to understand?


Active Member
haha, i would help but i actually can't understand any of this!, for veg stage give them 24 hours of light (lights on) and for flowering give them 12 hours of dark (lights off) and 12 hours of light (lights on). to make it easier, put the lights on a timer, set the timer to turn on at 8 in the morning and off at 8 at night, < thats for flowering... don't worry about how many hours of darkness will produce THC, only worry about that before you chop, when its usual to give them 2 days of dark (sleep , nap, sleepy's, whatever you want to call it)< thats what i think you're asking, if its not then i and no one else on here have a clue what you're asking!


Well-Known Member
Hmm idk man what background gave you this knowledge that plants need to sleep inorder to produce bud hormones? Photosynth is process that converts co2 + light enregy into chemical energy for the plant, sugars. These sugars are what the plant uses to make all its amino acids and compounds. If you put you plant into dark it will not photosynthesize and respectably no usable cmpds formed. At night they shut off there stroma and no co2 comes in... I dont get what you mean by changing the light 12 to the dark 12, are u tlking about reversing ur times? like ur light come on at night and now u want to light to be on durring the real daylight hrs? i think u need a bit more clarity on ur issue, lets not get so heated over this ovb no one else is understanding your question


New Member
ITS ON A12\12 CYCLE. but in the light half it goes limp sleepsfor 5hrs. lets just say it was the oppisite, would it matter that it slept as in no activity same as overwater for 5 hours in the dark. 12 hours is needed yes.. but given no activity for 5 is 7hrs enuf time to produce the chemicals. so its either missing 5hrs light in day or 5 in dark coz it sleeps


Active Member
ok, so your saying that your plant is almost in a koma when the lights come back on again for 5 hours?