Balls to the Wall grow, Riddleme Gets Serious


New Member
ight man thanks alot u think i shuld wait for more oppinions or are u pretty set on that
you could get other opinions if you desire...Myself, I of course would just do it... i actually did when I flipped 'em... 36 hours dark as I wanted lights on at night as well as a couple of other reasons...

Hope it helps....:peace:

Namaste' :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey u guys i askd riddle in a private message but i guess he not imma ask u guys...ok my lights are set to 6am to 6pm...hurricane igor hit us last night and im just gettin my power bac at 6pm...would i be alright to turn the light on for 7pm till 7am>? will anything bad happen?
no, the loss of power has already stressed them, this will help relieve that stress.


Active Member
RM3 with your experiences w/ CMH how much is the temperature change between using hps and cmh ? Im just trying to determine if I want a cooled hood or a regular one...


Well-Known Member
RM3 with your experiences w/ CMH how much is the temperature change between using hps and cmh ? Im just trying to determine if I want a cooled hood or a regular one...
riddle hasnt used HPS before, at least not recently that he has spoken of. look up danielsgb "A Medicinal Refrigerator". he went from HPS to CMH. has a few of both. and can probably give you a pretty good idea. i went from 104 watts of CFL to 100 watts of CMH and like 10-15 watts for the ballast, and my temps raised only a +/- 5 degrees. if you have more than 3-4 sq feet, you may be ok to go open face.


Active Member
I just switched a couple of weeks ago from a 400w hps to a 400 watt ccmh, yes its cooler but not by more than a couple of degrees in the cab in total I'd say, however, I can get closer to the plants with the cmh
as for a cooled hood, remember glass will cut out most of your UVB which helps with trich/resin production


Well-Known Member
he could put up a glass/plexi heat shield for while it is running. when he waters or tends to his plants with the lights on he could pull the heat shield out and let the plants bask in UV. that is whay i will start to do now that i know the heat shield blocks it.


Active Member
I will say, for those of you who are sensitive to UV, I guesss I am one, I was trying to install a fan yesterday and after a few minutes the skin on one of my arms started to pink up... I swear it was only 10 minutes max....


Active Member
well my arms were only like 6 inches under the lamp I should say, and like all light, it drops off inverse square...but caution should be taken.


Well-Known Member
I will say, for those of you who are sensitive to UV, I guesss I am one, I was trying to install a fan yesterday and after a few minutes the skin on one of my arms started to pink up... I swear it was only 10 minutes max....
I dont think it has anything to do with sensitivity. Others have reported skin damage when working under their CMH. These bulbs should be treated just like a UVB bulb, imo, and caution should be taken for all if working underneath them.


Active Member
well I gues if you took tha glass off a cooled hood, you could just use the hood as your opening to suck air up and out of the tent with, and prob achieve close to the same results as the hood with the glass in it?


TO ALL.....I was looking at Jacks Petunia feed ....wondering if I can use that during flower???? From what I have seen in some research, our plants use more N and K and way less P during flower. The Petunia feed is a 20-6-22 (3.2-1-3.4) which sounds just about perfect AND it has extra magnesium...(how many of you get a mag raising my hand) I think it sounds like a good test ...Since your in somewhat of aggreance with RME, that less phosphorus is better (since your using a 20-10-20) I would LOVE to hear your opinion...


Well-Known Member
i just switched to the dyna-gro foliage pro 9-3-6 myself, after looking at Jacks and Earth Juice and many more. i determined that because the dyna-gro line contains all macro and micro nutes. so the need to add micro nutes shouldnt be needed to get through a grow. i am going to use their Pro-Tekt as well, and i am going to try a whole grow with just these 2 products. i have some FF Tiger Bloom if they need something different, but dont plan to use it. thats my .02