My First RDWC Grow with 1000w from Seed


Active Member
sorry to hear your having some bad luck. just hang in there and everything will work itself out. /crossesfingers. I have a few rules and #1 is don't tell anybody... Sounds hard but if my fiance' didn't live with me, she wouldn't even know. And don't give keys out unless you have to like feed my dog while i go bang a hooker or something :) Lol hope that cheered you up!


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear your having some bad luck. just hang in there and everything will work itself out. /crossesfingers. I have a few rules and #1 is don't tell anybody... Sounds hard but if my fiance' didn't live with me, she wouldn't even know. And don't give keys out unless you have to like feed my dog while i go bang a hooker or something :) Lol hope that cheered you up!
Yea I'm with ya there. My cousin was growing one plant a few months back and he told everybody he knew. So needless to say I didn't tell him or anyone that I have a grow going.


Well-Known Member
I know I never tell no body but this person wich is family .the problem is that he stayed up for over a week doing robotripping,aterol and lsd and he went manic broke into my house thinking that he was going to od on it that's why we had to call the law and ems he's at the hospital and sounds better if he didn't tell the pigs the other day when he was out of his mind don't think hell tell now. Think ill be ok to finish the grow....hope!


Well-Known Member
As long as he didn't mention the plants or anything like that then I would think that you would be okay. As long as they don't have to come back out. That would suck! You will finish this grow and have some fire smoke. Positive thinking Mel!


Well-Known Member
I just downloaded and watched Land of the Lost because of this thread. I have to say thank you very much because that shit was funny as hell


Well-Known Member
hey happy 4/20 winding mine down but wondering what causes claw leafs if you guys have ever ran into that? I got some going on and need help...think they need a good flush? or due to the temp changing cause i moved my tent about a week ago?


Well-Known Member
Gave them a good trim in between the buds last night now ther's enough light to grow as big as they can.

mrmaddu check out the pics of the small plant does yours look like that? noticed it two days ago and did nothing to stop it until today I just dont feel the same about her.

Temps 75f
Rez 69-72f
RH high as a bitch 60-70% but not really worried about it
PH between 5.5-6.0 dont even check it anymore just twice a week
PPMs were 2100 now 1500-1600

counted 30 big tops and about 5 small today. They are smelling fucking strong and it looks like it is snowing in there with all that frost.

the weight of the plant pushed the net thru the lid

small plant screaming please no more nutes!!!! Im going by what the big one tells me, if she takes it dont care much about shorty but droped it from 2000 to 1600 just to give it another chance yep! i got no love for that one.
2011-04-21_18-33-46_491.jpg2011-04-21_18-35-12_342.jpg2011-04-21_18-32-37_810 - Copy.jpg

4 out of 5 clones have developed roots in around 10 days with plain well water the 5th one is alive but with no visible roots.


Well-Known Member
damn mel your a heartless sob lol
the big girl looks killer, man thats a blue ribbon plant for sure...
big colas and still so long to go.
great gardening my friend!!!!
arent those flowering clones cool? mine have finally reverted back to veg and doing great.
expect some weard leaf growth till veg is re established.


Well-Known Member
damn mel your a heartless sob lol
the big girl looks killer, man thats a blue ribbon plant for sure...
big colas and still so long to go.
great gardening my friend!!!!
arent those flowering clones cool? mine have finally reverted back to veg and doing great.
expect some weard leaf growth till veg is re established.
They are cool and weird you know because the little tiny buds and hairs lol! Cant wait to see that weird growth though. It amazes me how much stress this "weed" can handle. I love trying new things and applying them to the grow, if it works good and if doesnt that's cool too because I'm a hands on learner.