The problem is ?


New Member
The problem is that every 1 wants to be right . as simple as that
From the begining of time each any every rasis has been at war with each other over rasis and colour thinking there way is always the RIGHT way

And its all becouse one rasis think its right and so does the other and both passionate about it its War

The same as the colour of a persons skin each rasis thinks there colour is the right way =WAR the best place u will see this now in civilized times is in U.S were they hav no choice but 2 mix and split into tribes like it would have been 1000bc

Politics is the exect same and has been here as long as the 2 above from the begining of time the main argument that cause wars is religion colour and rasis becouse every 1 wants to be right and it just builds up and build up untill it explodes into war and myhem

seems today in 2008 us humans fight over the same silly stuff and the war on are planet are started by crying old miserable but powerful men from every rasis
fck politics if i want that i,ll join the bingo club haha



New Member
The problem is that every 1 wants to be right . as simple as that
From the begining of time each any every rasis has been at war with each other over rasis and colour thinking there way is always the RIGHT way

And its all becouse one rasis think its right and so does the other and both passionate about it its War

The same as the colour of a persons skin each rasis thinks there colour is the right way =WAR the best place u will see this now in civilized times is in U.S were they hav no choice but 2 mix and split into tribes like it would have been 1000bc

Politics is the exect same and has been here as long as the 2 above from the begining of time the main argument that cause wars is religion colour and rasis becouse every 1 wants to be right and it just builds up and build up untill it explodes into war and myhem

seems today in 2008 us humans fight over the same silly stuff and the war on are planet are started by crying old miserable but powerful men from every rasis
fck politics if i want that i,ll join the bingo club haha

I agree, you shoud go to the Bingo area and leave politics to the real men~LOL~.


New Member
NOOOOOOO you see thats my point its all the crying men like u that start it and all the real men have 2 go to war

thanks for proving my point man medicine , mybe they should put the politics in that new womens section and use all can have a good complane about life haha


New Member
NOOOOOOO you see thats my point its all the crying men like u that start it and all the real men have 2 go to war

thanks for proving my point man medicinewoman
Pay attention in the polotics arena. I am against all war. You would know that if you had a brain and read more in polotics. I went to war, something I'm sure you'll opt out of. I had no choice as there was a thing called the Draft. I wonder can you count higher than your IQ, Which I'd guess to be around 20, fingers and toes add up.


New Member
Pay attention in the polotics arena. I am against all war. You would know that if you had a brain and read more in polotics. I went to war, something I'm sure you'll opt out of. I had no choice as there was a thing called the Draft. I wonder can you count higher than your IQ, Which I'd guess to be around 20, fingers and toes add up.

typical american asshole youse are the most spinless rase in the world and u medicin man your just a brit that that stayed around after the war haha thats how u have that stupid religion that crazy king made up :mrgreen:
u stuck up little bitches :hump:


New Member
typical american asshole youse are the most spinless rase in the world and u medicin man your just a brit that that stayed around after the war haha thats how u have that stupid religion that crazy king made up :mrgreen:
u stuck up little bitches :hump:
Hey hippy fuck off, and Oh, have a nice day~LOL~.


New Member
+aye ok u have a nice day 2 go a take skunks cock up your ass like the lil crying bitch u are ,

u say u went 2 war ffs behave u lil virgin

A W 0 L

Active Member
war lies deeper than 'rasis' and 'colour'. i'm not saying war is the right way to solve anything, but if you think that's the only reason we go to war you're an idiot.


New Member
Nooo foool its becouse every 1 thinks there way is right and the others wrong vise virsa my be it rase colour religon greed money it sure willl be over 1 of them

who the fck r u any way lol


New Member
Nooo foool its becouse every 1 thinks there way is right and the others wrong vise virsa my be it rase colour religon greed money it sure willl be over 1 of them

who the fck r u any way lol
This is an example of what happens when you go off in the corner and play with your cock instead of going to school, you get a hippyvibe asshole.


New Member
And your what happens when ya go and fight some 1 elses war u end up living in a caravan depressed and miserable living in a pile of piss crying over every thing under the sun

yip have a nice day in your piss of piss med, u table junkie white trash piece of turd hahah

go and clean that grow room 2 dirty bich


Well-Known Member
ive seen a couple off your threads where you've been a total prick hippyvibes why don't you go fuck yourself and keep your shitty comments/opinions to yourself fuckin dick


Well-Known Member
typical american asshole youse are the most spinless rase in the world and u medicin man your just a brit that that stayed around after the war haha thats how u have that stupid religion that crazy king made up :mrgreen:
u stuck up little bitches :hump:
ur ass would be speaking german had it not be for us spinless quickly we forget huh?

Like most brits, ur breath smells and you need to brush ur teeth. :mrgreen: