Makes sense to me


New Member
Can you imagine? A brilliant black woman as president who loves NFL football ... and who can play Brahms on the piano at concert level?

Go Condi ... 2012!



Well-Known Member
ya she aint the happiest looking gal around (looks like she needs a good dickin down if you you ask me:mrgreen:)

my mind wanders:

has condi ever masterbated thinking about george bush?......

has george bush ever....?

man life is fucked up u guys ever picture like famous people on the toilet?

let us smokebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Can you imagine? A brilliant black woman as president who loves NFL football ... and who can play Brahms on the piano at concert level?

Go Condi ... 2012!

You forget to mention that she reads Tolstoy in Russian. Is a terrific translator. Was provost of Stanford University. And a few other things.

What i do not understand is why many black people call her filthy names?


New Member
You forget to mention that she reads Tolstoy in Russian. Is a terrific translator. Was provost of Stanford University. And a few other things.

What i do not understand is why many black people call her filthy names?[/quote]

Only LIBERAL Blacks call her names. As I recall, one ultra-libbie wag called her the White House Kitchen Nigger. Quite racist these liberals. :blsmoke:



New Member
that woman should bow her head in shame, if she had any conscience left, for what role she has played in flushing this country down the shitter.


Well-Known Member
ya she aint the happiest looking gal around (looks like she needs a good dickin down if you you ask me:mrgreen:)

my mind wanders:

has condi ever masterbated thinking about george bush?......

has george bush ever....?

man life is fucked up u guys ever picture like famous people on the toilet?

let us smokebongsmilie

did you know they collect the president bodily waste when he's in foreign countries? they don't want people getting a hold of it in fear they will determine his health. :-|


New Member
that woman should bow her head in shame, if she had any conscience left, for what role she has played in flushing this country down the shitter.
Exactly. Being George Bush's lackey doesn't naturally afford her a place on the wisdom pole. If she was so wise, why didn't she advise Dubya that Iraq was going to be a disaster? Hell, I can play chopsticks on the piano and that doesn't make me presidential material, although, I think I could do a better Job than the Bush regime.


New Member

Everyone "against" Condi is Lib, makes perfect sense. An intelligent, black, woman, and ya'll despise her. What a bunch of do nothing losers.

JP, CLC, MM.................


Well-Known Member
Yeah, she is very intelligent, and is knowledgeable in many different areas,.. She would make a fine VP other than the fact she is already brainwashed like all of Bush's cabinet!


New Member
Yeah, she is very intelligent, and is knowledgeable in many different areas,.. She would make a fine VP other than the fact she is already brainwashed like all of Bush's cabinet!
Speaking of brainwashed, you got Bush Derangement Syndrome, a syndrome that affects many liberals in the prime of their lives. Sad, really.........