Rip's 3,200 watt sealed shed w/co2 -medical grow-


Active Member
Looking good, quickrip. The only thing I would add is to keep an eagle eye on those clones and mothers for any signs of mites. As I'm sure you know, even if you've managed to kill all of the adults, there could still be plenty of unhatched eggs hanging around. If you don't see any new ones for a couple of weeks, you're probably in the clear, but I wouldn't bet that you'll conquer them that easily. When I had them, I finally ended up taking clones of all my strains, destroying all of my adults, sending the clones to a friend's house for a couple of weeks where they could be closely watched and bombing and cleaning the room, before I was able to defeat them. After all that, I still found a single clone that had a few on it. I immediately trashed that one clone and I haven't seen any mites since. I hope it doesn't come to "scorched earth" for you, but keep an eye out. Here's hoping you get back on track soon.
Yeah I still see some eggs sitting on the leaf bottoms, but not one live adult in a few days. I will reapply the neem oil in 3 days to hopefully take care of the hatched eggs. and I still havent applied the floramite that arrived today. I will wait till I feel all have been eradicated with the neem oil and then spray the entire room, and the plants with the floramite. The guy on ebay also has azatrol which I will try next if this doesnt take care of the problem.


Well-Known Member
Your in a shed right? HotShots or other brands with Dichlorvos. Just don't spend more then 4 hours around em as they can make u sick. Suppose to work great for mites and other pests.


Well-Known Member
Is that a spray or pest strip or what?
Its a hanging strip that releases a gas. You need it in a contained space to work, for the size of your shed 1 should be plenty. Bout 7 bucks at the home depot, lowes, grocery stores, ect.

and azamax didn't fix my bug problem, makes me sad cuz shits n arm and they are getting all of us organic suckers good.


Well-Known Member
I heard those work too, but not sure if they are safe for marijuana if your gonna smoke it. I may be wrong, but they are poison. I would try a pyrithrum bomb first and use the pest strips as last option. I almost used one when I had aphids last winter, but was able to get rid of them with the azamaz. You need to use the azamaz at 10-15 ml per gal to treat infestation then 5-10 for preventative. A lot of growers don't ever use enough when they have an issue and it doesn't work for them. I used a root saok at 20 mls per gal when I had the aphids. Just mho


Active Member
The shed seems to be bug free at the moment and just to be sure I applied another spray of neem oil and floramite mixed together. Will be watching carefully and applying neem oil periodically for preventitive measure throughout the grow. If I find the problem is ongoing I will definitely be looking back over my journal at all the great advice ive been given to try methods and find what works in the long run for me in my shed. So thank you everyone for all the help.

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
well, now that your room is all set up, your problems are mostly behind you, eh? gotta have those few shitter runs to base thing off of. i bet you learned quite a bit. still learning probably. the more i learn about ganja, the more i find out, that i don't know. its a never ending lesson, or journey if you may. put on your seatbelt. its a long ride, unless you are terminal.


Active Member
Long but enjoyable. I knew when I started that I would have some time taken to adjust my setup and get used to growing on a larger scale. Well at least larger than what Im used to. Im only familiar with a 400w cabinet grow from years back. I was glad to have a decent harvest on the first run, so when the second went south it was of course not what I was shooting for but also not unexpected either. So on we go with more knowledge of the wonderful world of cannibus cultivation.


Well-Known Member
Long but enjoyable. I knew when I started that I would have some time taken to adjust my setup and get used to growing on a larger scale. Well at least larger than what Im used to. Im only familiar with a 400w cabinet grow from years back. I was glad to have a decent harvest on the first run, so when the second went south it was of course not what I was shooting for but also not unexpected either. So on we go with more knowledge of the wonderful world of cannibus cultivation.
the more i learn about growing marijuana the more i learn there's always more to learn . It is a fun and sometimes frustrating journey.


Active Member
the more i learn about growing marijuana the more i learn there's always more to learn . It is a fun and sometimes frustrating journey.
For sure.


I decided to change things up a bit in the shed. I was thinking that I wanted to focus on just one strain, to learn how it reacts ,learn what it likes, and try to master growing this strain. So I picked the purple kush. Out of all my mothers this was the most healthy and best producing plant for clones. It also seems like its the most resiliant to pests compared to the hindu skunk and green crack. Also the one PK that was on my tray when I decided to toss the last batch of wonder woman was responding very well to the co2 and nute regimen.
The 2 gal pots that the 3 mothers were in originally were very crowded and none of them could be grown to their full potential. Now I can let my one mom get the special treatment she deserves. Tonight I put her in a nice big pot (looks like about 4-5 gal) and lst'd her spread wide eagle. Just the way I like it. I will keep her contained by bonsai training her so I get a bunch of shoots coming straight up from the sideways branches. Should work well especially since I need under 20 clones per round.
heres my special mama...



Well-Known Member
Very nice choice.;) my favorite strain to grow. It is a strong plant and definatly a high quality strain. If you treat her right she will grow beautiful, mouthwatering vaginas. It is my medication of choice. A couple things I have observed witht he pk; she likes to veg a little long to give a good yield, she likes a little extra cal/mag week 4-6 of flower, she usually finishes right at 8 weeks like clockwork, and she responds better to lsting and fimming over topping. I am sure you will enjoy growing this strain.


Active Member
Very nice choice.;) my favorite strain to grow. It is a strong plant and definatly a high quality strain. If you treat her right she will grow beautiful, mouthwatering vaginas. It is my medication of choice. A couple things I have observed witht he pk; she likes to veg a little long to give a good yield, she likes a little extra cal/mag week 4-6 of flower, she usually finishes right at 8 weeks like clockwork, and she responds better to lsting and fimming over topping. I am sure you will enjoy growing this strain.
I will take all of these helpful hints as facts comming from you raider. I have no doubt that I picked the best strain out of the three that I had.

Here is some pics of the babies.They were fimmed last fri, theyre getting 500 ppm ph of 5.7, gh flora 3 part, cal mag, superthrive humboldt roots diamond nectar ,and liquid karma.
And heres a few random pics of my panther chameleon "vega" just cause I think hes bad ass.

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
Mmmmm.... PK, my fav for sure. i had some bagseed PK a decade ago. bought an oz. and there were 2 seeds in with it. both seeds germed and turned out to be female. i think they were selfed seeds, as some bagseed is. two plants down by the river. i can see them in my mind now. memories.......

i think it was a good choice going to one strain. makes it easy with the nute schedule. gets you on a rotation, a perpetual, if you will. only downside is lack of variety, but thats what your network is for. can't wait to see them in flower.