Searching for Gold, Columbian Gold


Well-Known Member
Nice sugar coated leaves!!

Good hash making material!

I bought some bags and man are they worth it. The first round they paid for themselves.
But to be honest there is not enough money in the world to tear me away from my hash! lol

Lookin' good bro, keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
i dont think it would be the best of ideas to mess with the roots , it puts the plant into shock

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I'm late...

CG i at the top of my to do list and finding someone who actually smoked it back in the day i awesome. Hard for me to judge with out any prior knowledge. I grew out ome WOS CG but ended up with a a male and a lady to big for her own good. She collaped and I wasn't able to bring her back but i will get better. These were the hardest plants I've grown since their height and flowering time and fussines for nutes so good job on yours they look great.

I would be very interested in finding out how thi strain compares to what you remember from the past. Sorry if you've already answered this but who's the breeder? I currently have World of Seeds version and Reeferman's verion I want to compare and their is also another one I would like to pick up soon if I can that looks great. So anyways I'm subbed.


Active Member
Thanks for the comments, Pipe Dream, student and Dirtfree. Both strains are very easy to grow in aero-hydro so I am sure they would do great in any grow method/set-up. One can see the differece in the strain as well as the smell. Photo 002 is the Blue Widow, photo 005 is the Gold



Active Member
my mouth drools over thoughs trichromes lookin so dank plus rep +
Thanks student, they are producing trichomes like crazy now. I'm glad I switched to the 14/10 light schedule instead of sticking w/the 12/12 schedule. I have read in a few grow journals where CFL/HPS growers will even cut back to 16/08 light schedule, even less 18/06.

Not only does it enhance trichome production, but now the colas are starting to fatten up/fill-in very nicely. I am so impressed on how well Landrace Columbian Gold and Blue Widow can grow together. The 3 C.Gold and the single B.Widow are in just one grow-box, so they are fed w/same mix of fertilizer/nutrients and calmag+. Makes it simple for me.

1st Photo 013: trichome production/fattening on a Gold's cola
2nd Photo 019: trichome production on C.G. top/bud under the canopy
3rd Photo 009: Columbian Gold topping/bud-cola, 1 of 32-34 main toppings of the Gold.
4th Photo 007: Blue Widow topping/bud-cola, 1 of 12-16 toppings/colas of the Blue.
Day 83 of the grow, day 42 of flowering, about 3 weeks left and at this rate, it's like wow :hump: they are just doing awesome. Aero-hydro growing w/CFLs is awesome truly is



Active Member
Looks like you and I will be able to post up some serious harvest pics in 3 weeks!

Looking absolutely beautiful! Job well done my friend!


Active Member
Looks like you and I will be able to post up some serious harvest pics in 3 weeks!

Looking absolutely beautiful! Job well done my friend!
Thanks Potentrx7
Just at your grow journal, very fat buds swelling up. They look really great..You stated that your glas have a piney smell to it. I think all female plants have that distinct piney or sensi smell up to the last 2 weeks, then they release their own distinct ripening smell. I may be wrong, but I thought I read that somewhere.


Use some rain water bro. And what seed bank did you use???
And they look nice. I havent been able to find any Gold. Sure been wantin me some though.


Active Member
Use some rain water bro. And what seed bank did you use???
And they look nice. I havent been able to find any Gold. Sure been wantin me some though.
I got the Landrace Columbian Gold from World of Seeds ordering them threw single seed centre, got the Blue Widow as a freebee. I go thru 20 gallons of distilled water/week. I have collected rain water, but ended dumping it back onto the wife's plants outside. Going to buy a water distiller, it pays for itself in 30-40 days. Thanks for stopping by.

just peaked in and damn those buds are fatting up nice!
Thanks DarthD3vl, since I got the ppm meter this grow, started to boost my rez.-box when they dropped to 300-400ppms, really helped. 1st grow I add my fertilizer, micro nutes 1x/week, dump them, replenish w/distilled water, rinse the roots for 24 hours, then add a new batch of nutes..Now they gals get a boost in the middle of the week. They are producing trichomes like crazy, smell devine, fattening/swelling up very nicely.



Active Member
Man your girls are loving life! Those buds look outstanding! Your cola development is way better than mine... I had too much stretch in the beginning of flowering and the nodes spaced too far to get some fat tops like yours. Nice work! They are some of the best bud porn Ive seen.

What are your plans for your trim? You'll have quite a bit of sugar leaf from the look of it!


Active Member
Man your girls are loving life! Those buds look outstanding! Your cola development is way better than mine... I had too much stretch in the beginning of flowering and the nodes spaced too far to get some fat tops like yours. Nice work! They are some of the best bud porn Ive seen.

What are your plans for your trim? You'll have quite a bit of sugar leaf from the look of it!
Thanks Potentrx7, this past 5-6 days they have been really filling in w/alittle fattening up. It really helps to read PPMs, giving them a boost of nutes every 3 days helps alot.

The trim I plan to use for cannabutter to make hard candy. Also I want to try to make some hash, but w/bud only. Also I had just realized my flowering day count is off by 10 days. I forgot that day 1 is when the plant starts to show pistil hairs, this grow it took 10 days under the 12/12 light schedule to reach that point in the flowering stage.... So w/today being 12/27/2010 my flowering day count is 37 days instead of 47 days. With that said, I fear I may still have to anchor some of those colas if they get heavey down the road, like I'm complaining lol. Thansk for your comments my freind.

Outstanding job my friend.
Thank you Dropstone, did you have a good holiday?

thatss some sexy bud porn
Thanks student, waiting to see some color from the Blue Widow, she is a beautiful plant. The photos do not do her justice, however the Landrace Columbian Gold is pretty gal as well, but the trichomes on the Blue looks like frost. Hope you had a great holiday my freind.

Happy Holidays, Chiefs kicked ass this weekend, #1 in their Division going to the play-offs, with a great harvest down the road in a few more weeks, Happy Holidays indeed..:hump:

Photo #009, plant#2 Landrace Columbian Gold cola, #017 is plant#1 Landrace Columbian Gold, the dominet multi cola ladie, #021, 012 one of Blue Widow colas, #018 cola from the dom. Gold back against the wall. Photo #004, Blue Widow, #023 dom. Gold group photo, #002, Blue Widow cola structure



Active Member
Can't remember where I came across this, but found it in my notes in a PDF grow guide I am trying to put together..

Blue Widow
This F1 hybrid of Blueberry and White Widow has been created to give flavour, taste and colour. The intense sweet & sour taste of White Widow and the forest berry aroma of Blueberry, when mixed, create a blend of fruity sweets that smells like chewing gum. Due to its Blueberry heritage, in low outdoor temperatures this plant displays autumnal colours, turning from blue to purple and even reddish colours when the temperature drops even further. It also grows somewhat taller than pure White Widow, displaying larger internodal distance as well.
It has great upward growth and can double in size as it starts flowering making it a good choice for a SCROG.
Outdoors it can reach 3m tall which, along with good dry weight production, the precocity of the blue mother and the resin production and sedative power of the White Widow father, guarantees high production. It is a good producer of fat purple buds totally coated with trichomes, with a fruit chewing gum taste and a nice strength. It shows good mould resistance but particular care is recommended during the last two weeks of flowering, because the size of the buds increases significantly which can lead to the appearance of mould. It survives well when grown in a continental or Mediterranean climate, where it can develop all its aromatic potential.
Flowering period: 50-55 days
Harvest outdoors: Until 10th October
T.H.C: High (12%-16%)
C.B.D: Medium
Production: High
Height outdoors: Can reach 3m
Blend: Indica-Sativa, with Indica dominance
Genotype: Blueberry x White Widow
Mostly Indica
Origin: California
Breeder: NCGA
"BlueBerry (female from British Columbia) x White Widow (Aloha male)
APPEARANCE: Very short plant, up to 80cm with short to medium internodes, no central stalk but rather many stems forming a bush almost as wide as tall. Fat indica dark green leaves turn more slender when flowering. Very consistent. Height, nodes and density are all very uniform.
Buds: Budding is slow at first, then it explodes with orange hairs forming thick, rock solid clusters covered in abundant shiny glands, all possessing an unmistakable blue hue to the tops. Good side branching will form dense solid buds with much resin everywhere, in between small thick leaves.
Taste/smell: Smelling like a strong house cleaner that tingles the nose, it is extremely tasty, with a sweet hashyberry flavor that explodes in the lungs.
High: Very strong, nice up, clear high, exhilarating, floaty, very visual buzz. It is more powerfull, and has a much better high than either BlueBerry or White Widow, but is not very heavy.
Yield: It is high, being an easy to grow plant. Budding is slow at first, but then explodes with thick solid clusters with orange hairs and a very high calyx to leaf ratio. The AK-47 is a good yielding plant inoors but the Blue Widow will out yield it - NCGA

My Blue Widow has done everything it has stated so far. Still have a few weeks left to my wrong flowering day count, she is going to produce some awesome bud, can't wait, truly, plus the Landrace C.G., I'm coming in the New Year smiling like a cat that just took-out a rat....
Photos of the Blue Widow



Active Member
New flowering count of 39 days, the Gold is really showing some nice color. Added an additional 4 CFLs, 55watters, 2700k, 3860 lumen into the mix. It puts me over 1200+watts and 89,000 lumen my last count. It should help w/fattening/ripening in the next 18-20 days.


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Haha I knew those pics were familiar. I just now realized the 2 threads I subbed to on two different sites are both you. I really regged over there to the same pics :)


Active Member
Haha I knew those pics were familiar. I just now realized the 2 threads I subbed to on two different sites are both you. I really regged over there to the same pics :)
I,m on several sites in fact. Yeah I remember, you informed me of the Landrace C.Gold strain, that WoS just calls it LCG, but not the true strain. Not surprise to hear that, if it turns out to be great bud tho, it's still a win-win situation 4me. I'll keep searching 4it, I'll find it or Harley down to S.A. to get it myself.
However the Blue Widow I'm growing has had my undivided attention since I read the specifications on the strain be4 I popped her only seed...

some more photos, you can see the BW colas are starting to fill-in, lots and lots of trichomes, smell devine....coloring so nice each day. Thanks for the stop by, Happy New Year

