Holy Fuck ME Batman!!!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I was going out the back door to refill some hummingbird feeders when I noticed a huge Black Widow on the wall next to the door. I grabbed the Die-You-Fucking-Spider spray and doused the little murderous bitch. She dropped to the floor so I did the natural thing and stepped on it.


They were on her abdomen and I didn't even see them. I spent the next 8 hours spraying and taking apart shit and spraying some more and coughing my ass off and then spraying even more.

I think I have cancer now.

I know I missed one or two and they are lurking and biding their time for revenge. I'm not going to be able to sleep for a week.


Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine just told me he walked into his green house and something flew into the green house and he slapped at it with both hands. He got it. It was a hummingbird. Poor thing.


Well-Known Member
Oh my 0_o

Spiders are the one thing I can't handle. Give me snakes, bats, lizards, toads, rats, beetles, works and snails any day but I I am terrified of spiders of any size.

I'm so sorry you had to deal with that, Carne! Sounded traumatic, but made for a really funny post though *giggle*


Well-Known Member
I have had some awful spider nightmares where I though they were all over me. I have never been so psychologically distressed in my entire life, I woke up screaming and crying my eyes out.

I've had some pretty frightening things happen to me, horse rearing over my head, fights, car accidents, but I'd rather a flashback of those over the spider nightmare. I cannot express to you how goddamn fucking terrified I am of them.


Active Member
My grandfather lived at the base of the Superstition Mountians in the AZ desert, whenever he left he said "dont lock the doors if you leave cuz the spare key is in one of those coat pockets hanging outside and a family of black widows lives in them."
I said Why dont you kill them?
He said no... I like to watch them and we dont kill things here!
After that, I was very careful to check every shoe i put on and wouldnt stick my hands in anything until i looked first!


Well-Known Member
dude one time i was grabbing my mail from the mail box and there was a big ass black widow in there.I was lucky im tall and i could see into the dam thing.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I was going out the back door to refill some hummingbird feeders when I noticed a huge Black Widow on the wall next to the door. I grabbed the Die-You-Fucking-Spider spray and doused the little murderous bitch. She dropped to the floor so I did the natural thing and stepped on it.


They were on her abdomen and I didn't even see them. I spent the next 8 hours spraying and taking apart shit and spraying some more and coughing my ass off and then spraying even more.

I think I have cancer now.

I know I missed one or two and they are lurking and biding their time for revenge. I'm not going to be able to sleep for a week.
Why the FUCK would you FUCK with a female Black Widow!?!?! They are sure to have children! Boil some scalding hot water and spray it with THAT. Or just dump the whole thing on it. I have Sulfuric acid. :D You could kill it in style. ;)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine just told me he walked into his green house and something flew into the green house and he slapped at it with both hands. He got it. It was a hummingbird. Poor thing.
Aww.. poor little thing. :(

My grandfather lived at the base of the Superstition Mountians in the AZ desert, whenever he left he said "dont lock the doors if you leave cuz the spare key is in one of those coat pockets hanging outside and a family of black widows lives in them."
I said Why dont you kill them?
He said no... I like to watch them and we dont kill things here!
After that, I was very careful to check every shoe i put on and wouldnt stick my hands in anything until i looked first!
That's they way mom and dad are. Mom will not allow us to kill any spiders in the house because they are the descendents of Spider Grandmother (long story). Dad will grab his hat and escort wasps and hornets out the door. He refuses to kill them. I, on the other hand, draw the line at creatures that can put me in the hospital with one bite.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Why the FUCK would you FUCK with a female Black Widow!?!?! They are sure to have children! Boil some scalding hot water and spray it with THAT. Or just dump the whole thing on it. I have Sulfuric acid. :D You could kill it in style. ;)
We've never had one in the house before. It was an act/react kind of situation. Never again.