1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
word is im working from home today, done me washing up, hoovered and mopped the floor, tended the garden, smoked a few bowls. got to do a bit of actual work this after then check on the yins see if theres any more need potting on.

yeah man it is a sweet piece, FDD is improving fast. i just ordered a new bho tube too 40gram capacity!

hope your good bro!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I am!

Working at home myself today lol. Quite a bit of trimming on the menu :) Mostly Calizhar, man those are the chunkiest bud I have ever grown! I haven't smoked a lot of it, it lacks that powerhouse punch that I look for but with it crossed with the Casey.... Oh and taking down the P10 and BR today too, I think their seeds will be fine. Had to give the br 10 weeks only to let the seeds mature, I'm sure every tric is ambered out lol.

Later buddy

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
amber is a great colour eh, beer is amber, cider is amber, bho, trichs... i'm sure there's more.

cali casey eh :shock: should be nothing but dank all the way man. wish i had something ready to trim :( my cc x l are still about a week or so off i think. they were supposed to be 9 weeks last weekend but looking at them and knowing i was out on the grape ape im guessing they have about a week or more... i need a real diary for this stuff.

have a good one fella!

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah i got a load of flavoured skins today lol. Peanut butter, cotton candy, marshmellow, blueberry skunk and strawberry skunk. gonna take some testing out lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Went round to see my mates new grow last night. He's cut down his old tent to fit into a walk in cupboard. Doing 3 each livers n psycho. under 1 600 for now second one going in after this crop going to be some monsters from out of this.:bigjoint:




Well-Known Member
So you sticking with the autopots then geez? Whats the sort of damage on them, and can you go away and leave them for a few days? lol (like a week)

All is looking tickety boo indeed.


cheers las man, im a bit weary of putting a pump in there. i flood the place more than enough as is, whilst siphoning the nutes off this morning i answered the phone and the bottle overflowed bouta couple of litres all over the fuckin carpet...deffo thinking about the clay balls idea, ive got a bag from a while back i never used, ill give that a whirl next run through. ive got 4 more auto pots coming the morrow so im going to pot the 2 ive just flipped up and get them cracked on for 6 weeks. they'll be the testers tho i hope i've got the issues sorted now with the filter mesh in place. when i checked this morning every pot had water in its base so hop ive got it licked now. i'm sick as fuck of siphoning nuted water into bins.

alright fella! aye i've got it chocked up on a small table at the moment about 18 inch off the deck n so far so good... famous last words or what...

hear what your saying about the pebbles, ill do that with the 2 n see how it goes. i don't think the 4 way splitter is the issue the line seems to be clear, i think the brown sediment is canna A, i've got shot of the build up now tho and its heavier than the mix so it sank thankfully. i'm hoping i can get things in shape so i don't have to need someone to come in when i'm away on me hols...

right. update time. I've seen plants at 9 weeks that are as fat as these are at 5. autopots are worth the bit hassle i've had for sure.

canna A build up :(
bouncing back
3 cc x L

And lastly the prize for the 600 comp! fuckin chuffed this thing is a beauty! gonna break it in this evening.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
So you sticking with the autopots then geez? Whats the sort of damage on them, and can you go away and leave them for a few days? lol (like a week)
All is looking tickety boo indeed.
weeeell in theory yeah you can leave them for a while, i haven't actually timed exactly how long but i will be over the last 4 weeks, tricky bit is the bigger they get the more they drink so its hard to gage. ive got another 4 pots coming tomoz, ill be doing a full run then shutting down to move house before winter hits again. get some lowi behind me, ive been thinking about another tent same size as my old one for headstash/breeding. i figure im not going to get away with percy as is so hung for a sheep as a lamb eh. not that i have any intention of getting my collar felt ;)

a 4 pot single setup with res, lines & valves etc worked out at about 89 bar mate.( they normally come 2 stuck together which is shite for spreading out in a scrog )


Well-Known Member
i saw a liver's a plant today that was in an aero farm with coco. That stem was thicker than my wrist, and it had filled his whole tent and was branching into the tent next next to it haha. tied everywhere in wee 7. Its not going to crop what would fill a full tent as in bud weight ( he wouldnt listen about keeping it under control) but it still looks ok, although does'nt smell much ????

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
What's going on man! Just got back from Lowe's with a dehumidifier and a lawn mower. Have a Lowe's credit card ; ) The dehumidifier is much needed in the budroom and the damn lawn looks like a drug dealer lives here haha. Got to keep up appearances Jorge once said.

Having an after lunch bongo before I go mow, sounds like a sacrifice to the cause coming up over there lol. Have a good un!