First PC grow! What do you think RIU?


So i'm not sure what strain these babies are, as they were out of a mixed bag of female seeds. I am using all Fox Farm products. They have been under 12/12 for 26 days. This is my first time so please let me know what you think RIU!



3 2700 k and 1 6500 k. The pic is poor quality from my cell phone. I totally mixed up all my lights on my first attempt, so I wrote on each bulb what they are so i don't make that mistake again. I had two more lights in there up until a week ago, but took them out for more room.


Thanx for the positive feedback CHIEF! The case is 21 in tall. I actually have been gradually tying them down. ill try to take better pics of my LST job. I totally wasn't prepared for how much they stretched. I got a second case on the way! Gonna try a hydro setup with some auto blue mystic, also got some white rusky seeds to try out! Ill have pics up in a week or two when I get it. So it looks like we gonna have a pc growin party!


Active Member
This is just curiosity, but what is the point of these pc grows? Doesnt a giant ass pc tower with light spewing out of every crack, fans running, and strong weed smell give it away anyway? Not to mention a bunch of cords that dont belong there coming out of it. It would be suspicious at best. Like I said don't take this the wrong way I'm just curious as to the method behind the madness. It seems like a pain in the ass for minimal yields while having to deal with heat and limited height.


I guess not everyone is in it for the same reasons. Just curious, but did it ever occur to you that not everyone wants or needs a giant grow room or a large outside grow. I grow enough for what i need, which is why a pc grow makes sense for me.


Well-Known Member
i agree with that i have one n it serve's we great mines 5 foot tall 3 n half feet wide n 3 feet depth its a nice size since i live in a apartment


Active Member
I was wasn't implying you SHOULD use a whole room or outside grow, I was just more curious as to the use of the pc enclosure itself. I've seen alot of people use them with varied success, but mostly I hear complaints of height and heat issues. That's all I was saying don't take it the wrong way man.


Well-Known Member
What's up JuiceBox? I grow in a pc case because I live in an apartment. My lights are off from 7am to 7pm, so if landlord was to enter my apt while I was away, they would not smell or hear anything. I grow for myself so I grow on a small level and my case is 2ft height x 18.6in deep x 8.1in wide. PC growers will encounter heat issues but after your 1st grow, you understand and make adjustments to your case. That's why I have my lights on at night, less heat issues and I grow strains with low odor.


Well-Known Member
I was wasn't implying you SHOULD use a whole room or outside grow, I was just more curious as to the use of the pc enclosure itself. I've seen alot of people use them with varied success, but mostly I hear complaints of height and heat issues. That's all I was saying don't take it the wrong way man.
I had my PC light proof and smell proof. It takes a lot more time and effort with a PC grow, but in the end its still just as rewarding. Of course if you can grow in the large area then go for it, but if someone is growing in the PC case the reason is there to be stealth. Of everyone that was around, not one could ever tell that anything was suspicious about my PC Case.

Once you get all your issues kinked out it can be great for personal use.

Props for keeping you grow up with the PC Case. Keep up the good work.

new guy25

Well-Known Member
looks good if small plants are what your after but with that set of nutrients you could grow some killer bud and loads of it

Goog luck anyways


Active Member
Cool, all the ones I've seen were rinky dink setups but if you can light/smell proof them it makes sense lol. Good luck man I'll watch this one...


I agree with joesalamon, once you get the kinks worked out of the of case its great. It was a pain in the ass at first, but now its great. If my situation would allow a larger grow I would be all over it! Who doesn't want buds the size of my arm!!?? My cases are totally stealth. I even got a buddy of mine to believe my extra pc case was backing up my computer. I tried to take some pics of my lst job but they didn't turn. Ill get more this weekend as I just tied the ladies down again today.



Active Member
Hey zezus,

Nice grow, man! I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out. I couldn't help but notice we're using the same PC case. Feel free to check out the link in my signature! I'll definitely be following along. Don't let those plants outgrow your case! ;)


What up aggreenvin! That is pretty cool we have the same case! yours is looking good man!

So here are a few pics from this morning. They ladies are exactly 4 weeks into flower today! They will get straight water tomorrow. I have been giving molasses with every feeding for the past month and they just got food on thursday.

So i ordered a $50.00 vaporizer i found that looks just like the vapor bros vape for $150.00 and the thing works great! It was on Those of you looking to vape without dropping a fortune should check it out!



What up, What up, WHAT UP RIU! Got some pics of my pretty little ladies. First pic is of my Thai Spice plant. Tomorrow will be 5 weeks into flower for all three. That thai spice is furthest along, as a few of her hairs are changing color!
I have upgraded my pc grow to a dual pc grow. This way I will have perpetual flowers, and I never run out of medicine. As we know, from earlier posts, I don't have the luxury of a grow room or outside grow. This cabinet will do the job for me though!. In the tin I have two Nirvana Bubblliscious and one white rusky germing. One Bubble is going into my small hydro setup. Can't wait. Enjoy RIU!



Yo Yo everybody! So here we are, and my ladies are 6 weeks into flowering yesterday. Since the last time we saw the ladies, I put them in a little bit bigger pots. I wasn't happy with the amount of growth I was seeing. They took to the transplant very well. The ladies are also showing all kinds of trichs everywhere.

Also for the life of me I cant get new seeds to sprout. Ive been through like 6 seeds in the past two weeks and nothing is happening. I guess I just need some patience! Heres some pics of the girls.

