why don't people have fur?


Well-Known Member
as the most advanced species on this planet, why do we need to rely on an outside source to help regulate our body temperatures?

just wondering. :?

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
We dont, we are warm blooded, we.self regulate temperature. Cold blooded animals rely on outside temperatures for heating and cooling.

As to why we dont have fur, well evolutionarily speaking it was linked with higher intelligence, having less hair, which simply progressed to having little body hair. However why did it happen to begin with, well african primates had to lose hair in order to not overheat while walking and running upright for long distances, and thus the link between intelligence and less hair began


Well-Known Member
We dont, we are warm blooded, we.self regulate temperature. Cold blooded animals rely on outside temperatures for heating and cooling.

As to why we dont have fur, well evolutionarily speaking it was linked with higher intelligence, having less hair, which simply progressed to having little body hair. However why did it happen to begin with, well african primates had to lose hair in order to not overheat while walking and running upright for long distances, and thus the link between intelligence and less hair began
you need a jacket when you go out into the cold or you will freeze. your warm blood will not protect you.

so why aren't zebras bald? they run fast.
elephants are bald, and they don't run much at all.



Well-Known Member
as the most advanced species on this planet, why do we need to rely on an outside source to help regulate our body temperatures?

just wondering. :?
It's from being to smart evolutionally- possibly due to alien genetic modifications to monkeys, either way we have been using fire and heat so long were losing our fur from not needing it and maybe it being a more favorable characteristic not to have fur, so were getting less hairy because dudes don't like to do hairy chicks and we don't need it to survive because we mastered fire and H.V.A.C.
I want a jacket made out of seals and chinchilla


Well-Known Member
wouldn't it make more sense for us to be fully covered in fur, and then just shave want we don't need?

fur can actually help keep you cool.

i mean, we did invent razors. ;)


Well-Known Member
you need a jacket when you go out into the cold or you will freeze. your warm blood will not protect you.

so why aren't zebras bald? they run fast.
elephants are bald, and they don't run much at all.

Not excatly there is people that have complete control of their thermoregulation by controlling their hypothalamus. Through mediation and zen.
Watched a movie in one of my bio clasess a little while back about a guy that can be submerged into waters in alaska for hours and not catch hypothermia.
Or even better not experience any frost bite.
Or people that run the Water Zebra which is a 130 miles run across death valley with 135-155 degree temperatures. With out blacking out from your brain frying due to overheating.


Well-Known Member
i think the reason we lost our hair was due to a couple factors



Well-Known Member
i think the reason we lost our hair was due to a couple factors

how is losing our hair "evolving"?

what kind of burden is fur?

like i said we are smart enough to invent razors. wouldn't it be more logical to put the protective coating on us first?

based on the climate of the planet, you have a better chance of freezing to death then overheating.

i don't see how losing our hair is evolving the species. :?

DNA causes hair loss? now i'm really confused. :? :?


Well-Known Member
I am sure among the dozens of species of ape-human like man from neandertal(sp) to all hominids & on..some were covered in fur/hair. :}
I could be wrong but I am sure over time, evolution would work things out, such as if humans were covered w/ fur.. & still used animal hides & furs for clothing, that would not be so great in the long run hygine wise. Having a body covered in fur/hair invites pests,mites,bacteria of all sorts to live on us with ease. But I guess it really depends on the enviroment & time we are talking about, obviously man was smart enough to make clothing & tools so full body of hair was not needed. The apes are obviously not smart enough to work that out so they do better off fully-furred :) but you see how they make grooming a family hobby.. >.<
wouldn't it make more sense for us to be fully covered in fur, and then just shave want we don't need?

fur can actually help keep you cool.

i mean, we did invent razors. ;)


Well-Known Member
you ever worn jeans for a while (like almost every day for several years), youll start to notice less leg hair and slower growth on the back of your calf. clothing/evolution
several people due to genetics, minimal hair growth mom/dad, would yield a minimal hair growth child most likely. as it progresses the gene that causes hair growth is lost, if the hairless/hairless traits are still bred. evolution


Well-Known Member
Decades/centuries of covering your body with animal furs & hides will do the job.
you ever worn jeans for a while (like almost every day for several years), youll start to nice less leg hair and slower growth on the back of your calf. clothing/evolution
several people due to genetics, minimal hair growth mom/dad, would yield a minimal hair growth child most likely. as it progresses the gene that causes hair growth is lost, if the hairless/hairless traits are still bred. evolution