2011 New England Adventures


Active Member
i then further ammended this by some recipe i got from the web...the dirt then sat the entire new england winter (indoors) while bieng mixed up at least weekly.


Well-Known Member
i hear you. im having the same prob last week i went to me my partner at his house he was home threw him a text hes like i gotta go to the market with my girl. fel behind even more. i wish i could find a good partner.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
partner troubles seem to always happen. thats why i like to go at it solo. ive never been big on relying on other people, and buisness and friends dont really mix.


Active Member
partner troubles seem to always happen. thats why i like to go at it solo. ive never been big on relying on other people, and buisness and friends dont really mix.
shits all good...this cats my roomie. he is trustworthy and hard working..but sometimes he holes up like a rodent when his ol lady is around. really thats the only issue...i dont think he has yet to realize the work thats ahead...and im not talking harvest and trimming either.


Active Member
should i check my water supplies ph?...there is plenty of life...plants, frogs, fish, etc etc...because of the aquatic life im assuming that the water will be fine to use?


Active Member
how bad is the edge of a swamp for growing........?????????????? im goin to plant if its not too bad.............. i want to plant there cause of the moist soil and its closer for me to get to...................idk some one give me an idea.................................pleaz


Active Member
its not a swamp..there is a wetland...which produces the stream...which dumps into the river..we decided against the stream because of some kind of sheen floating on the top of it..its been real dry here for the last 10-15 days so we decided to bucket bomb from the head works. groth is huge in the last couple days. post up more pics later..the ones i took today were shit.


Active Member
Swampy areas are good - use buckets - google swamp grow. But we are blessed with rain here in NE so as long as you get your plants in by mid-may you are good. Yes, mid may, we are not talking tomatoes here, cannabis is tough. Dig deep, they will root and do well.

I don t grow more than 3 plants in 1 site. I use deer netting, I dont use much of it, just to protect from rabbits and other rodents, as long as you plant away from deer paths they will not bother. They will not eat buds they taste like shit to them. Also slugs and snails will not bother too much a strong, fast growing 2 month old plant. Botrytis - bud rot is my worst enemy, not much you can do.

I start with 3 month old clones, this year fast flowering Nirvana mix - AK48, Kush, Aurora, and my all time fave Bubblelicious. I use whatever soil I have, mostly composted horse shit, mixed with 10/10/10 slow release pellets, peat moss, lime - all from the local hardware store. No fancy schmansy coco peat or expensive organix, I spent like $40 on soil. I move soil and gravel in the winter on the snow. soil is not the most important, cannabis grows in anything, sun and fert is. Once I have checked on my plants a couple weeks after planting and they are doing well, I dont come back till august to add flowering ferts. I only had one rippoff and thats because I was stupid about the location.

I used to grow inside, but high costs and gilt about my carbon footprint made me look at ways to grow outside. this year i will grow 15 plants. I keep the top buds the rest I make Kief - pure trichomes, I dont compress.

This will last me the year hopefully, I dont sell, I use marijuana for my anxiety and arthritis, plus it make my life happier. So fuck the government, the police, the religious right, neo conservatives and all those other hypocrits paid for by corporations.

Peace to the rest.


Active Member
looking good!

how big were the scratch marks of the digging? smaller than a dog? or were they more noselike?
yes...i am assuming beaver, or some other varmin..we have them all in our local..from bear prints to actual sighting of white tail deer along with there shit..during the initial scout we came accross a baby porcupine..effing thing just sat there...anyhow im sure it was the marine cusine attracting them..im just hoping they will leave shit well enough alone when they realize there is nothing to be had.


Active Member
I ve had the same happen, something dig around the soil, even had one plant pulled - I thought it was a human till I saw the digging. Answer: when digging hole, put native soil aside, place on top after you have filled your hole. Netting around the base helps too.


Active Member
You could grass seeds around the plant, helps retain moisture and camouflage better. Nice healthy plants though!