sick plants, PLEASE HELP


so i have a some what of a prblem..
my plants are 18days old since transplant froim baby clones and just the other day started wilting a little bit, but thought nothing of it cause i had just watered them so i figured maybe i gave them just a little to much but hey it is what it is, anywho so i went to slepp and woke up next morning to find that the outake fan ducting had come undone, hense why its taped to the tits on the 8"inline fan and walked in to find the room at 93degrees and low humidity, the thing is i go in after and see the temp sky high and the plants were just wilted like crazy, never had this happen before so i dont know what to expect, its been a day and some change and heres some pics of whats going on here
the leaves are dark green and stems are like a purple ,red and kind of thin feeling, so my first guess is N overdose or defficency, along with phospherus problem, and the big fans up top are all thick and somewhat wrionkled, but not dry or crispy just lifeless...
ughhhh i hate when things are running so smothly and the BAM kick to the face and shit hits the fan



Active Member
what type of nutes are you useing? and if you used any cloning nutes?to help the clone through.more info plz


Active Member

looks like the nutes are right...i'd say by looking at the soil you need a heavy watering with clear water...and get those temps and RH levels up...they look to low...take one plant, dunk in a bucket of water right over the stem...I'll bet it bubbles...if it does, they need water...


hahaha no no, ill show off the room when there 5 weeks in flower LOL...
but im using three part Gh nutes, auzzie tonic, carbo load, and cal-matg, but i have only fed them the nutes a couple times, i really like feeding them more towards the flower,
as for the temp and RH, its almost constantly at 75-80 and RH ranges from 30 to 55, at night when lights off temps are about 70 and 55 to 60 RH

and im pretty sure its nmot because there thirsty, cause i just watered them a day ago so there pretty moist in the soil, just DROPPY as hell, getting frustrated everytime i go down there they look more and more droopy
im almost ready to toss into flower, id say another week, but i dont want to send sick planbts into flower if yah catch my drift


Well-Known Member
I would say let the soil dry out a bit..... (did you panick and water them right after you saw the temp went way up?).

then water w/ just straight water for the next week or so.

the leaves on most look very deep green (plenty of nutes)

other than that they look great


yeah im going to let the soil dry out just a little bit more like a day till my pots are nice and light again and just leach them with purified water and spot on ph, see if they look a little better after that, if not im stumped, it is what it is i suppose, i just hate looking at a room full of weepy plants "poor girls" hahaha
im pretty sure they have a major overdose of N so im going to try and cut back some of the nutes with high N in them, sighhhhh
there all really good strains "almost all bubba kush, few purples"" so i really hope they start looking better
like my ventilation is spot, "6"inline in 8"out so im pulling a perfect seal in tyhe room, co2 is going in thursday, which brings me to next question anyone had any luck using those co2 tanks with the emitter systems on them?? ive been pndewring with them and the co2 buirner, i just dont like all the excess heat from burner and the little things that can go wrong and purchasing a propane tank isnt cheap either so i was thinkng bottled co2? any ither ideas for a room this size?


I would say let the soil dry out a bit..... (did you panick and water them right after you saw the temp went way up?).

then water w/ just straight water for the next week or so.

the leaves on most look very deep green (plenty of nutes)

other than that they look great
pretty sure i watered them before the major heat wave, and the heat was only cranked like that for 5hours at most, but it doesnt take much to aggitate them things, as all must know
and yes i agree they have alot of nutes in there, maybe a little to much so its time to leach the soil, when i go to flush the soils should i run the water through them till it leaks ot the bottom at a fairly steady rate or what? i have never had to do it before


Active Member
shmagpee, I like to dunk mine underwater.

What I do is get two 5-gallon buckets, one empty one 3/4 full of clean, clear water. (I put a rack(oven rack will work, grill rack,etc.) over the empty bucket to set the pot on to drain.)

Slowly submerge a pot into the water all the way down till water is about 1/2 inches over the soil. It should bubble and gurgle. When it stops bubbling, place it on the rack to drain...once drained, move on to the next plant.


shmagpee, I like to dunk mine underwater.

What I do is get two 5-gallon buckets, one empty one 3/4 full of clean, clear water. (I put a rack(oven rack will work, grill rack,etc.) over the empty bucket to set the pot on to drain.)

Slowly submerge a pot into the water all the way down till water is about 1/2 inches over the soil. It should bubble and gurgle. When it stops bubbling, place it on the rack to drain...once drained, move on to the next plant.
WOW really?? wouldnt that just sog out the soil and make them secerly waterlogged? i have never heard of that before ,but if you back it up its worth a shot right? they look a HELL o alot better today now that i let the soil dry a bit mor, but the pots are niceand light now, so i was just going to run purfied water througfh them till 20% of the water i out in runs out th bottom?!?! this is what i been told and read


so does anyone know anything about bottled co2? would a 35pnd bottle keep my room full ofd enriched co2? i just like the idea cause 1. NO HEAT
2. I DONT LIKE THE IDEA OF PROPANE BUNING IN THERE 3. those damn co2 burner setups are a handfull and a half for the basics looking at 1200 bucks just to get setup opposed to 500 for a bottled setup


Active Member
WOW really?? wouldnt that just sog out the soil and make them secerly waterlogged?
No more than pouring 3 gallons of water through a 1 gallon pot...(Its less messier too. I don't use the run-off)

You'll be adding fresh new nutes in the near future, so no worries. You always want to refresh air and nutes often.Sometimes, i'll mix some nutes in the water if I feel they need it. Yes, the pot will be heavy, but with proper drainage and temps between 70-80, they'll dry right out in no time...I use this practice while they are in 1 gallon pots, when they go into 5- gallon buckets, i'll pour water in instead of dunking them.

Try it to one plant.

Edit: 20% run-off? Evryones different...I got 3x the size pot- 5gal pot-15 gal water.


No more than pouring 3 gallons of water through a 1 gallon pot...(Its less messier too. I don't use the run-off)

You'll be adding fresh new nutes in the near future, so no worries. You always want to refresh air and nutes often.Sometimes, i'll mix some nutes in the water if I feel they need it. Yes, the pot will be heavy, but with proper drainage and temps between 70-80, they'll dry right out in no time...I use this practice while they are in 1 gallon pots, when they go into 5- gallon buckets, i'll pour water in instead of dunking them.

Try it to one plant.
yah ill try it to one ofthem and see how it goes, so slowly dunk them unbder water untill the water is 1inch above the soil linbe and take out an let drain then back on the shelf?


Well-Known Member
Looks like heat stress combined with overnitrification. I would back off your nutrient strength maybe use plain water next time to help flush excess salts from the soil.


Active Member may want to hold the soil in the pot, i've had want to pop out once in a while. Hold it underwater about an inch over the soil. It should bubble. Place it on the rack once the bubbling stops.


Member may want to hold the soil in the pot, i've had want to pop out once in a while. Hold it underwater about an inch over the soil. It should bubble. Place it on the rack once the bubbling stops.
should i do it when lighst go off? or does it matter? what time do you do it at?


Active Member
doesn't matter...easier with lights on.

I dont use co2...temps don't get high enough...I ust exchange the air in the room constantly.