24/48 hours darkness.or not before 12/12?


Well-Known Member
hi does anyone think its worth putting my plants, that id had on 24/0 vegg for 5 1/2 weeks. in compleatdarkness for 24/or 48 hours before 12/12. will this help or just delay my grow 1 or 2 days. i dont mind im in no rush.:blsmoke::peace:


Active Member
From what i've read the darkness just help produce that waxy looking coating on the leaves to help protect them from the light so idk if that would help. maybe would if you are going from fluros to hid????


i have heard that its good to give the plants 24 hours of darkness befor flowering becasue it kind of resets the plants timing, or that its like a reminder for the plant that its time to start the end of its life cycle, but i have also heard it is a bunch of bulshit. i would say its worth a try especially since your not in a hurry!


Well-Known Member
I left mine in darkness for 36 hours before i switched but that was only a couple days ago so no results yet.


Well-Known Member
Ive never heard of doing this, probably doesnt do much but i guess if they had a 5 and a half week long daytime, they could use a long rest lol


Well-Known Member
Read about it, done it, no results. 2 separate plants, one I took from 18/6 straight into 12/12, and the other one I left in the dark for 48 hours. And there was no noticeable difference in growth, development, or yield.


Well-Known Member
well damn.atleast i couldnt have stunted it much if you didnt notice a difference.


Well-Known Member
this might raise the chances of the plant hermying... think about nature, when/where would you ever see 24 hours of night? ive heard of doing this AFTER flowering, right before harvesting, cus it apparently makes your plants think they are dying so they freak out and crystallize alot - which might also be bullshit, but im pretty damn certain putting your plants in 24 (especially 48...wtf) hours of dark before flowering isnt gonna have any positive effect. i dont think it would hurt yield or quality, infact it might help "reset" the plant cus ive had a pro grower friend mention something about this.

i really dont know if id risk it though, its always best to get scientific backup before doing something that might confuse/hermy/stress your plants.


Active Member
This will just delay the gro. Look up photochrome red and photomorphogenesis on google. I just takes 12 hours for the flowering pigment to build up, everything beyond that and the plant, she is just waiting for light, and I mean waiting and begging.
Read and learn: Phytochrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And here's some more:Nature’s Timekeeping
Just put her straight into 12/12. Even some strains do perfectly well with 13 on 11 off, but I would wait until they are really well into budding for that (2 weeks).


Well-Known Member
if id have been growing 18/6 i would have gone,straight to 12/12. but ive been growind 24/0 for 5 half weeks. just thought this may help. but if it a waste of time


Well-Known Member
wow, i have never heard of the sun shining 24 hours ona normal light cycle, but i guess if you were growing in alaska, or in northern siberia, northern greenland, etc,...it would prolly make more sense on even doing a 24/7 lights on veg???????.........bongsmilie


Active Member
after i let mine sit in the darkness for 48 hrs when i re-opened the cabinet doors i saw a pretty noticeable stretch. didn't hurt the plant a bit. I'm sure that its not necessary and didn't really seem worth it.


Active Member
correct me if im wrong. flowering is caused by high levels of a hormone thats only active when the plants are in total darkness. so 24 hours of dark might jumpstart the hormone to the critical levels needed to flower.